--[[ fuzzydir / by sibwaf / https://github.com/sibwaf/mpv-scripts Allows using "**" wildcards in sub-file-paths and audio-file-paths so you don't have to specify all the possible directory names. Basically, allows you to do this and never have the need to edit any paths ever again: audio-file-paths = ** sub-file-paths = ** MIT license - do whatever you want, but I'm not responsible for any possible problems. Please keep the URL to the original repository. Thanks! ]] --[[ Configuration: # enabled Determines whether the script is enabled or not # max_search_depth Determines the max depth of recursive search, should be >= 1 Examples for "sub-file-paths = **": "max_search_depth = 1" => mpv will be able to find [xyz.ass, subs/xyz.ass] "max_search_depth = 2" => mpv will be able to find [xyz.ass, subs/xyz.ass, subs/moresubs/xyz.ass] Please be careful when setting this value too high as it can result in awful performance or even stack overflow # discovery_threshold fuzzydir will skip paths which contain more than discovery_threshold directories in them This is done to keep at least some garbage from getting into *-file-paths properties in case of big collections: - dir1 <- will be ignored on opening video.mp4 as it's probably unrelated to the file - ... - dir999 <- will be ignored - video.mp4 Use 0 to disable this behavior completely # use_powershell fuzzydir will use PowerShell to traverse directories when it's available Can be faster in some cases, but can also be significantly slower ]] local msg = require 'mp.msg' local utils = require 'mp.utils' local options = require 'mp.options' o = { enabled = true, max_search_depth = 3, discovery_threshold = 10, use_powershell = false, } options.read_options(o, _, function() end) ---------- local default_audio_paths = mp.get_property_native("options/audio-file-paths") local default_sub_paths = mp.get_property_native("options/sub-file-paths") function foreach(list, action) for _, item in pairs(list) do action(item) end end function starts_with(str, prefix) return string.sub(str, 1, string.len(prefix)) == prefix end function ends_with(str, suffix) return suffix == "" or string.sub(str, -string.len(suffix)) == suffix end function add_all(to, from) for index, element in pairs(from) do table.insert(to, element) end end function contains(t, e) for index, element in pairs(t) do if element == e then return true end end return false end function normalize(path) if path == "." then return "" end if starts_with(path, "./") or starts_with(path, ".\\") then path = string.sub(path, 3, -1) end if ends_with(path, "/") or ends_with(path, "\\") then path = string.sub(path, 1, -2) end return path end function call_command(command) local command_string = "" for _, part in pairs(command) do command_string = command_string .. part .. " " end msg.trace("Calling external command:", command_string) local process = mp.command_native({ name = "subprocess", playback_only = false, capture_stdout = true, capture_stderr = true, args = command, }) if process.status ~= 0 then msg.verbose("External command failed with status " .. process.status .. ": " .. command_string) if process.stderr ~= "" then msg.debug(process.stderr) end return nil end local result = {} for line in string.gmatch(process.stdout, "([^\r\n]+)") do table.insert(result, line) end return result end -- Platform-dependent optimization local powershell_version = nil if o.use_powershell then powershell_version = call_command({ "powershell", "-NoProfile", "-Command", "$Host.Version.Major", }) end if powershell_version ~= nil then powershell_version = tonumber(powershell_version[1]) end if powershell_version == nil then powershell_version = -1 end msg.debug("PowerShell version", powershell_version) function fast_readdir(path) if powershell_version >= 3 then msg.trace("Scanning", path, "with PowerShell") result = call_command({ "powershell", "-NoProfile", "-Command", [[ $dirs = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath ]] .. string.format("%q", path) .. [[ -Directory foreach($dir in $dirs) { $u8clip = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($dir.Name) [Console]::OpenStandardOutput().Write($u8clip, 0, $u8clip.Length) Write-Host "" } ]], }) msg.trace("Finished scanning", path, "with PowerShell") return result end msg.trace("Scanning", path, "with default readdir") result = utils.readdir(path, "dirs") msg.trace("Finished scanning", path, "with default readdir") return result end -- Platform-dependent optimization end function traverse(search_path, current_path, level, cache) local full_path = utils.join_path(search_path, current_path) if level > o.max_search_depth then msg.trace("Traversed too deep, skipping scan for", full_path) return {} end if cache[full_path] ~= nil then msg.trace("Returning from cache for", full_path) return cache[full_path] end local result = {} local discovered_paths = fast_readdir(full_path) if discovered_paths == nil then -- noop msg.debug("Unable to scan " .. full_path .. ", skipping") elseif o.discovery_threshold > 0 and #discovered_paths > o.discovery_threshold then -- noop msg.debug("Too many directories in " .. full_path .. ", skipping") else for _, discovered_path in pairs(discovered_paths) do local new_path = utils.join_path(current_path, discovered_path) table.insert(result, new_path) add_all(result, traverse(search_path, new_path, level + 1, cache)) end end cache[full_path] = result return result end function explode(raw_paths, search_path, cache) local result = {} for _, raw_path in pairs(raw_paths) do local parent, leftover = utils.split_path(raw_path) if leftover == "**" then msg.trace("Expanding wildcard for", raw_path) table.insert(result, parent) add_all(result, traverse(search_path, parent, 1, cache)) else msg.trace("Path", raw_path, "doesn't have a wildcard, keeping as-is") table.insert(result, raw_path) end end local normalized = {} for index, path in pairs(result) do local normalized_path = normalize(path) if not contains(normalized, normalized_path) and normalized_path ~= "" then table.insert(normalized, normalized_path) end end return normalized end function explode_all() if not o.enabled then return end msg.debug("max_search_depth = ".. o.max_search_depth .. ", discovery_threshold = " .. o.discovery_threshold) local video_path = mp.get_property("path") local search_path, _ = utils.split_path(video_path) msg.debug("search_path = " .. search_path) local cache = {} foreach(default_audio_paths, function(it) msg.debug("audio-file-paths:", it) end) local audio_paths = explode(default_audio_paths, search_path, cache) foreach(audio_paths, function(it) msg.debug("Adding to audio-file-paths:", it) end) mp.set_property_native("options/audio-file-paths", audio_paths) msg.verbose("Done expanding audio-file-paths") foreach(default_sub_paths, function(it) msg.debug("sub-file-paths:", it) end) local sub_paths = explode(default_sub_paths, search_path, cache) foreach(sub_paths, function(it) msg.debug("Adding to sub-file-paths:", it) end) mp.set_property_native("options/sub-file-paths", sub_paths) msg.verbose("Done expanding sub-file-paths") msg.debug("Done expanding paths") end mp.add_hook("on_load", 50, explode_all)