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<member name="T:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager">
<para><see cref="T:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager"/> is a manager for <see cref="T:Godot.UndoRedo"/> objects associated with edited scenes. Each scene has its own undo history and <see cref="T:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager"/> ensures that each action performed in the editor gets associated with a proper scene. For actions not related to scenes (<see cref="T:Godot.ProjectSettings"/> edits, external resources, etc.), a separate global history is used.</para>
<para>The usage is mostly the same as <see cref="T:Godot.UndoRedo"/>. You create and commit actions and the manager automatically decides under-the-hood what scenes it belongs to. The scene is deduced based on the first operation in an action, using the object from the operation. The rules are as follows:</para>
<para>- If the object is a <see cref="T:Godot.Node"/>, use the currently edited scene;</para>
<para>- If the object is a built-in resource, use the scene from its path;</para>
<para>- If the object is external resource or anything else, use global history.</para>
<para>This guessing can sometimes yield false results, so you can provide a custom context object when creating an action.</para>
<para><see cref="T:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager"/> is intended to be used by Godot editor plugins. You can obtain it using <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.GetUndoRedo"/>. For non-editor uses or plugins that don't need to integrate with the editor's undo history, use <see cref="T:Godot.UndoRedo"/> instead.</para>
<para>The manager's API is mostly the same as in <see cref="T:Godot.UndoRedo"/>, so you can refer to its documentation for more examples. The main difference is that <see cref="T:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager"/> uses object + method name for actions, instead of <see cref="T:Godot.Callable"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.CreateAction(System.String,Godot.UndoRedo.MergeMode,Godot.GodotObject)">
<inheritdoc cref="M:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.CreateAction(System.String,Godot.UndoRedo.MergeMode,Godot.GodotObject,System.Boolean)"/>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.SpecialHistory.GlobalHistory">
<para>Global history not associated with any scene, but with external resources etc.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.SpecialHistory.RemoteHistory">
<para>History associated with remote inspector. Used when live editing a running project.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.SpecialHistory.InvalidHistory">
<para>Invalid "null" history. It's a special value, not associated with any object.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.CreateAction(System.String,Godot.UndoRedo.MergeMode,Godot.GodotObject,System.Boolean)">
<para>Create a new action. After this is called, do all your calls to <see cref="M:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.AddDoMethod(Godot.GodotObject,Godot.StringName,Godot.Variant[])"/>, <see cref="M:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.AddUndoMethod(Godot.GodotObject,Godot.StringName,Godot.Variant[])"/>, <see cref="M:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.AddDoProperty(Godot.GodotObject,Godot.StringName,Godot.Variant)"/>, and <see cref="M:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.AddUndoProperty(Godot.GodotObject,Godot.StringName,Godot.Variant)"/>, then commit the action with <see cref="M:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.CommitAction(System.Boolean)"/>.</para>
<para>The way actions are merged is dictated by the <paramref name="mergeMode"/> argument. See <see cref="T:Godot.UndoRedo.MergeMode"/> for details.</para>
<para>If <paramref name="customContext"/> object is provided, it will be used for deducing target history (instead of using the first operation).</para>
<para>The way undo operation are ordered in actions is dictated by <paramref name="backwardUndoOps"/>. When <paramref name="backwardUndoOps"/> is <see langword="false"/> undo option are ordered in the same order they were added. Which means the first operation to be added will be the first to be undone.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.CommitAction(System.Boolean)">
<para>Commits the action. If <paramref name="execute"/> is <see langword="true"/> (default), all "do" methods/properties are called/set when this function is called.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.IsCommittingAction">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/> if the <see cref="T:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager"/> is currently committing the action, i.e. running its "do" method or property change (see <see cref="M:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.CommitAction(System.Boolean)"/>).</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.ForceFixedHistory">
<para>Forces the next operation (e.g. <see cref="M:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.AddDoMethod(Godot.GodotObject,Godot.StringName,Godot.Variant[])"/>) to use the action's history rather than guessing it from the object. This is sometimes needed when a history can't be correctly determined, like for a nested resource that doesn't have a path yet.</para>
<para>This method should only be used when absolutely necessary, otherwise it might cause invalid history state. For most of complex cases, the <c>custom_context</c> parameter of <see cref="M:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.CreateAction(System.String,Godot.UndoRedo.MergeMode,Godot.GodotObject,System.Boolean)"/> is sufficient.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.AddDoMethod(Godot.GodotObject,Godot.StringName,Godot.Variant[])">
<para>Register a method that will be called when the action is committed (i.e. the "do" action).</para>
<para>If this is the first operation, the <paramref name="object"/> will be used to deduce target undo history.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.AddDoMethod(Godot.GodotObject,Godot.StringName,System.ReadOnlySpan{Godot.Variant})">
<para>Register a method that will be called when the action is committed (i.e. the "do" action).</para>
<para>If this is the first operation, the <paramref name="object"/> will be used to deduce target undo history.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.AddUndoMethod(Godot.GodotObject,Godot.StringName,Godot.Variant[])">
<para>Register a method that will be called when the action is undone (i.e. the "undo" action).</para>
<para>If this is the first operation, the <paramref name="object"/> will be used to deduce target undo history.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.AddUndoMethod(Godot.GodotObject,Godot.StringName,System.ReadOnlySpan{Godot.Variant})">
<para>Register a method that will be called when the action is undone (i.e. the "undo" action).</para>
<para>If this is the first operation, the <paramref name="object"/> will be used to deduce target undo history.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.AddDoProperty(Godot.GodotObject,Godot.StringName,Godot.Variant)">
<para>Register a property value change for "do".</para>
<para>If this is the first operation, the <paramref name="object"/> will be used to deduce target undo history.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.AddUndoProperty(Godot.GodotObject,Godot.StringName,Godot.Variant)">
<para>Register a property value change for "undo".</para>
<para>If this is the first operation, the <paramref name="object"/> will be used to deduce target undo history.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.AddDoReference(Godot.GodotObject)">
<para>Register a reference for "do" that will be erased if the "do" history is lost. This is useful mostly for new nodes created for the "do" call. Do not use for resources.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.AddUndoReference(Godot.GodotObject)">
<para>Register a reference for "undo" that will be erased if the "undo" history is lost. This is useful mostly for nodes removed with the "do" call (not the "undo" call!).</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.GetObjectHistoryId(Godot.GodotObject)">
<para>Returns the history ID deduced from the given <paramref name="object"/>. It can be used with <see cref="M:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.GetHistoryUndoRedo(System.Int32)"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.GetHistoryUndoRedo(System.Int32)">
<para>Returns the <see cref="T:Godot.UndoRedo"/> object associated with the given history <paramref name="id"/>.</para>
<para><paramref name="id"/> above <c>0</c> are mapped to the opened scene tabs (but it doesn't match their order). <paramref name="id"/> of <c>0</c> or lower have special meaning (see <see cref="T:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.SpecialHistory"/>).</para>
<para>Best used with <see cref="M:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.GetObjectHistoryId(Godot.GodotObject)"/>. This method is only provided in case you need some more advanced methods of <see cref="T:Godot.UndoRedo"/> (but keep in mind that directly operating on the <see cref="T:Godot.UndoRedo"/> object might affect editor's stability).</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.ClearHistory(System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
<para>Clears the given undo history. You can clear history for a specific scene, global history, or for all scenes at once if <paramref name="id"/> is <see cref="F:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.SpecialHistory.InvalidHistory"/>.</para>
<para>If <paramref name="increaseVersion"/> is <see langword="true"/>, the undo history version will be increased, marking it as unsaved. Useful for operations that modify the scene, but don't support undo.</para>
var scene_root = EditorInterface.get_edited_scene_root()
var undo_redo = EditorInterface.get_editor_undo_redo()
<para><b>Note:</b> If you want to mark an edited scene as unsaved without clearing its history, use <see cref="M:Godot.EditorInterface.MarkSceneAsUnsaved"/> instead.</para>
<member name="E:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.HistoryChanged">
<para>Emitted when the list of actions in any history has changed, either when an action is committed or a history is cleared.</para>
<member name="E:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.VersionChanged">
<para>Emitted when the version of any history has changed as a result of undo or redo call.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.MethodName.CreateAction">
Cached name for the 'create_action' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.MethodName.CommitAction">
Cached name for the 'commit_action' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.MethodName.IsCommittingAction">
Cached name for the 'is_committing_action' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.MethodName.ForceFixedHistory">
Cached name for the 'force_fixed_history' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.MethodName.AddDoMethod">
Cached name for the 'add_do_method' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.MethodName.AddUndoMethod">
Cached name for the 'add_undo_method' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.MethodName.AddDoProperty">
Cached name for the 'add_do_property' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.MethodName.AddUndoProperty">
Cached name for the 'add_undo_property' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.MethodName.AddDoReference">
Cached name for the 'add_do_reference' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.MethodName.AddUndoReference">
Cached name for the 'add_undo_reference' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.MethodName.GetObjectHistoryId">
Cached name for the 'get_object_history_id' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.MethodName.GetHistoryUndoRedo">
Cached name for the 'get_history_undo_redo' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.MethodName.ClearHistory">
Cached name for the 'clear_history' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.SignalName.HistoryChanged">
Cached name for the 'history_changed' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager.SignalName.VersionChanged">
Cached name for the 'version_changed' signal.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorCommandPalette">
<para>Object that holds all the available Commands and their shortcuts text. These Commands can be accessed through <b>Editor > Command Palette</b> menu.</para>
<para>Command key names use slash delimiters to distinguish sections, for example: <c>"example/command1"</c> then <c>example</c> will be the section name.</para>
EditorCommandPalette commandPalette = EditorInterface.Singleton.GetCommandPalette();
// ExternalCommand is a function that will be called with the command is executed.
Callable commandCallable = new Callable(this, MethodName.ExternalCommand);
commandPalette.AddCommand("command", "test/command", commandCallable)
<para><b>Note:</b> This class shouldn't be instantiated directly. Instead, access the singleton using <see cref="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetCommandPalette"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorCommandPalette.AddCommand(System.String,System.String,Godot.Callable,System.String)">
<para>Adds a custom command to EditorCommandPalette.</para>
<para>- <paramref name="commandName"/>: <see cref="T:System.String"/> (Name of the <b>Command</b>. This is displayed to the user.)</para>
<para>- <paramref name="keyName"/>: <see cref="T:System.String"/> (Name of the key for a particular <b>Command</b>. This is used to uniquely identify the <b>Command</b>.)</para>
<para>- <paramref name="bindedCallable"/>: <see cref="T:Godot.Callable"/> (Callable of the <b>Command</b>. This will be executed when the <b>Command</b> is selected.)</para>
<para>- <paramref name="shortcutText"/>: <see cref="T:System.String"/> (Shortcut text of the <b>Command</b> if available.)</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorCommandPalette.RemoveCommand(System.String)">
<para>Removes the custom command from EditorCommandPalette.</para>
<para>- <paramref name="keyName"/>: <see cref="T:System.String"/> (Name of the key for a particular <b>Command</b>.)</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorCommandPalette.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorCommandPalette.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorCommandPalette.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorCommandPalette.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorCommandPalette.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorCommandPalette.MethodName.AddCommand">
Cached name for the 'add_command' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorCommandPalette.MethodName.RemoveCommand">
Cached name for the 'remove_command' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorCommandPalette.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin">
<para><see cref="T:Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin"/> allows for the addition of custom options in the editor's context menu.</para>
<para>Currently, context menus are supported for three commonly used areas: the file system, scene tree, and editor script list panel.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin.ContextMenuSlot.SceneTree">
<para>Context menu of Scene dock. <see cref="M:Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin._PopupMenu(System.String[])"/> will be called with a list of paths to currently selected nodes, while option callback will receive the list of currently selected nodes.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin.ContextMenuSlot.Filesystem">
<para>Context menu of FileSystem dock. <see cref="M:Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin._PopupMenu(System.String[])"/> and option callback will be called with list of paths of the currently selected files.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin.ContextMenuSlot.FilesystemCreate">
<para>The "Create..." submenu of FileSystem dock's context menu. <see cref="M:Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin._PopupMenu(System.String[])"/> and option callback will be called with list of paths of the currently selected files.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin.ContextMenuSlot.ScriptEditor">
<para>Context menu of Scene dock. <see cref="M:Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin._PopupMenu(System.String[])"/> will be called with the path to the currently edited script, while option callback will receive reference to that script.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin._PopupMenu(System.String[])">
<para>Called when creating a context menu, custom options can be added by using the <see cref="M:Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin.AddContextMenuItem(System.String,Godot.Callable,Godot.Texture2D)"/> or <see cref="M:Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin.AddContextMenuItemFromShortcut(System.String,Godot.Shortcut,Godot.Texture2D)"/> functions. <paramref name="paths"/> contains currently selected paths (depending on menu), which can be used to conditionally add options.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin.AddMenuShortcut(Godot.Shortcut,Godot.Callable)">
<para>Registers a shortcut associated with the plugin's context menu. This method should be called once (e.g. in plugin's <see cref="M:Godot.GodotObject.#ctor"/>). <paramref name="callback"/> will be called when user presses the specified <paramref name="shortcut"/> while the menu's context is in effect (e.g. FileSystem dock is focused). Callback should take single <see cref="T:Godot.Collections.Array"/> argument; array contents depend on context menu slot.</para>
func _init():
add_menu_shortcut(SHORTCUT, handle)
<member name="M:Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin.AddContextMenuItem(System.String,Godot.Callable,Godot.Texture2D)">
<para>Add custom option to the context menu of the plugin's specified slot. When the option is activated, <paramref name="callback"/> will be called. Callback should take single <see cref="T:Godot.Collections.Array"/> argument; array contents depend on context menu slot.</para>
func _popup_menu(paths):
add_context_menu_item("File Custom options", handle, ICON)
<para>If you want to assign shortcut to the menu item, use <see cref="M:Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin.AddContextMenuItemFromShortcut(System.String,Godot.Shortcut,Godot.Texture2D)"/> instead.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin.AddContextMenuItemFromShortcut(System.String,Godot.Shortcut,Godot.Texture2D)">
<para>Add custom option to the context menu of the plugin's specified slot. The option will have the <paramref name="shortcut"/> assigned and reuse its callback. The shortcut has to be registered beforehand with <see cref="M:Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin.AddMenuShortcut(Godot.Shortcut,Godot.Callable)"/>.</para>
func _init():
add_menu_shortcut(SHORTCUT, handle)
func _popup_menu(paths):
add_context_menu_item_from_shortcut("File Custom options", SHORTCUT, ICON)
<member name="M:Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin.AddContextSubmenuItem(System.String,Godot.PopupMenu,Godot.Texture2D)">
<para>Add a submenu to the context menu of the plugin's specified slot. The submenu is not automatically handled, you need to connect to its signals yourself. Also the submenu is freed on every popup, so provide a new <see cref="T:Godot.PopupMenu"/> every time.</para>
func _popup_menu(paths):
var popup_menu = PopupMenu.new()
add_context_menu_item("Set Node Color", popup_menu)
<member name="M:Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin.MethodName._PopupMenu">
Cached name for the '_popup_menu' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin.MethodName.AddMenuShortcut">
Cached name for the 'add_menu_shortcut' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin.MethodName.AddContextMenuItem">
Cached name for the 'add_context_menu_item' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin.MethodName.AddContextMenuItemFromShortcut">
Cached name for the 'add_context_menu_item_from_shortcut' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin.MethodName.AddContextSubmenuItem">
Cached name for the 'add_context_submenu_item' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin">
<para><see cref="T:Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin"/> provides functions related to the editor side of the debugger.</para>
<para>To interact with the debugger, an instance of this class must be added to the editor via <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddDebuggerPlugin(Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin)"/>.</para>
<para>Once added, the <see cref="M:Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin._SetupSession(System.Int32)"/> callback will be called for every <see cref="T:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession"/> available to the plugin, and when new ones are created (the sessions may be inactive during this stage).</para>
<para>You can retrieve the available <see cref="T:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession"/>s via <see cref="M:Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin.GetSessions"/> or get a specific one via <see cref="M:Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin.GetSession(System.Int32)"/>.</para>
<para>To connect on the running game side, use the <see cref="T:Godot.EngineDebugger"/> singleton:</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> While the game is running, <c>@GlobalScope.print</c> and similar functions <i>called in the editor</i> do not print anything, the Output Log prints only game messages.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin._BreakpointSetInTree(Godot.Script,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
<para>Override this method to be notified when a breakpoint is set in the editor.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin._BreakpointsClearedInTree">
<para>Override this method to be notified when all breakpoints are cleared in the editor.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin._Capture(System.String,Godot.Collections.Array,System.Int32)">
<para>Override this method to process incoming messages. The <paramref name="sessionId"/> is the ID of the <see cref="T:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession"/> that received the <paramref name="message"/>. Use <see cref="M:Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin.GetSession(System.Int32)"/> to retrieve the session. This method should return <see langword="true"/> if the message is recognized.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin._GotoScriptLine(Godot.Script,System.Int32)">
<para>Override this method to be notified when a breakpoint line has been clicked in the debugger breakpoint panel.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin._HasCapture(System.String)">
<para>Override this method to enable receiving messages from the debugger. If <paramref name="capture"/> is "my_message" then messages starting with "my_message:" will be passes to the <see cref="M:Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin._Capture(System.String,Godot.Collections.Array,System.Int32)"/> method.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin._SetupSession(System.Int32)">
<para>Override this method to be notified whenever a new <see cref="T:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession"/> is created. Note that the session may be inactive during this stage.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin.GetSession(System.Int32)">
<para>Returns the <see cref="T:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession"/> with the given <paramref name="id"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin.GetSessions">
<para>Returns an array of <see cref="T:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession"/> currently available to this debugger plugin.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> Sessions in the array may be inactive, check their state via <see cref="M:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.IsActive"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin.MethodName._BreakpointSetInTree">
Cached name for the '_breakpoint_set_in_tree' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin.MethodName._BreakpointsClearedInTree">
Cached name for the '_breakpoints_cleared_in_tree' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin.MethodName._Capture">
Cached name for the '_capture' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin.MethodName._GotoScriptLine">
Cached name for the '_goto_script_line' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin.MethodName._HasCapture">
Cached name for the '_has_capture' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin.MethodName._SetupSession">
Cached name for the '_setup_session' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin.MethodName.GetSession">
Cached name for the 'get_session' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin.MethodName.GetSessions">
Cached name for the 'get_sessions' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession">
<para>This class cannot be directly instantiated and must be retrieved via a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin"/>.</para>
<para>You can add tabs to the session UI via <see cref="M:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.AddSessionTab(Godot.Control)"/>, send messages via <see cref="M:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.SendMessage(System.String,Godot.Collections.Array)"/>, and toggle <see cref="T:Godot.EngineProfiler"/>s via <see cref="M:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.ToggleProfiler(System.String,System.Boolean,Godot.Collections.Array)"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.SendMessage(System.String,Godot.Collections.Array)">
<para>Sends the given <paramref name="message"/> to the attached remote instance, optionally passing additionally <paramref name="data"/>. See <see cref="T:Godot.EngineDebugger"/> for how to retrieve those messages.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.ToggleProfiler(System.String,System.Boolean,Godot.Collections.Array)">
<para>Toggle the given <paramref name="profiler"/> on the attached remote instance, optionally passing additionally <paramref name="data"/>. See <see cref="T:Godot.EngineProfiler"/> for more details.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.IsBreaked">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/> if the attached remote instance is currently in the debug loop.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.IsDebuggable">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/> if the attached remote instance can be debugged.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.IsActive">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/> if the debug session is currently attached to a remote instance.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.AddSessionTab(Godot.Control)">
<para>Adds the given <paramref name="control"/> to the debug session UI in the debugger bottom panel. The <paramref name="control"/>'s node name will be used as the tab title.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.RemoveSessionTab(Godot.Control)">
<para>Removes the given <paramref name="control"/> from the debug session UI in the debugger bottom panel.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.SetBreakpoint(System.String,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
<para>Enables or disables a specific breakpoint based on <paramref name="enabled"/>, updating the Editor Breakpoint Panel accordingly.</para>
<member name="E:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.Started">
<para>Emitted when a remote instance is attached to this session (i.e. the session becomes active).</para>
<member name="E:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.Stopped">
<para>Emitted when a remote instance is detached from this session (i.e. the session becomes inactive).</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.BreakedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.Breaked"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.Breaked">
<para>Emitted when the attached remote instance enters a break state. If <c>canDebug</c> is <see langword="true"/>, the remote instance will enter the debug loop.</para>
<member name="E:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.Continued">
<para>Emitted when the attached remote instance exits a break state.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.MethodName.SendMessage">
Cached name for the 'send_message' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.MethodName.ToggleProfiler">
Cached name for the 'toggle_profiler' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.MethodName.IsBreaked">
Cached name for the 'is_breaked' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.MethodName.IsDebuggable">
Cached name for the 'is_debuggable' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.MethodName.IsActive">
Cached name for the 'is_active' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.MethodName.AddSessionTab">
Cached name for the 'add_session_tab' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.MethodName.RemoveSessionTab">
Cached name for the 'remove_session_tab' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.MethodName.SetBreakpoint">
Cached name for the 'set_breakpoint' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.SignalName.Started">
Cached name for the 'started' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.SignalName.Stopped">
Cached name for the 'stopped' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.SignalName.Breaked">
Cached name for the 'breaked' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorDebuggerSession.SignalName.Continued">
Cached name for the 'continued' signal.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatform">
<para>Base resource that provides the functionality of exporting a release build of a project to a platform, from the editor. Stores platform-specific metadata such as the name and supported features of the platform, and performs the exporting of projects, PCK files, and ZIP files. Uses an export template for the platform provided at the time of project exporting.</para>
<para>Used in scripting by <see cref="T:Godot.EditorExportPlugin"/> to configure platform-specific customization of scenes and resources. See <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._BeginCustomizeScenes(Godot.EditorExportPlatform,System.String[])"/> and <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._BeginCustomizeResources(Godot.EditorExportPlatform,System.String[])"/> for more details.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.ExportMessageType.None">
<para>Invalid message type used as the default value when no type is specified.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.ExportMessageType.Info">
<para>Message type for informational messages that have no effect on the export.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.ExportMessageType.Warning">
<para>Message type for warning messages that should be addressed but still allow to complete the export.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.ExportMessageType.Error">
<para>Message type for error messages that must be addressed and fail the export.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.DebugFlags.DumbClient">
<para>Flag is set if remotely debugged project is expected to use remote file system. If set, <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.GenExportFlags(Godot.EditorExportPlatform.DebugFlags)"/> will add <c>--remove-fs</c> and <c>--remote-fs-password</c> (if password is set in the editor settings) command line arguments to the list.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.DebugFlags.RemoteDebug">
<para>Flag is set if remote debug is enabled. If set, <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.GenExportFlags(Godot.EditorExportPlatform.DebugFlags)"/> will add <c>--remote-debug</c> and <c>--breakpoints</c> (if breakpoints are selected in the script editor or added by the plugin) command line arguments to the list.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.DebugFlags.RemoteDebugLocalhost">
<para>Flag is set if remotely debugged project is running on the localhost. If set, <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.GenExportFlags(Godot.EditorExportPlatform.DebugFlags)"/> will use <c>localhost</c> instead of <c>EditorSettings.network/debug/remote_host</c> as remote debugger host.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.DebugFlags.ViewCollisions">
<para>Flag is set if "Visible Collision Shapes" remote debug option is enabled. If set, <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.GenExportFlags(Godot.EditorExportPlatform.DebugFlags)"/> will add <c>--debug-collisions</c> command line arguments to the list.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.DebugFlags.ViewNavigation">
<para>Flag is set if Visible Navigation" remote debug option is enabled. If set, <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.GenExportFlags(Godot.EditorExportPlatform.DebugFlags)"/> will add <c>--debug-navigation</c> command line arguments to the list.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.GetOsName">
<para>Returns the name of the export operating system handled by this <see cref="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatform"/> class, as a friendly string. Possible return values are <c>Windows</c>, <c>Linux</c>, <c>macOS</c>, <c>Android</c>, <c>iOS</c>, and <c>Web</c>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.CreatePreset">
<para>Create a new preset for this platform.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.FindExportTemplate(System.String)">
<para>Locates export template for the platform, and returns <see cref="T:Godot.Collections.Dictionary"/> with the following keys: <c>path: String</c> and <c>error: String</c>. This method is provided for convenience and custom export platforms aren't required to use it or keep export templates stored in the same way official templates are.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.GetCurrentPresets">
<para>Returns array of <see cref="T:Godot.EditorExportPreset"/>s for this platform.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.SavePack(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Boolean,System.String,System.Boolean)">
<para>Saves PCK archive and returns <see cref="T:Godot.Collections.Dictionary"/> with the following keys: <c>result: Error</c>, <c>so_files: Array</c> (array of the shared/static objects which contains dictionaries with the following keys: <c>path: String</c>, <c>tags: PackedStringArray</c>, and <c>target_folder: String</c>).</para>
<para>If <paramref name="embed"/> is <see langword="true"/>, PCK content is appended to the end of <paramref name="path"/> file and return <see cref="T:Godot.Collections.Dictionary"/> additionally include following keys: <c>embedded_start: int</c> (embedded PCK offset) and <c>embedded_size: int</c> (embedded PCK size).</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.SaveZip(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Boolean,System.String)">
<para>Saves ZIP archive and returns <see cref="T:Godot.Collections.Dictionary"/> with the following keys: <c>result: Error</c>, <c>so_files: Array</c> (array of the shared/static objects which contains dictionaries with the following keys: <c>path: String</c>, <c>tags: PackedStringArray</c>, and <c>target_folder: String</c>).</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.SavePackPatch(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Boolean,System.String)">
<para>Saves patch PCK archive and returns <see cref="T:Godot.Collections.Dictionary"/> with the following keys: <c>result: Error</c>, <c>so_files: Array</c> (array of the shared/static objects which contains dictionaries with the following keys: <c>path: String</c>, <c>tags: PackedStringArray</c>, and <c>target_folder: String</c>).</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.SaveZipPatch(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Boolean,System.String)">
<para>Saves patch ZIP archive and returns <see cref="T:Godot.Collections.Dictionary"/> with the following keys: <c>result: Error</c>, <c>so_files: Array</c> (array of the shared/static objects which contains dictionaries with the following keys: <c>path: String</c>, <c>tags: PackedStringArray</c>, and <c>target_folder: String</c>).</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.GenExportFlags(Godot.EditorExportPlatform.DebugFlags)">
<para>Generates array of command line arguments for the default export templates for the debug flags and editor settings.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.ExportProjectFiles(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Boolean,Godot.Callable,Godot.Callable)">
<para>Exports project files for the specified preset. This method can be used to implement custom export format, other than PCK and ZIP. One of the callbacks is called for each exported file.</para>
<para><paramref name="saveCb"/> is called for all exported files and have the following arguments: <c>file_path: String</c>, <c>file_data: PackedByteArray</c>, <c>file_index: int</c>, <c>file_count: int</c>, <c>encryption_include_filters: PackedStringArray</c>, <c>encryption_exclude_filters: PackedStringArray</c>, <c>encryption_key: PackedByteArray</c>.</para>
<para><paramref name="sharedCb"/> is called for exported native shared/static libraries and have the following arguments: <c>file_path: String</c>, <c>tags: PackedStringArray</c>, <c>target_folder: String</c>.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> <c>file_index</c> and <c>file_count</c> are intended for progress tracking only and aren't necesserely unique and precise.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.ExportProject(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Boolean,System.String,Godot.EditorExportPlatform.DebugFlags)">
<para>Creates a full project at <paramref name="path"/> for the specified <paramref name="preset"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.ExportPack(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Boolean,System.String,Godot.EditorExportPlatform.DebugFlags)">
<para>Creates a PCK archive at <paramref name="path"/> for the specified <paramref name="preset"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.ExportZip(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Boolean,System.String,Godot.EditorExportPlatform.DebugFlags)">
<para>Create a ZIP archive at <paramref name="path"/> for the specified <paramref name="preset"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.ExportPackPatch(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Boolean,System.String,System.String[],Godot.EditorExportPlatform.DebugFlags)">
<para>Creates a patch PCK archive at <paramref name="path"/> for the specified <paramref name="preset"/>, containing only the files that have changed since the last patch.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> <paramref name="patches"/> is an optional override of the set of patches defined in the export preset. When empty the patches defined in the export preset will be used instead.</para>
<param name="patches">If the parameter is null, then the default value is <c>Array.Empty<string>()</c>.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.ExportPackPatch(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Boolean,System.String,System.ReadOnlySpan{System.String},Godot.EditorExportPlatform.DebugFlags)">
<para>Creates a patch PCK archive at <paramref name="path"/> for the specified <paramref name="preset"/>, containing only the files that have changed since the last patch.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> <paramref name="patches"/> is an optional override of the set of patches defined in the export preset. When empty the patches defined in the export preset will be used instead.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.ExportZipPatch(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Boolean,System.String,System.String[],Godot.EditorExportPlatform.DebugFlags)">
<para>Create a patch ZIP archive at <paramref name="path"/> for the specified <paramref name="preset"/>, containing only the files that have changed since the last patch.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> <paramref name="patches"/> is an optional override of the set of patches defined in the export preset. When empty the patches defined in the export preset will be used instead.</para>
<param name="patches">If the parameter is null, then the default value is <c>Array.Empty<string>()</c>.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.ExportZipPatch(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Boolean,System.String,System.ReadOnlySpan{System.String},Godot.EditorExportPlatform.DebugFlags)">
<para>Create a patch ZIP archive at <paramref name="path"/> for the specified <paramref name="preset"/>, containing only the files that have changed since the last patch.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> <paramref name="patches"/> is an optional override of the set of patches defined in the export preset. When empty the patches defined in the export preset will be used instead.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.ClearMessages">
<para>Clears the export log.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.AddMessage(Godot.EditorExportPlatform.ExportMessageType,System.String,System.String)">
<para>Adds a message to the export log that will be displayed when exporting ends.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.GetMessageCount">
<para>Returns number of messages in the export log.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.GetMessageType(System.Int32)">
<para>Returns message type, for the message with <paramref name="index"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.GetMessageCategory(System.Int32)">
<para>Returns message category, for the message with <paramref name="index"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.GetMessageText(System.Int32)">
<para>Returns message text, for the message with <paramref name="index"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.GetWorstMessageType">
<para>Returns most severe message type currently present in the export log.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.SshRunOnRemote(System.String,System.String,System.String[],System.String,Godot.Collections.Array,System.Int32)">
<para>Executes specified command on the remote host via SSH protocol and returns command output in the <paramref name="output"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.SshRunOnRemote(System.String,System.String,System.ReadOnlySpan{System.String},System.String,Godot.Collections.Array,System.Int32)">
<para>Executes specified command on the remote host via SSH protocol and returns command output in the <paramref name="output"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.SshRunOnRemoteNoWait(System.String,System.String,System.String[],System.String,System.Int32)">
<para>Executes specified command on the remote host via SSH protocol and returns process ID (on the remote host) without waiting for command to finish.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.SshRunOnRemoteNoWait(System.String,System.String,System.ReadOnlySpan{System.String},System.String,System.Int32)">
<para>Executes specified command on the remote host via SSH protocol and returns process ID (on the remote host) without waiting for command to finish.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.SshPushToRemote(System.String,System.String,System.String[],System.String,System.String)">
<para>Uploads specified file over SCP protocol to the remote host.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.SshPushToRemote(System.String,System.String,System.ReadOnlySpan{System.String},System.String,System.String)">
<para>Uploads specified file over SCP protocol to the remote host.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.GetForcedExportFiles">
<para>Returns array of core file names that always should be exported regardless of preset config.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.GetInternalExportFiles">
<para>Returns additional files that should always be exported regardless of preset configuration, and are not part of the project source. The returned <see cref="T:Godot.Collections.Dictionary"/> contains filename keys (<see cref="T:System.String"/>) and their corresponding raw data (<see cref="T:System.Byte"/>[]).</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.MethodName.GetOsName">
Cached name for the 'get_os_name' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.MethodName.CreatePreset">
Cached name for the 'create_preset' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.MethodName.FindExportTemplate">
Cached name for the 'find_export_template' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.MethodName.GetCurrentPresets">
Cached name for the 'get_current_presets' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.MethodName.SavePack">
Cached name for the 'save_pack' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.MethodName.SaveZip">
Cached name for the 'save_zip' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.MethodName.SavePackPatch">
Cached name for the 'save_pack_patch' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.MethodName.SaveZipPatch">
Cached name for the 'save_zip_patch' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.MethodName.GenExportFlags">
Cached name for the 'gen_export_flags' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.MethodName.ExportProjectFiles">
Cached name for the 'export_project_files' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.MethodName.ExportProject">
Cached name for the 'export_project' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.MethodName.ExportPack">
Cached name for the 'export_pack' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.MethodName.ExportZip">
Cached name for the 'export_zip' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.MethodName.ExportPackPatch">
Cached name for the 'export_pack_patch' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.MethodName.ExportZipPatch">
Cached name for the 'export_zip_patch' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.MethodName.ClearMessages">
Cached name for the 'clear_messages' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.MethodName.AddMessage">
Cached name for the 'add_message' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.MethodName.GetMessageCount">
Cached name for the 'get_message_count' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.MethodName.GetMessageType">
Cached name for the 'get_message_type' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.MethodName.GetMessageCategory">
Cached name for the 'get_message_category' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.MethodName.GetMessageText">
Cached name for the 'get_message_text' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.MethodName.GetWorstMessageType">
Cached name for the 'get_worst_message_type' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.MethodName.SshRunOnRemote">
Cached name for the 'ssh_run_on_remote' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.MethodName.SshRunOnRemoteNoWait">
Cached name for the 'ssh_run_on_remote_no_wait' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.MethodName.SshPushToRemote">
Cached name for the 'ssh_push_to_remote' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.MethodName.GetForcedExportFiles">
Cached name for the 'get_forced_export_files' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.MethodName.GetInternalExportFiles">
Cached name for the 'get_internal_export_files' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformAndroid.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformAndroid.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformAndroid.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatformAndroid.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatformAndroid.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatformAndroid.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension">
<para>External <see cref="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatform"/> implementations should inherit from this class.</para>
<para>To use <see cref="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatform"/>, register it using the <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddExportPlatform(Godot.EditorExportPlatform)"/> method first.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._CanExport(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Boolean)">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/>, if specified <paramref name="preset"/> is valid and can be exported. Use <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.SetConfigError(System.String)"/> and <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.SetConfigMissingTemplates(System.Boolean)"/> to set error details.</para>
<para>Usual implementation can call <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._HasValidExportConfiguration(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Boolean)"/> and <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._HasValidProjectConfiguration(Godot.EditorExportPreset)"/> to determine if export is possible.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._Cleanup">
<para>Called by the editor before platform is unregistered.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._ExportPack(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Boolean,System.String,Godot.EditorExportPlatform.DebugFlags)">
<para>Creates a PCK archive at <paramref name="path"/> for the specified <paramref name="preset"/>.</para>
<para>This method is called when "Export PCK/ZIP" button is pressed in the export dialog, with "Export as Patch" disabled, and PCK is selected as a file type.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._ExportPackPatch(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Boolean,System.String,System.String[],Godot.EditorExportPlatform.DebugFlags)">
<para>Creates a patch PCK archive at <paramref name="path"/> for the specified <paramref name="preset"/>, containing only the files that have changed since the last patch.</para>
<para>This method is called when "Export PCK/ZIP" button is pressed in the export dialog, with "Export as Patch" enabled, and PCK is selected as a file type.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> The patches provided in <paramref name="patches"/> have already been loaded when this method is called and are merely provided as context. When empty the patches defined in the export preset have been loaded instead.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._ExportProject(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Boolean,System.String,Godot.EditorExportPlatform.DebugFlags)">
<para>Creates a full project at <paramref name="path"/> for the specified <paramref name="preset"/>.</para>
<para>This method is called when "Export" button is pressed in the export dialog.</para>
<para>This method implementation can call <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.SavePack(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Boolean,System.String,System.Boolean)"/> or <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.SaveZip(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Boolean,System.String)"/> to use default PCK/ZIP export process, or calls <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatform.ExportProjectFiles(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Boolean,Godot.Callable,Godot.Callable)"/> and implement custom callback for processing each exported file.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._ExportZip(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Boolean,System.String,Godot.EditorExportPlatform.DebugFlags)">
<para>Create a ZIP archive at <paramref name="path"/> for the specified <paramref name="preset"/>.</para>
<para>This method is called when "Export PCK/ZIP" button is pressed in the export dialog, with "Export as Patch" disabled, and ZIP is selected as a file type.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._ExportZipPatch(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Boolean,System.String,System.String[],Godot.EditorExportPlatform.DebugFlags)">
<para>Create a ZIP archive at <paramref name="path"/> for the specified <paramref name="preset"/>, containing only the files that have changed since the last patch.</para>
<para>This method is called when "Export PCK/ZIP" button is pressed in the export dialog, with "Export as Patch" enabled, and ZIP is selected as a file type.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> The patches provided in <paramref name="patches"/> have already been loaded when this method is called and are merely provided as context. When empty the patches defined in the export preset have been loaded instead.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._GetBinaryExtensions(Godot.EditorExportPreset)">
<para>Returns array of supported binary extensions for the full project export.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._GetDebugProtocol">
<para>Returns protocol used for remote debugging. Default implementation return <c>tcp://</c>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._GetDeviceArchitecture(System.Int32)">
<para>Returns device architecture for one-click deploy.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._GetExportOptionVisibility(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.String)">
<para>Validates <paramref name="option"/> and returns visibility for the specified <paramref name="preset"/>. Default implementation return <see langword="true"/> for all options.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._GetExportOptionWarning(Godot.EditorExportPreset,Godot.StringName)">
<para>Validates <paramref name="option"/> and returns warning message for the specified <paramref name="preset"/>. Default implementation return empty string for all options.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._GetExportOptions">
<para>Returns a property list, as an <see cref="T:Godot.Collections.Array"/> of dictionaries. Each <see cref="T:Godot.Collections.Dictionary"/> must at least contain the <c>name: StringName</c> and <c>type: Variant.Type</c> entries.</para>
<para>Additionally, the following keys are supported:</para>
<para>- <c>hint: PropertyHint</c></para>
<para>- <c>hint_string: String</c></para>
<para>- <c>usage: PropertyUsageFlags</c></para>
<para>- <c>class_name: StringName</c></para>
<para>- <c>default_value: Variant</c>, default value of the property.</para>
<para>- <c>update_visibility: bool</c>, if set to <see langword="true"/>, <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._GetExportOptionVisibility(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.String)"/> is called for each property when this property is changed.</para>
<para>- <c>required: bool</c>, if set to <see langword="true"/>, this property warnings are critical, and should be resolved to make export possible. This value is a hint for the <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._HasValidExportConfiguration(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Boolean)"/> implementation, and not used by the engine directly.</para>
<para>See also <see cref="M:Godot.GodotObject._GetPropertyList"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._GetLogo">
<para>Returns platform logo displayed in the export dialog, logo should be 32x32 adjusted to the current editor scale, see <see cref="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetEditorScale"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._GetName">
<para>Returns export platform name.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._GetOptionIcon(System.Int32)">
<para>Returns one-click deploy menu item icon for the specified <paramref name="device"/>, icon should be 16x16 adjusted to the current editor scale, see <see cref="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetEditorScale"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._GetOptionLabel(System.Int32)">
<para>Returns one-click deploy menu item label for the specified <paramref name="device"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._GetOptionTooltip(System.Int32)">
<para>Returns one-click deploy menu item tooltip for the specified <paramref name="device"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._GetOptionsCount">
<para>Returns number one-click deploy devices (or other one-click option displayed in the menu).</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._GetOptionsTooltip">
<para>Returns tooltip of the one-click deploy menu button.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._GetOsName">
<para>Returns target OS name.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._GetPlatformFeatures">
<para>Returns array of platform specific features.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._GetPresetFeatures(Godot.EditorExportPreset)">
<para>Returns array of platform specific features for the specified <paramref name="preset"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._GetRunIcon">
<para>Returns icon of the one-click deploy menu button, icon should be 16x16 adjusted to the current editor scale, see <see cref="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetEditorScale"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._HasValidExportConfiguration(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Boolean)">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/> if export configuration is valid.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._HasValidProjectConfiguration(Godot.EditorExportPreset)">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/> if project configuration is valid.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._IsExecutable(System.String)">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/> if specified file is a valid executable (native executable or script) for the target platform.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._PollExport">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/> if one-click deploy options are changed and editor interface should be updated.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._Run(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Int32,Godot.EditorExportPlatform.DebugFlags)">
<para>This method is called when <paramref name="device"/> one-click deploy menu option is selected.</para>
<para>Implementation should export project to a temporary location, upload and run it on the specific <paramref name="device"/>, or perform another action associated with the menu item.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._ShouldUpdateExportOptions">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/> if export options list is changed and presets should be updated.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.SetConfigError(System.String)">
<para>Sets current configuration error message text. This method should be called only from the <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._CanExport(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Boolean)"/>, <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._HasValidExportConfiguration(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Boolean)"/>, or <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._HasValidProjectConfiguration(Godot.EditorExportPreset)"/> implementations.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.GetConfigError">
<para>Returns current configuration error message text. This method should be called only from the <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._CanExport(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Boolean)"/>, <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._HasValidExportConfiguration(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Boolean)"/>, or <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._HasValidProjectConfiguration(Godot.EditorExportPreset)"/> implementations.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.SetConfigMissingTemplates(System.Boolean)">
<para>Set to <see langword="true"/> is export templates are missing from the current configuration. This method should be called only from the <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._CanExport(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Boolean)"/>, <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._HasValidExportConfiguration(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Boolean)"/>, or <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._HasValidProjectConfiguration(Godot.EditorExportPreset)"/> implementations.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.GetConfigMissingTemplates">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/> is export templates are missing from the current configuration. This method should be called only from the <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._CanExport(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Boolean)"/>, <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._HasValidExportConfiguration(Godot.EditorExportPreset,System.Boolean)"/>, or <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension._HasValidProjectConfiguration(Godot.EditorExportPreset)"/> implementations.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName._CanExport">
Cached name for the '_can_export' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName._Cleanup">
Cached name for the '_cleanup' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName._ExportPack">
Cached name for the '_export_pack' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName._ExportPackPatch">
Cached name for the '_export_pack_patch' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName._ExportProject">
Cached name for the '_export_project' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName._ExportZip">
Cached name for the '_export_zip' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName._ExportZipPatch">
Cached name for the '_export_zip_patch' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName._GetBinaryExtensions">
Cached name for the '_get_binary_extensions' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName._GetDebugProtocol">
Cached name for the '_get_debug_protocol' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName._GetDeviceArchitecture">
Cached name for the '_get_device_architecture' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName._GetExportOptionVisibility">
Cached name for the '_get_export_option_visibility' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName._GetExportOptionWarning">
Cached name for the '_get_export_option_warning' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName._GetExportOptions">
Cached name for the '_get_export_options' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName._GetLogo">
Cached name for the '_get_logo' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName._GetName">
Cached name for the '_get_name' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName._GetOptionIcon">
Cached name for the '_get_option_icon' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName._GetOptionLabel">
Cached name for the '_get_option_label' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName._GetOptionTooltip">
Cached name for the '_get_option_tooltip' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName._GetOptionsCount">
Cached name for the '_get_options_count' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName._GetOptionsTooltip">
Cached name for the '_get_options_tooltip' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName._GetOsName">
Cached name for the '_get_os_name' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName._GetPlatformFeatures">
Cached name for the '_get_platform_features' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName._GetPresetFeatures">
Cached name for the '_get_preset_features' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName._GetRunIcon">
Cached name for the '_get_run_icon' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName._HasValidExportConfiguration">
Cached name for the '_has_valid_export_configuration' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName._HasValidProjectConfiguration">
Cached name for the '_has_valid_project_configuration' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName._IsExecutable">
Cached name for the '_is_executable' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName._PollExport">
Cached name for the '_poll_export' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName._Run">
Cached name for the '_run' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName._ShouldUpdateExportOptions">
Cached name for the '_should_update_export_options' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName.SetConfigError">
Cached name for the 'set_config_error' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName.GetConfigError">
Cached name for the 'get_config_error' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName.SetConfigMissingTemplates">
Cached name for the 'set_config_missing_templates' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.MethodName.GetConfigMissingTemplates">
Cached name for the 'get_config_missing_templates' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatformExtension.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformIos.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformIos.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformIos.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatformIos.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatformIos.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatformIos.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformLinuxBsd.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformLinuxBsd.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformLinuxBsd.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatformLinuxBsd.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatformLinuxBsd.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatformLinuxBsd.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformMacOS.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformMacOS.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformMacOS.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatformMacOS.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatformMacOS.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatformMacOS.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatformPC">
<para>The base class for the desktop platform exporters. These include Windows and Linux/BSD, but not macOS. See the classes inheriting this one for more details.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformPC.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformPC.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformPC.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatformPC.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatformPC.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatformPC.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatformWeb">
<para>The Web exporter customizes how a web build is handled. In the editor's "Export" window, it is created when adding a new "Web" preset.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> Godot on Web is rendered inside a <c><canvas></c> tag. Normally, the canvas cannot be positioned or resized manually, but otherwise acts as the main <see cref="T:Godot.Window"/> of the application.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformWeb.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformWeb.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformWeb.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatformWeb.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatformWeb.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatformWeb.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatformWindows">
<para>The Windows exporter customizes how a Windows build is handled. In the editor's "Export" window, it is created when adding a new "Windows" preset.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformWindows.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformWindows.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlatformWindows.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatformWindows.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatformWindows.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatformWindows.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlugin">
<para><see cref="T:Godot.EditorExportPlugin"/>s are automatically invoked whenever the user exports the project. Their most common use is to determine what files are being included in the exported project. For each plugin, <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._ExportBegin(System.String[],System.Boolean,System.String,System.UInt32)"/> is called at the beginning of the export process and then <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._ExportFile(System.String,System.String,System.String[])"/> is called for each exported file.</para>
<para>To use <see cref="T:Godot.EditorExportPlugin"/>, register it using the <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddExportPlugin(Godot.EditorExportPlugin)"/> method first.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._BeginCustomizeResources(Godot.EditorExportPlatform,System.String[])">
<para>Return <see langword="true"/> if this plugin will customize resources based on the platform and features used.</para>
<para>When enabled, <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._GetCustomizationConfigurationHash"/> and <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._CustomizeResource(Godot.Resource,System.String)"/> will be called and must be implemented.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._BeginCustomizeScenes(Godot.EditorExportPlatform,System.String[])">
<para>Return <see langword="true"/> if this plugin will customize scenes based on the platform and features used.</para>
<para>When enabled, <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._GetCustomizationConfigurationHash"/> and <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._CustomizeScene(Godot.Node,System.String)"/> will be called and must be implemented.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._CustomizeScene(Godot.Node,System.String)"/> will only be called for scenes that have been modified since the last export.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._CustomizeResource(Godot.Resource,System.String)">
<para>Customize a resource. If changes are made to it, return the same or a new resource. Otherwise, return <see langword="null"/>. When a new resource is returned, <paramref name="resource"/> will be replaced by a copy of the new resource.</para>
<para>The <paramref name="path"/> argument is only used when customizing an actual file, otherwise this means that this resource is part of another one and it will be empty.</para>
<para>Implementing this method is required if <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._BeginCustomizeResources(Godot.EditorExportPlatform,System.String[])"/> returns <see langword="true"/>.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> When customizing any of the following types and returning another resource, the other resource should not be skipped using <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.Skip"/> in <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._ExportFile(System.String,System.String,System.String[])"/>:</para>
<para>- <see cref="T:Godot.AtlasTexture"/></para>
<para>- <see cref="T:Godot.CompressedCubemap"/></para>
<para>- <see cref="T:Godot.CompressedCubemapArray"/></para>
<para>- <see cref="T:Godot.CompressedTexture2D"/></para>
<para>- <see cref="T:Godot.CompressedTexture2DArray"/></para>
<para>- <see cref="T:Godot.CompressedTexture3D"/></para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._CustomizeScene(Godot.Node,System.String)">
<para>Customize a scene. If changes are made to it, return the same or a new scene. Otherwise, return <see langword="null"/>. If a new scene is returned, it is up to you to dispose of the old one.</para>
<para>Implementing this method is required if <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._BeginCustomizeScenes(Godot.EditorExportPlatform,System.String[])"/> returns <see langword="true"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._EndCustomizeResources">
<para>This is called when the customization process for resources ends.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._EndCustomizeScenes">
<para>This is called when the customization process for scenes ends.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._ExportBegin(System.String[],System.Boolean,System.String,System.UInt32)">
<para>Virtual method to be overridden by the user. It is called when the export starts and provides all information about the export. <paramref name="features"/> is the list of features for the export, <paramref name="isDebug"/> is <see langword="true"/> for debug builds, <paramref name="path"/> is the target path for the exported project. <paramref name="flags"/> is only used when running a runnable profile, e.g. when using native run on Android.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._ExportEnd">
<para>Virtual method to be overridden by the user. Called when the export is finished.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._ExportFile(System.String,System.String,System.String[])">
<para>Virtual method to be overridden by the user. Called for each exported file before <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._CustomizeResource(Godot.Resource,System.String)"/> and <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._CustomizeScene(Godot.Node,System.String)"/>. The arguments can be used to identify the file. <paramref name="path"/> is the path of the file, <paramref name="type"/> is the <see cref="T:Godot.Resource"/> represented by the file (e.g. <see cref="T:Godot.PackedScene"/>), and <paramref name="features"/> is the list of features for the export.</para>
<para>Calling <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.Skip"/> inside this callback will make the file not included in the export.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._GetAndroidDependencies(Godot.EditorExportPlatform,System.Boolean)">
<para>Virtual method to be overridden by the user. This is called to retrieve the set of Android dependencies provided by this plugin. Each returned Android dependency should have the format of an Android remote binary dependency: <c>org.godot.example:my-plugin:0.0.0</c></para>
<para>For more information see <a href="https://developer.android.com/build/dependencies?agpversion=4.1#dependency-types">Android documentation on dependencies</a>.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> Only supported on Android and requires <c>EditorExportPlatformAndroid.gradle_build/use_gradle_build</c> to be enabled.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._GetAndroidDependenciesMavenRepos(Godot.EditorExportPlatform,System.Boolean)">
<para>Virtual method to be overridden by the user. This is called to retrieve the URLs of Maven repositories for the set of Android dependencies provided by this plugin.</para>
<para>For more information see <a href="https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/dependency_management.html#sec:maven_repo">Gradle documentation on dependency management</a>.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> Google's Maven repo and the Maven Central repo are already included by default.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> Only supported on Android and requires <c>EditorExportPlatformAndroid.gradle_build/use_gradle_build</c> to be enabled.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._GetAndroidLibraries(Godot.EditorExportPlatform,System.Boolean)">
<para>Virtual method to be overridden by the user. This is called to retrieve the local paths of the Android libraries archive (AAR) files provided by this plugin.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> Relative paths <b>must</b> be relative to Godot's <c>res://addons/</c> directory. For example, an AAR file located under <c>res://addons/hello_world_plugin/HelloWorld.release.aar</c> can be returned as an absolute path using <c>res://addons/hello_world_plugin/HelloWorld.release.aar</c> or a relative path using <c>hello_world_plugin/HelloWorld.release.aar</c>.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> Only supported on Android and requires <c>EditorExportPlatformAndroid.gradle_build/use_gradle_build</c> to be enabled.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._GetAndroidManifestActivityElementContents(Godot.EditorExportPlatform,System.Boolean)">
<para>Virtual method to be overridden by the user. This is used at export time to update the contents of the <c>activity</c> element in the generated Android manifest.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> Only supported on Android and requires <c>EditorExportPlatformAndroid.gradle_build/use_gradle_build</c> to be enabled.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._GetAndroidManifestApplicationElementContents(Godot.EditorExportPlatform,System.Boolean)">
<para>Virtual method to be overridden by the user. This is used at export time to update the contents of the <c>application</c> element in the generated Android manifest.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> Only supported on Android and requires <c>EditorExportPlatformAndroid.gradle_build/use_gradle_build</c> to be enabled.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._GetAndroidManifestElementContents(Godot.EditorExportPlatform,System.Boolean)">
<para>Virtual method to be overridden by the user. This is used at export time to update the contents of the <c>manifest</c> element in the generated Android manifest.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> Only supported on Android and requires <c>EditorExportPlatformAndroid.gradle_build/use_gradle_build</c> to be enabled.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._GetCustomizationConfigurationHash">
<para>Return a hash based on the configuration passed (for both scenes and resources). This helps keep separate caches for separate export configurations.</para>
<para>Implementing this method is required if <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._BeginCustomizeResources(Godot.EditorExportPlatform,System.String[])"/> returns <see langword="true"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._GetExportFeatures(Godot.EditorExportPlatform,System.Boolean)">
<para>Return a <see cref="T:System.String"/>[] of additional features this preset, for the given <paramref name="platform"/>, should have.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._GetExportOptionVisibility(Godot.EditorExportPlatform,System.String)">
<para>Validates <paramref name="option"/> and returns the visibility for the specified <paramref name="platform"/>. The default implementation returns <see langword="true"/> for all options.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._GetExportOptionWarning(Godot.EditorExportPlatform,System.String)">
<para>Check the requirements for the given <paramref name="option"/> and return a non-empty warning string if they are not met.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> Use <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.GetOption(Godot.StringName)"/> to check the value of the export options.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._GetExportOptions(Godot.EditorExportPlatform)">
<para>Return a list of export options that can be configured for this export plugin.</para>
<para>Each element in the return value is a <see cref="T:Godot.Collections.Dictionary"/> with the following keys:</para>
<para>- <c>option</c>: A dictionary with the structure documented by <see cref="M:Godot.GodotObject.GetPropertyList"/>, but all keys are optional.</para>
<para>- <c>default_value</c>: The default value for this option.</para>
<para>- <c>update_visibility</c>: An optional boolean value. If set to <see langword="true"/>, the preset will emit <see cref="E:Godot.GodotObject.PropertyListChanged"/> when the option is changed.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._GetExportOptionsOverrides(Godot.EditorExportPlatform)">
<para>Return a <see cref="T:Godot.Collections.Dictionary"/> of override values for export options, that will be used instead of user-provided values. Overridden options will be hidden from the user interface.</para>
class MyExportPlugin extends EditorExportPlugin:
func _get_name() -> String:
return "MyExportPlugin"
func _supports_platform(platform) -> bool:
if platform is EditorExportPlatformPC:
# Run on all desktop platforms including Windows, MacOS and Linux.
return true
return false
func _get_export_options_overrides(platform) -> Dictionary:
# Override "Embed PCK" to always be enabled.
return {
"binary_format/embed_pck": true,
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._GetName">
<para>Return the name identifier of this plugin (for future identification by the exporter). The plugins are sorted by name before exporting.</para>
<para>Implementing this method is required.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._ShouldUpdateExportOptions(Godot.EditorExportPlatform)">
<para>Return <see langword="true"/>, if the result of <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._GetExportOptions(Godot.EditorExportPlatform)"/> has changed and the export options of preset corresponding to <paramref name="platform"/> should be updated.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._SupportsPlatform(Godot.EditorExportPlatform)">
<para>Return <see langword="true"/> if the plugin supports the given <paramref name="platform"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.AddSharedObject(System.String,System.String[],System.String)">
<para>Adds a shared object or a directory containing only shared objects with the given <paramref name="tags"/> and destination <paramref name="path"/>.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> In case of macOS exports, those shared objects will be added to <c>Frameworks</c> directory of app bundle.</para>
<para>In case of a directory code-sign will error if you place non code object in directory.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.AddSharedObject(System.String,System.ReadOnlySpan{System.String},System.String)">
<para>Adds a shared object or a directory containing only shared objects with the given <paramref name="tags"/> and destination <paramref name="path"/>.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> In case of macOS exports, those shared objects will be added to <c>Frameworks</c> directory of app bundle.</para>
<para>In case of a directory code-sign will error if you place non code object in directory.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.AddIosProjectStaticLib(System.String)">
<para>Adds a static lib from the given <paramref name="path"/> to the iOS project.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.AddFile(System.String,System.Byte[],System.Boolean)">
<para>Adds a custom file to be exported. <paramref name="path"/> is the virtual path that can be used to load the file, <paramref name="file"/> is the binary data of the file.</para>
<para>When called inside <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._ExportFile(System.String,System.String,System.String[])"/> and <paramref name="remap"/> is <see langword="true"/>, the current file will not be exported, but instead remapped to this custom file. <paramref name="remap"/> is ignored when called in other places.</para>
<para><paramref name="file"/> will not be imported, so consider using <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._CustomizeResource(Godot.Resource,System.String)"/> to remap imported resources.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.AddFile(System.String,System.ReadOnlySpan{System.Byte},System.Boolean)">
<para>Adds a custom file to be exported. <paramref name="path"/> is the virtual path that can be used to load the file, <paramref name="file"/> is the binary data of the file.</para>
<para>When called inside <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._ExportFile(System.String,System.String,System.String[])"/> and <paramref name="remap"/> is <see langword="true"/>, the current file will not be exported, but instead remapped to this custom file. <paramref name="remap"/> is ignored when called in other places.</para>
<para><paramref name="file"/> will not be imported, so consider using <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._CustomizeResource(Godot.Resource,System.String)"/> to remap imported resources.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.AddIosFramework(System.String)">
<para>Adds a static library (*.a) or dynamic library (*.dylib, *.framework) to Linking Phase in iOS's Xcode project.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.AddIosEmbeddedFramework(System.String)">
<para>Adds a dynamic library (*.dylib, *.framework) to Linking Phase in iOS's Xcode project and embeds it into resulting binary.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> For static libraries (*.a) works in same way as <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.AddIosFramework(System.String)"/>.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> This method should not be used for System libraries as they are already present on the device.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.AddIosPlistContent(System.String)">
<para>Adds content for iOS Property List files.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.AddIosLinkerFlags(System.String)">
<para>Adds linker flags for the iOS export.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.AddIosBundleFile(System.String)">
<para>Adds an iOS bundle file from the given <paramref name="path"/> to the exported project.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.AddIosCppCode(System.String)">
<para>Adds a C++ code to the iOS export. The final code is created from the code appended by each active export plugin.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.AddMacOSPluginFile(System.String)">
<para>Adds file or directory matching <paramref name="path"/> to <c>PlugIns</c> directory of macOS app bundle.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> This is useful only for macOS exports.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.Skip">
<para>To be called inside <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._ExportFile(System.String,System.String,System.String[])"/>. Skips the current file, so it's not included in the export.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.GetOption(Godot.StringName)">
<para>Returns the current value of an export option supplied by <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin._GetExportOptions(Godot.EditorExportPlatform)"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.GetExportPreset">
<para>Returns currently used export preset.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.GetExportPlatform">
<para>Returns currently used export platform.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName._BeginCustomizeResources">
Cached name for the '_begin_customize_resources' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName._BeginCustomizeScenes">
Cached name for the '_begin_customize_scenes' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName._CustomizeResource">
Cached name for the '_customize_resource' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName._CustomizeScene">
Cached name for the '_customize_scene' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName._EndCustomizeResources">
Cached name for the '_end_customize_resources' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName._EndCustomizeScenes">
Cached name for the '_end_customize_scenes' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName._ExportBegin">
Cached name for the '_export_begin' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName._ExportEnd">
Cached name for the '_export_end' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName._ExportFile">
Cached name for the '_export_file' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName._GetAndroidDependencies">
Cached name for the '_get_android_dependencies' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName._GetAndroidDependenciesMavenRepos">
Cached name for the '_get_android_dependencies_maven_repos' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName._GetAndroidLibraries">
Cached name for the '_get_android_libraries' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName._GetAndroidManifestActivityElementContents">
Cached name for the '_get_android_manifest_activity_element_contents' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName._GetAndroidManifestApplicationElementContents">
Cached name for the '_get_android_manifest_application_element_contents' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName._GetAndroidManifestElementContents">
Cached name for the '_get_android_manifest_element_contents' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName._GetCustomizationConfigurationHash">
Cached name for the '_get_customization_configuration_hash' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName._GetExportFeatures">
Cached name for the '_get_export_features' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName._GetExportOptionVisibility">
Cached name for the '_get_export_option_visibility' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName._GetExportOptionWarning">
Cached name for the '_get_export_option_warning' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName._GetExportOptions">
Cached name for the '_get_export_options' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName._GetExportOptionsOverrides">
Cached name for the '_get_export_options_overrides' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName._GetName">
Cached name for the '_get_name' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName._ShouldUpdateExportOptions">
Cached name for the '_should_update_export_options' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName._SupportsPlatform">
Cached name for the '_supports_platform' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName.AddSharedObject">
Cached name for the 'add_shared_object' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName.AddIosProjectStaticLib">
Cached name for the 'add_ios_project_static_lib' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName.AddFile">
Cached name for the 'add_file' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName.AddIosFramework">
Cached name for the 'add_ios_framework' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName.AddIosEmbeddedFramework">
Cached name for the 'add_ios_embedded_framework' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName.AddIosPlistContent">
Cached name for the 'add_ios_plist_content' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName.AddIosLinkerFlags">
Cached name for the 'add_ios_linker_flags' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName.AddIosBundleFile">
Cached name for the 'add_ios_bundle_file' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName.AddIosCppCode">
Cached name for the 'add_ios_cpp_code' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName.AddMacOSPluginFile">
Cached name for the 'add_macos_plugin_file' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName.Skip">
Cached name for the 'skip' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName.GetOption">
Cached name for the 'get_option' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName.GetExportPreset">
Cached name for the 'get_export_preset' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.MethodName.GetExportPlatform">
Cached name for the 'get_export_platform' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPlugin.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPreset">
<para>Export preset configuration. Instances of <see cref="T:Godot.EditorExportPreset"/> by editor UI and intended to be used a read-only configuration passed to the <see cref="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatform"/> methods when exporting the project.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPreset.Has(Godot.StringName)">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/> if preset has specified property.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPreset.GetFilesToExport">
<para>Returns array of files to export.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPreset.GetCustomizedFiles">
<para>Returns <see cref="T:Godot.Collections.Dictionary"/> of files selected in the "Resources" tab of the export dialog. Dictionary keys are file names and values are export mode - <c>"strip</c>, <c>"keep"</c>, or <c>"remove"</c>. See also <see cref="M:Godot.EditorExportPreset.GetFileExportMode(System.String,Godot.EditorExportPreset.FileExportMode)"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPreset.GetCustomizedFilesCount">
<para>Returns number of files selected in the "Resources" tab of the export dialog.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPreset.HasExportFile(System.String)">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/> if specified file is exported.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPreset.GetFileExportMode(System.String,Godot.EditorExportPreset.FileExportMode)">
<para>Returns file export mode for the specified file.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPreset.GetPresetName">
<para>Returns export preset name.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPreset.IsRunnable">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/> if "Runnable" toggle is enabled in the export dialog.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPreset.AreAdvancedOptionsEnabled">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/>, is "Advanced" toggle is enabled in the export dialog.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPreset.IsDedicatedServer">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/> if dedicated server export mode is selected in the export dialog.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPreset.GetExportFilter">
<para>Returns export file filter mode selected in the "Resources" tab of the export dialog.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPreset.GetIncludeFilter">
<para>Returns file filters to include during export.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPreset.GetExcludeFilter">
<para>Returns file filters to exclude during export.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPreset.GetCustomFeatures">
<para>Returns string with a comma separated list of custom features.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPreset.GetPatches">
<para>Returns the list of packs on which to base a patch export on.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPreset.GetExportPath">
<para>Returns export target path.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPreset.GetEncryptionInFilter">
<para>Returns file filters to include during PCK encryption.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPreset.GetEncryptionExFilter">
<para>Returns file filters to exclude during PCK encryption.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPreset.GetEncryptPck">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/>, PCK encryption is enabled in the export dialog.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPreset.GetEncryptDirectory">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/>, PCK directory encryption is enabled in the export dialog.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPreset.GetEncryptionKey">
<para>Returns PCK encryption key.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPreset.GetScriptExportMode">
<para>Returns script export mode.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPreset.GetOrEnv(Godot.StringName,System.String)">
<para>Returns export option value or value of environment variable if it is set.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPreset.GetVersion(Godot.StringName,System.Boolean)">
<para>Returns the preset's version number, or fall back to the <c>ProjectSettings.application/config/version</c> project setting if set to an empty string.</para>
<para>If <paramref name="windowsVersion"/> is <see langword="true"/>, formats the returned version number to be compatible with Windows executable metadata.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPreset.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPreset.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorExportPreset.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPreset.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPreset.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPreset.MethodName.Has">
Cached name for the 'has' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPreset.MethodName.GetFilesToExport">
Cached name for the 'get_files_to_export' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPreset.MethodName.GetCustomizedFiles">
Cached name for the 'get_customized_files' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPreset.MethodName.GetCustomizedFilesCount">
Cached name for the 'get_customized_files_count' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPreset.MethodName.HasExportFile">
Cached name for the 'has_export_file' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPreset.MethodName.GetFileExportMode">
Cached name for the 'get_file_export_mode' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPreset.MethodName.GetPresetName">
Cached name for the 'get_preset_name' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPreset.MethodName.IsRunnable">
Cached name for the 'is_runnable' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPreset.MethodName.AreAdvancedOptionsEnabled">
Cached name for the 'are_advanced_options_enabled' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPreset.MethodName.IsDedicatedServer">
Cached name for the 'is_dedicated_server' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPreset.MethodName.GetExportFilter">
Cached name for the 'get_export_filter' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPreset.MethodName.GetIncludeFilter">
Cached name for the 'get_include_filter' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPreset.MethodName.GetExcludeFilter">
Cached name for the 'get_exclude_filter' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPreset.MethodName.GetCustomFeatures">
Cached name for the 'get_custom_features' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPreset.MethodName.GetPatches">
Cached name for the 'get_patches' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPreset.MethodName.GetExportPath">
Cached name for the 'get_export_path' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPreset.MethodName.GetEncryptionInFilter">
Cached name for the 'get_encryption_in_filter' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPreset.MethodName.GetEncryptionExFilter">
Cached name for the 'get_encryption_ex_filter' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPreset.MethodName.GetEncryptPck">
Cached name for the 'get_encrypt_pck' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPreset.MethodName.GetEncryptDirectory">
Cached name for the 'get_encrypt_directory' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPreset.MethodName.GetEncryptionKey">
Cached name for the 'get_encryption_key' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPreset.MethodName.GetScriptExportMode">
Cached name for the 'get_script_export_mode' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPreset.MethodName.GetOrEnv">
Cached name for the 'get_or_env' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorExportPreset.MethodName.GetVersion">
Cached name for the 'get_version' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorExportPreset.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile">
<para>An editor feature profile can be used to disable specific features of the Godot editor. When disabled, the features won't appear in the editor, which makes the editor less cluttered. This is useful in education settings to reduce confusion or when working in a team. For example, artists and level designers could use a feature profile that disables the script editor to avoid accidentally making changes to files they aren't supposed to edit.</para>
<para>To manage editor feature profiles visually, use <b>Editor > Manage Feature Profiles...</b> at the top of the editor window.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.Feature.Feature3D">
<para>The 3D editor. If this feature is disabled, the 3D editor won't display but 3D nodes will still display in the Create New Node dialog.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.Feature.Script">
<para>The Script tab, which contains the script editor and class reference browser. If this feature is disabled, the Script tab won't display.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.Feature.AssetLib">
<para>The AssetLib tab. If this feature is disabled, the AssetLib tab won't display.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.Feature.SceneTree">
<para>Scene tree editing. If this feature is disabled, the Scene tree dock will still be visible but will be read-only.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.Feature.NodeDock">
<para>The Node dock. If this feature is disabled, signals and groups won't be visible and modifiable from the editor.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.Feature.FilesystemDock">
<para>The FileSystem dock. If this feature is disabled, the FileSystem dock won't be visible.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.Feature.ImportDock">
<para>The Import dock. If this feature is disabled, the Import dock won't be visible.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.Feature.HistoryDock">
<para>The History dock. If this feature is disabled, the History dock won't be visible.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.Feature.Game">
<para>The Game tab, which allows embedding the game window and selecting nodes by clicking inside of it. If this feature is disabled, the Game tab won't display.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.Feature.Max">
<para>Represents the size of the <see cref="T:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.Feature"/> enum.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.SetDisableClass(Godot.StringName,System.Boolean)">
<para>If <paramref name="disable"/> is <see langword="true"/>, disables the class specified by <paramref name="className"/>. When disabled, the class won't appear in the Create New Node dialog.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.IsClassDisabled(Godot.StringName)">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/> if the class specified by <paramref name="className"/> is disabled. When disabled, the class won't appear in the Create New Node dialog.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.SetDisableClassEditor(Godot.StringName,System.Boolean)">
<para>If <paramref name="disable"/> is <see langword="true"/>, disables editing for the class specified by <paramref name="className"/>. When disabled, the class will still appear in the Create New Node dialog but the Inspector will be read-only when selecting a node that extends the class.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.IsClassEditorDisabled(Godot.StringName)">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/> if editing for the class specified by <paramref name="className"/> is disabled. When disabled, the class will still appear in the Create New Node dialog but the Inspector will be read-only when selecting a node that extends the class.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.SetDisableClassProperty(Godot.StringName,Godot.StringName,System.Boolean)">
<para>If <paramref name="disable"/> is <see langword="true"/>, disables editing for <paramref name="property"/> in the class specified by <paramref name="className"/>. When a property is disabled, it won't appear in the Inspector when selecting a node that extends the class specified by <paramref name="className"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.IsClassPropertyDisabled(Godot.StringName,Godot.StringName)">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/> if <paramref name="property"/> is disabled in the class specified by <paramref name="className"/>. When a property is disabled, it won't appear in the Inspector when selecting a node that extends the class specified by <paramref name="className"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.SetDisableFeature(Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.Feature,System.Boolean)">
<para>If <paramref name="disable"/> is <see langword="true"/>, disables the editor feature specified in <paramref name="feature"/>. When a feature is disabled, it will disappear from the editor entirely.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.IsFeatureDisabled(Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.Feature)">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/> if the <paramref name="feature"/> is disabled. When a feature is disabled, it will disappear from the editor entirely.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.GetFeatureName(Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.Feature)">
<para>Returns the specified <paramref name="feature"/>'s human-readable name.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.SaveToFile(System.String)">
<para>Saves the editor feature profile to a file in JSON format. It can then be imported using the feature profile manager's <b>Import</b> button or the <see cref="M:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.LoadFromFile(System.String)"/> method.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> Feature profiles created via the user interface are saved in the <c>feature_profiles</c> directory, as a file with the <c>.profile</c> extension. The editor configuration folder can be found by using <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPaths.GetConfigDir"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.LoadFromFile(System.String)">
<para>Loads an editor feature profile from a file. The file must follow the JSON format obtained by using the feature profile manager's <b>Export</b> button or the <see cref="M:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.SaveToFile(System.String)"/> method.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> Feature profiles created via the user interface are loaded from the <c>feature_profiles</c> directory, as a file with the <c>.profile</c> extension. The editor configuration folder can be found by using <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPaths.GetConfigDir"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.MethodName.SetDisableClass">
Cached name for the 'set_disable_class' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.MethodName.IsClassDisabled">
Cached name for the 'is_class_disabled' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.MethodName.SetDisableClassEditor">
Cached name for the 'set_disable_class_editor' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.MethodName.IsClassEditorDisabled">
Cached name for the 'is_class_editor_disabled' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.MethodName.SetDisableClassProperty">
Cached name for the 'set_disable_class_property' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.MethodName.IsClassPropertyDisabled">
Cached name for the 'is_class_property_disabled' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.MethodName.SetDisableFeature">
Cached name for the 'set_disable_feature' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.MethodName.IsFeatureDisabled">
Cached name for the 'is_feature_disabled' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.MethodName.GetFeatureName">
Cached name for the 'get_feature_name' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.MethodName.SaveToFile">
Cached name for the 'save_to_file' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.MethodName.LoadFromFile">
Cached name for the 'load_from_file' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorFileDialog">
<para><see cref="T:Godot.EditorFileDialog"/> is an enhanced version of <see cref="T:Godot.FileDialog"/> available only to editor plugins. Additional features include list of favorited/recent files and the ability to see files as thumbnails grid instead of list.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.FileModeEnum.OpenFile">
<para>The <see cref="T:Godot.EditorFileDialog"/> can select only one file. Accepting the window will open the file.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.FileModeEnum.OpenFiles">
<para>The <see cref="T:Godot.EditorFileDialog"/> can select multiple files. Accepting the window will open all files.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.FileModeEnum.OpenDir">
<para>The <see cref="T:Godot.EditorFileDialog"/> can select only one directory. Accepting the window will open the directory.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.FileModeEnum.OpenAny">
<para>The <see cref="T:Godot.EditorFileDialog"/> can select a file or directory. Accepting the window will open it.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.FileModeEnum.SaveFile">
<para>The <see cref="T:Godot.EditorFileDialog"/> can select only one file. Accepting the window will save the file.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.AccessEnum.Resources">
<para>The <see cref="T:Godot.EditorFileDialog"/> can only view <c>res://</c> directory contents.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.AccessEnum.Userdata">
<para>The <see cref="T:Godot.EditorFileDialog"/> can only view <c>user://</c> directory contents.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.AccessEnum.Filesystem">
<para>The <see cref="T:Godot.EditorFileDialog"/> can view the entire local file system.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.DisplayModeEnum.Thumbnails">
<para>The <see cref="T:Godot.EditorFileDialog"/> displays resources as thumbnails.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.DisplayModeEnum.List">
<para>The <see cref="T:Godot.EditorFileDialog"/> displays resources as a list of filenames.</para>
<member name="P:Godot.EditorFileDialog.Access">
<para>The location from which the user may select a file, including <c>res://</c>, <c>user://</c>, and the local file system.</para>
<member name="P:Godot.EditorFileDialog.DisplayMode">
<para>The view format in which the <see cref="T:Godot.EditorFileDialog"/> displays resources to the user.</para>
<member name="P:Godot.EditorFileDialog.FileMode">
<para>The dialog's open or save mode, which affects the selection behavior. See <see cref="T:Godot.EditorFileDialog.FileModeEnum"/>.</para>
<member name="P:Godot.EditorFileDialog.CurrentDir">
<para>The currently occupied directory.</para>
<member name="P:Godot.EditorFileDialog.CurrentFile">
<para>The currently selected file.</para>
<member name="P:Godot.EditorFileDialog.CurrentPath">
<para>The file system path in the address bar.</para>
<member name="P:Godot.EditorFileDialog.Filters">
<para>The available file type filters. For example, this shows only <c>.png</c> and <c>.gd</c> files: <c>set_filters(PackedStringArray(["*.png ; PNG Images","*.gd ; GDScript Files"]))</c>. Multiple file types can also be specified in a single filter. <c>"*.png, *.jpg, *.jpeg ; Supported Images"</c> will show both PNG and JPEG files when selected.</para>
<member name="P:Godot.EditorFileDialog.OptionCount">
<para>The number of additional <see cref="T:Godot.OptionButton"/>s and <see cref="T:Godot.CheckBox"/>es in the dialog.</para>
<member name="P:Godot.EditorFileDialog.ShowHiddenFiles">
<para>If <see langword="true"/>, hidden files and directories will be visible in the <see cref="T:Godot.EditorFileDialog"/>. This property is synchronized with <c>EditorSettings.filesystem/file_dialog/show_hidden_files</c>.</para>
<member name="P:Godot.EditorFileDialog.DisableOverwriteWarning">
<para>If <see langword="true"/>, the <see cref="T:Godot.EditorFileDialog"/> will not warn the user before overwriting files.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileDialog.ClearFilters">
<para>Removes all filters except for "All Files (*.*)".</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileDialog.AddFilter(System.String,System.String)">
<para>Adds a comma-delimited file name <paramref name="filter"/> option to the <see cref="T:Godot.EditorFileDialog"/> with an optional <paramref name="description"/>, which restricts what files can be picked.</para>
<para>A <paramref name="filter"/> should be of the form <c>"filename.extension"</c>, where filename and extension can be <c>*</c> to match any string. Filters starting with <c>.</c> (i.e. empty filenames) are not allowed.</para>
<para>For example, a <paramref name="filter"/> of <c>"*.tscn, *.scn"</c> and a <paramref name="description"/> of <c>"Scenes"</c> results in filter text "Scenes (*.tscn, *.scn)".</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileDialog.GetOptionName(System.Int32)">
<para>Returns the name of the <see cref="T:Godot.OptionButton"/> or <see cref="T:Godot.CheckBox"/> with index <paramref name="option"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileDialog.GetOptionValues(System.Int32)">
<para>Returns an array of values of the <see cref="T:Godot.OptionButton"/> with index <paramref name="option"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileDialog.GetOptionDefault(System.Int32)">
<para>Returns the default value index of the <see cref="T:Godot.OptionButton"/> or <see cref="T:Godot.CheckBox"/> with index <paramref name="option"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileDialog.SetOptionName(System.Int32,System.String)">
<para>Sets the name of the <see cref="T:Godot.OptionButton"/> or <see cref="T:Godot.CheckBox"/> with index <paramref name="option"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileDialog.SetOptionValues(System.Int32,System.String[])">
<para>Sets the option values of the <see cref="T:Godot.OptionButton"/> with index <paramref name="option"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileDialog.SetOptionValues(System.Int32,System.ReadOnlySpan{System.String})">
<para>Sets the option values of the <see cref="T:Godot.OptionButton"/> with index <paramref name="option"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileDialog.SetOptionDefault(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
<para>Sets the default value index of the <see cref="T:Godot.OptionButton"/> or <see cref="T:Godot.CheckBox"/> with index <paramref name="option"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileDialog.AddOption(System.String,System.String[],System.Int32)">
<para>Adds an additional <see cref="T:Godot.OptionButton"/> to the file dialog. If <paramref name="values"/> is empty, a <see cref="T:Godot.CheckBox"/> is added instead.</para>
<para><paramref name="defaultValueIndex"/> should be an index of the value in the <paramref name="values"/>. If <paramref name="values"/> is empty it should be either <c>1</c> (checked), or <c>0</c> (unchecked).</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileDialog.AddOption(System.String,System.ReadOnlySpan{System.String},System.Int32)">
<para>Adds an additional <see cref="T:Godot.OptionButton"/> to the file dialog. If <paramref name="values"/> is empty, a <see cref="T:Godot.CheckBox"/> is added instead.</para>
<para><paramref name="defaultValueIndex"/> should be an index of the value in the <paramref name="values"/>. If <paramref name="values"/> is empty it should be either <c>1</c> (checked), or <c>0</c> (unchecked).</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileDialog.GetSelectedOptions">
<para>Returns a <see cref="T:Godot.Collections.Dictionary"/> with the selected values of the additional <see cref="T:Godot.OptionButton"/>s and/or <see cref="T:Godot.CheckBox"/>es. <see cref="T:Godot.Collections.Dictionary"/> keys are names and values are selected value indices.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileDialog.ClearFileNameFilter">
<para>Clear the filter for file names.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileDialog.SetFileNameFilter(System.String)">
<para>Sets the value of the filter for file names.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileDialog.GetFileNameFilter">
<para>Returns the value of the filter for file names.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileDialog.GetVBox">
<para>Returns the <see cref="T:Godot.VBoxContainer"/> used to display the file system.</para>
<para><b>Warning:</b> This is a required internal node, removing and freeing it may cause a crash. If you wish to hide it or any of its children, use their <see cref="P:Godot.CanvasItem.Visible"/> property.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileDialog.GetLineEdit">
<para>Returns the LineEdit for the selected file.</para>
<para><b>Warning:</b> This is a required internal node, removing and freeing it may cause a crash. If you wish to hide it or any of its children, use their <see cref="P:Godot.CanvasItem.Visible"/> property.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileDialog.AddSideMenu(Godot.Control,System.String)">
<para>Adds the given <paramref name="menu"/> to the side of the file dialog with the given <paramref name="title"/> text on top. Only one side menu is allowed.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileDialog.PopupFileDialog">
<para>Shows the <see cref="T:Godot.EditorFileDialog"/> at the default size and position for file dialogs in the editor, and selects the file name if there is a current file.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileDialog.Invalidate">
<para>Notify the <see cref="T:Godot.EditorFileDialog"/> that its view of the data is no longer accurate. Updates the view contents on next view update.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorFileDialog.FileSelectedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorFileDialog.FileSelected"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorFileDialog"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorFileDialog.FileSelected">
<para>Emitted when a file is selected.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorFileDialog.FilesSelectedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorFileDialog.FilesSelected"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorFileDialog"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorFileDialog.FilesSelected">
<para>Emitted when multiple files are selected.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorFileDialog.DirSelectedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorFileDialog.DirSelected"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorFileDialog"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorFileDialog.DirSelected">
<para>Emitted when a directory is selected.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorFileDialog.FileNameFilterChangedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorFileDialog.FileNameFilterChanged"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorFileDialog"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorFileDialog.FileNameFilterChanged">
<para>Emitted when the filter for file names changes.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileDialog.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileDialog.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileDialog.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorFileDialog.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.PropertyName.Access">
Cached name for the 'access' property.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.PropertyName.DisplayMode">
Cached name for the 'display_mode' property.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.PropertyName.FileMode">
Cached name for the 'file_mode' property.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.PropertyName.CurrentDir">
Cached name for the 'current_dir' property.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.PropertyName.CurrentFile">
Cached name for the 'current_file' property.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.PropertyName.CurrentPath">
Cached name for the 'current_path' property.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.PropertyName.Filters">
Cached name for the 'filters' property.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.PropertyName.OptionCount">
Cached name for the 'option_count' property.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.PropertyName.ShowHiddenFiles">
Cached name for the 'show_hidden_files' property.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.PropertyName.DisableOverwriteWarning">
Cached name for the 'disable_overwrite_warning' property.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.ClearFilters">
Cached name for the 'clear_filters' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.AddFilter">
Cached name for the 'add_filter' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.SetFilters">
Cached name for the 'set_filters' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.GetFilters">
Cached name for the 'get_filters' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.GetOptionName">
Cached name for the 'get_option_name' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.GetOptionValues">
Cached name for the 'get_option_values' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.GetOptionDefault">
Cached name for the 'get_option_default' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.SetOptionName">
Cached name for the 'set_option_name' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.SetOptionValues">
Cached name for the 'set_option_values' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.SetOptionDefault">
Cached name for the 'set_option_default' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.SetOptionCount">
Cached name for the 'set_option_count' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.GetOptionCount">
Cached name for the 'get_option_count' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.AddOption">
Cached name for the 'add_option' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.GetSelectedOptions">
Cached name for the 'get_selected_options' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.ClearFileNameFilter">
Cached name for the 'clear_filename_filter' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.SetFileNameFilter">
Cached name for the 'set_filename_filter' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.GetFileNameFilter">
Cached name for the 'get_filename_filter' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.GetCurrentDir">
Cached name for the 'get_current_dir' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.GetCurrentFile">
Cached name for the 'get_current_file' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.GetCurrentPath">
Cached name for the 'get_current_path' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.SetCurrentDir">
Cached name for the 'set_current_dir' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.SetCurrentFile">
Cached name for the 'set_current_file' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.SetCurrentPath">
Cached name for the 'set_current_path' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.SetFileMode">
Cached name for the 'set_file_mode' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.GetFileMode">
Cached name for the 'get_file_mode' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.GetVBox">
Cached name for the 'get_vbox' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.GetLineEdit">
Cached name for the 'get_line_edit' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.SetAccess">
Cached name for the 'set_access' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.GetAccess">
Cached name for the 'get_access' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.SetShowHiddenFiles">
Cached name for the 'set_show_hidden_files' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.IsShowingHiddenFiles">
Cached name for the 'is_showing_hidden_files' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.SetDisplayMode">
Cached name for the 'set_display_mode' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.GetDisplayMode">
Cached name for the 'get_display_mode' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.SetDisableOverwriteWarning">
Cached name for the 'set_disable_overwrite_warning' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.IsOverwriteWarningDisabled">
Cached name for the 'is_overwrite_warning_disabled' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.AddSideMenu">
Cached name for the 'add_side_menu' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.PopupFileDialog">
Cached name for the 'popup_file_dialog' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.MethodName.Invalidate">
Cached name for the 'invalidate' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorFileDialog.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.SignalName.FileSelected">
Cached name for the 'file_selected' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.SignalName.FilesSelected">
Cached name for the 'files_selected' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.SignalName.DirSelected">
Cached name for the 'dir_selected' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileDialog.SignalName.FileNameFilterChanged">
Cached name for the 'filename_filter_changed' signal.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorFileSystem">
<para>This object holds information of all resources in the filesystem, their types, etc.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> This class shouldn't be instantiated directly. Instead, access the singleton using <see cref="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetResourceFilesystem"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystem.GetFilesystem">
<para>Gets the root directory object.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystem.IsScanning">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/> if the filesystem is being scanned.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystem.GetScanningProgress">
<para>Returns the scan progress for 0 to 1 if the FS is being scanned.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystem.Scan">
<para>Scan the filesystem for changes.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystem.ScanSources">
<para>Check if the source of any imported resource changed.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystem.UpdateFile(System.String)">
<para>Add a file in an existing directory, or schedule file information to be updated on editor restart. Can be used to update text files saved by an external program.</para>
<para>This will not import the file. To reimport, call <see cref="M:Godot.EditorFileSystem.ReimportFiles(System.String[])"/> or <see cref="M:Godot.EditorFileSystem.Scan"/> methods.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystem.GetFilesystemPath(System.String)">
<para>Returns a view into the filesystem at <paramref name="path"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystem.GetFileType(System.String)">
<para>Returns the resource type of the file, given the full path. This returns a string such as <c>"Resource"</c> or <c>"GDScript"</c>, <i>not</i> a file extension such as <c>".gd"</c>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystem.ReimportFiles(System.String[])">
<para>Reimports a set of files. Call this if these files or their <c>.import</c> files were directly edited by script or an external program.</para>
<para>If the file type changed or the file was newly created, use <see cref="M:Godot.EditorFileSystem.UpdateFile(System.String)"/> or <see cref="M:Godot.EditorFileSystem.Scan"/>.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> This function blocks until the import is finished. However, the main loop iteration, including timers and <see cref="M:Godot.Node._Process(System.Double)"/>, will occur during the import process due to progress bar updates. Avoid calls to <see cref="M:Godot.EditorFileSystem.ReimportFiles(System.String[])"/> or <see cref="M:Godot.EditorFileSystem.Scan"/> while an import is in progress.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystem.ReimportFiles(System.ReadOnlySpan{System.String})">
<para>Reimports a set of files. Call this if these files or their <c>.import</c> files were directly edited by script or an external program.</para>
<para>If the file type changed or the file was newly created, use <see cref="M:Godot.EditorFileSystem.UpdateFile(System.String)"/> or <see cref="M:Godot.EditorFileSystem.Scan"/>.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> This function blocks until the import is finished. However, the main loop iteration, including timers and <see cref="M:Godot.Node._Process(System.Double)"/>, will occur during the import process due to progress bar updates. Avoid calls to <see cref="M:Godot.EditorFileSystem.ReimportFiles(System.String[])"/> or <see cref="M:Godot.EditorFileSystem.Scan"/> while an import is in progress.</para>
<member name="E:Godot.EditorFileSystem.FilesystemChanged">
<para>Emitted if the filesystem changed.</para>
<member name="E:Godot.EditorFileSystem.ScriptClassesUpdated">
<para>Emitted when the list of global script classes gets updated.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorFileSystem.SourcesChangedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorFileSystem.SourcesChanged"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorFileSystem"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorFileSystem.SourcesChanged">
<para>Emitted if the source of any imported file changed.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorFileSystem.ResourcesReimportingEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorFileSystem.ResourcesReimporting"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorFileSystem"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorFileSystem.ResourcesReimporting">
<para>Emitted before a resource is reimported.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorFileSystem.ResourcesReimportedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorFileSystem.ResourcesReimported"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorFileSystem"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorFileSystem.ResourcesReimported">
<para>Emitted if a resource is reimported.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorFileSystem.ResourcesReloadEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorFileSystem.ResourcesReload"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorFileSystem"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorFileSystem.ResourcesReload">
<para>Emitted if at least one resource is reloaded when the filesystem is scanned.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystem.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystem.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystem.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorFileSystem.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorFileSystem.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileSystem.MethodName.GetFilesystem">
Cached name for the 'get_filesystem' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileSystem.MethodName.IsScanning">
Cached name for the 'is_scanning' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileSystem.MethodName.GetScanningProgress">
Cached name for the 'get_scanning_progress' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileSystem.MethodName.Scan">
Cached name for the 'scan' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileSystem.MethodName.ScanSources">
Cached name for the 'scan_sources' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileSystem.MethodName.UpdateFile">
Cached name for the 'update_file' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileSystem.MethodName.GetFilesystemPath">
Cached name for the 'get_filesystem_path' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileSystem.MethodName.GetFileType">
Cached name for the 'get_file_type' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileSystem.MethodName.ReimportFiles">
Cached name for the 'reimport_files' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorFileSystem.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileSystem.SignalName.FilesystemChanged">
Cached name for the 'filesystem_changed' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileSystem.SignalName.ScriptClassesUpdated">
Cached name for the 'script_classes_updated' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileSystem.SignalName.SourcesChanged">
Cached name for the 'sources_changed' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileSystem.SignalName.ResourcesReimporting">
Cached name for the 'resources_reimporting' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileSystem.SignalName.ResourcesReimported">
Cached name for the 'resources_reimported' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileSystem.SignalName.ResourcesReload">
Cached name for the 'resources_reload' signal.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory">
<para>A more generalized, low-level variation of the directory concept.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.GetSubdirCount">
<para>Returns the number of subdirectories in this directory.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.GetSubdir(System.Int32)">
<para>Returns the subdirectory at index <paramref name="idx"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.GetFileCount">
<para>Returns the number of files in this directory.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.GetFile(System.Int32)">
<para>Returns the name of the file at index <paramref name="idx"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.GetFilePath(System.Int32)">
<para>Returns the path to the file at index <paramref name="idx"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.GetFileType(System.Int32)">
<para>Returns the resource type of the file at index <paramref name="idx"/>. This returns a string such as <c>"Resource"</c> or <c>"GDScript"</c>, <i>not</i> a file extension such as <c>".gd"</c>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.GetFileScriptClassName(System.Int32)">
<para>Returns the name of the script class defined in the file at index <paramref name="idx"/>. If the file doesn't define a script class using the <c>class_name</c> syntax, this will return an empty string.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.GetFileScriptClassExtends(System.Int32)">
<para>Returns the base class of the script class defined in the file at index <paramref name="idx"/>. If the file doesn't define a script class using the <c>class_name</c> syntax, this will return an empty string.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.GetFileImportIsValid(System.Int32)">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/> if the file at index <paramref name="idx"/> imported properly.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.GetName">
<para>Returns the name of this directory.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.GetPath">
<para>Returns the path to this directory.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.GetParent">
<para>Returns the parent directory for this directory or <see langword="null"/> if called on a directory at <c>res://</c> or <c>user://</c>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.FindFileIndex(System.String)">
<para>Returns the index of the file with name <paramref name="name"/> or <c>-1</c> if not found.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.FindDirIndex(System.String)">
<para>Returns the index of the directory with name <paramref name="name"/> or <c>-1</c> if not found.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.MethodName.GetSubdirCount">
Cached name for the 'get_subdir_count' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.MethodName.GetSubdir">
Cached name for the 'get_subdir' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.MethodName.GetFileCount">
Cached name for the 'get_file_count' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.MethodName.GetFile">
Cached name for the 'get_file' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.MethodName.GetFilePath">
Cached name for the 'get_file_path' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.MethodName.GetFileType">
Cached name for the 'get_file_type' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.MethodName.GetFileScriptClassName">
Cached name for the 'get_file_script_class_name' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.MethodName.GetFileScriptClassExtends">
Cached name for the 'get_file_script_class_extends' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.MethodName.GetFileImportIsValid">
Cached name for the 'get_file_import_is_valid' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.MethodName.GetName">
Cached name for the 'get_name' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.MethodName.GetPath">
Cached name for the 'get_path' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.MethodName.GetParent">
Cached name for the 'get_parent' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.MethodName.FindFileIndex">
Cached name for the 'find_file_index' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.MethodName.FindDirIndex">
Cached name for the 'find_dir_index' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorFileSystemDirectory.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorFileSystemImportFormatSupportQuery">
<para>This class is used to query and configure a certain import format. It is used in conjunction with asset format import plugins.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystemImportFormatSupportQuery._GetFileExtensions">
<para>Return the file extensions supported.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystemImportFormatSupportQuery._IsActive">
<para>Return whether this importer is active.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystemImportFormatSupportQuery._Query">
<para>Query support. Return <see langword="false"/> if import must not continue.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystemImportFormatSupportQuery.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystemImportFormatSupportQuery.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorFileSystemImportFormatSupportQuery.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorFileSystemImportFormatSupportQuery.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorFileSystemImportFormatSupportQuery.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileSystemImportFormatSupportQuery.MethodName._GetFileExtensions">
Cached name for the '_get_file_extensions' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileSystemImportFormatSupportQuery.MethodName._IsActive">
Cached name for the '_is_active' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorFileSystemImportFormatSupportQuery.MethodName._Query">
Cached name for the '_query' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorFileSystemImportFormatSupportQuery.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorImportPlugin">
<para><see cref="T:Godot.EditorImportPlugin"/>s provide a way to extend the editor's resource import functionality. Use them to import resources from custom files or to provide alternatives to the editor's existing importers.</para>
<para>EditorImportPlugins work by associating with specific file extensions and a resource type. See <see cref="M:Godot.EditorImportPlugin._GetRecognizedExtensions"/> and <see cref="M:Godot.EditorImportPlugin._GetResourceType"/>. They may optionally specify some import presets that affect the import process. EditorImportPlugins are responsible for creating the resources and saving them in the <c>.godot/imported</c> directory (see <c>ProjectSettings.application/config/use_hidden_project_data_directory</c>).</para>
<para>Below is an example EditorImportPlugin that imports a <see cref="T:Godot.Mesh"/> from a file with the extension ".special" or ".spec":</para>
using Godot;
public partial class MySpecialPlugin : EditorImportPlugin
public override string _GetImporterName()
return "my.special.plugin";
public override string _GetVisibleName()
return "Special Mesh";
public override string[] _GetRecognizedExtensions()
return new string[] { "special", "spec" };
public override string _GetSaveExtension()
return "mesh";
public override string _GetResourceType()
return "Mesh";
public override int _GetPresetCount()
return 1;
public override string _GetPresetName(int presetIndex)
return "Default";
public override Godot.Collections.Array<Godot.Collections.Dictionary> _GetImportOptions(string path, int presetIndex)
return new Godot.Collections.Array<Godot.Collections.Dictionary>
new Godot.Collections.Dictionary
{ "name", "myOption" },
{ "default_value", false },
public override Error _Import(string sourceFile, string savePath, Godot.Collections.Dictionary options, Godot.Collections.Array<string> platformVariants, Godot.Collections.Array<string> genFiles)
using var file = FileAccess.Open(sourceFile, FileAccess.ModeFlags.Read);
if (file.GetError() != Error.Ok)
return Error.Failed;
var mesh = new ArrayMesh();
// Fill the Mesh with data read in "file", left as an exercise to the reader.
string filename = $"{savePath}.{_GetSaveExtension()}";
return ResourceSaver.Save(mesh, filename);
<para>To use <see cref="T:Godot.EditorImportPlugin"/>, register it using the <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddImportPlugin(Godot.EditorImportPlugin,System.Boolean)"/> method first.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorImportPlugin._CanImportThreaded">
<para>Tells whether this importer can be run in parallel on threads, or, on the contrary, it's only safe for the editor to call it from the main thread, for one file at a time.</para>
<para>If this method is not overridden, it will return <see langword="false"/> by default.</para>
<para>If this importer's implementation is thread-safe and can be run in parallel, override this with <see langword="true"/> to optimize for concurrency.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorImportPlugin._GetFormatVersion">
<para>Gets the format version of this importer. Increment this version when making incompatible changes to the format of the imported resources.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorImportPlugin._GetImportOptions(System.String,System.Int32)">
<para>Gets the options and default values for the preset at this index. Returns an Array of Dictionaries with the following keys: <c>name</c>, <c>default_value</c>, <c>property_hint</c> (optional), <c>hint_string</c> (optional), <c>usage</c> (optional).</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorImportPlugin._GetImportOrder">
<para>Gets the order of this importer to be run when importing resources. Importers with <i>lower</i> import orders will be called first, and higher values will be called later. Use this to ensure the importer runs after the dependencies are already imported. The default import order is <c>0</c> unless overridden by a specific importer. See <see cref="T:Godot.ResourceImporter.ImportOrder"/> for some predefined values.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorImportPlugin._GetImporterName">
<para>Gets the unique name of the importer.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorImportPlugin._GetOptionVisibility(System.String,Godot.StringName,Godot.Collections.Dictionary)">
<para>This method can be overridden to hide specific import options if conditions are met. This is mainly useful for hiding options that depend on others if one of them is disabled.</para>
public void _GetOptionVisibility(string option, Godot.Collections.Dictionary options)
// Only show the lossy quality setting if the compression mode is set to "Lossy".
if (option == "compress/lossy_quality" && options.ContainsKey("compress/mode"))
return (int)options["compress/mode"] == CompressLossy; // This is a constant you set
return true;
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/> to make all options always visible.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorImportPlugin._GetPresetCount">
<para>Gets the number of initial presets defined by the plugin. Use <see cref="M:Godot.EditorImportPlugin._GetImportOptions(System.String,System.Int32)"/> to get the default options for the preset and <see cref="M:Godot.EditorImportPlugin._GetPresetName(System.Int32)"/> to get the name of the preset.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorImportPlugin._GetPresetName(System.Int32)">
<para>Gets the name of the options preset at this index.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorImportPlugin._GetPriority">
<para>Gets the priority of this plugin for the recognized extension. Higher priority plugins will be preferred. The default priority is <c>1.0</c>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorImportPlugin._GetRecognizedExtensions">
<para>Gets the list of file extensions to associate with this loader (case-insensitive). e.g. <c>["obj"]</c>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorImportPlugin._GetResourceType">
<para>Gets the Godot resource type associated with this loader. e.g. <c>"Mesh"</c> or <c>"Animation"</c>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorImportPlugin._GetSaveExtension">
<para>Gets the extension used to save this resource in the <c>.godot/imported</c> directory (see <c>ProjectSettings.application/config/use_hidden_project_data_directory</c>).</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorImportPlugin._GetVisibleName">
<para>Gets the name to display in the import window. You should choose this name as a continuation to "Import as", e.g. "Import as Special Mesh".</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorImportPlugin._Import(System.String,System.String,Godot.Collections.Dictionary,Godot.Collections.Array{System.String},Godot.Collections.Array{System.String})">
<para>Imports <paramref name="sourceFile"/> into <paramref name="savePath"/> with the import <paramref name="options"/> specified. The <paramref name="platformVariants"/> and <paramref name="genFiles"/> arrays will be modified by this function.</para>
<para>This method must be overridden to do the actual importing work. See this class' description for an example of overriding this method.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorImportPlugin.AppendImportExternalResource(System.String,Godot.Collections.Dictionary,System.String,Godot.Variant)">
<para>This function can only be called during the <see cref="M:Godot.EditorImportPlugin._Import(System.String,System.String,Godot.Collections.Dictionary,Godot.Collections.Array{System.String},Godot.Collections.Array{System.String})"/> callback and it allows manually importing resources from it. This is useful when the imported file generates external resources that require importing (as example, images). Custom parameters for the ".import" file can be passed via the <paramref name="customOptions"/>. Additionally, in cases where multiple importers can handle a file, the <paramref name="customImporter"/> can be specified to force a specific one. This function performs a resource import and returns immediately with a success or error code. <paramref name="generatorParameters"/> defines optional extra metadata which will be stored as <c>generator_parameters</c> in the <c>remap</c> section of the <c>.import</c> file, for example to store a md5 hash of the source data.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorImportPlugin.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorImportPlugin.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorImportPlugin.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorImportPlugin.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorImportPlugin.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorImportPlugin.MethodName._CanImportThreaded">
Cached name for the '_can_import_threaded' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorImportPlugin.MethodName._GetFormatVersion">
Cached name for the '_get_format_version' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorImportPlugin.MethodName._GetImportOptions">
Cached name for the '_get_import_options' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorImportPlugin.MethodName._GetImportOrder">
Cached name for the '_get_import_order' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorImportPlugin.MethodName._GetImporterName">
Cached name for the '_get_importer_name' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorImportPlugin.MethodName._GetOptionVisibility">
Cached name for the '_get_option_visibility' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorImportPlugin.MethodName._GetPresetCount">
Cached name for the '_get_preset_count' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorImportPlugin.MethodName._GetPresetName">
Cached name for the '_get_preset_name' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorImportPlugin.MethodName._GetPriority">
Cached name for the '_get_priority' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorImportPlugin.MethodName._GetRecognizedExtensions">
Cached name for the '_get_recognized_extensions' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorImportPlugin.MethodName._GetResourceType">
Cached name for the '_get_resource_type' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorImportPlugin.MethodName._GetSaveExtension">
Cached name for the '_get_save_extension' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorImportPlugin.MethodName._GetVisibleName">
Cached name for the '_get_visible_name' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorImportPlugin.MethodName._Import">
Cached name for the '_import' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorImportPlugin.MethodName.AppendImportExternalResource">
Cached name for the 'append_import_external_resource' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorImportPlugin.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorInspector">
<para>This is the control that implements property editing in the editor's Settings dialogs, the Inspector dock, etc. To get the <see cref="T:Godot.EditorInspector"/> used in the editor's Inspector dock, use <see cref="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetInspector"/>.</para>
<para><see cref="T:Godot.EditorInspector"/> will show properties in the same order as the array returned by <see cref="M:Godot.GodotObject.GetPropertyList"/>.</para>
<para>If a property's name is path-like (i.e. if it contains forward slashes), <see cref="T:Godot.EditorInspector"/> will create nested sections for "directories" along the path. For example, if a property is named <c>highlighting/gdscript/node_path_color</c>, it will be shown as "Node Path Color" inside the "GDScript" section nested inside the "Highlighting" section.</para>
<para>If a property has <see cref="F:Godot.PropertyUsageFlags.Group"/> usage, it will group subsequent properties whose name starts with the property's hint string. The group ends when a property does not start with that hint string or when a new group starts. An empty group name effectively ends the current group. <see cref="T:Godot.EditorInspector"/> will create a top-level section for each group. For example, if a property with group usage is named <c>Collide With</c> and its hint string is <c>collide_with_</c>, a subsequent <c>collide_with_area</c> property will be shown as "Area" inside the "Collide With" section. There is also a special case: when the hint string contains the name of a property, that property is grouped too. This is mainly to help grouping properties like <c>font</c>, <c>font_color</c> and <c>font_size</c> (using the hint string <c>font_</c>).</para>
<para>If a property has <see cref="F:Godot.PropertyUsageFlags.Subgroup"/> usage, a subgroup will be created in the same way as a group, and a second-level section will be created for each subgroup.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> Unlike sections created from path-like property names, <see cref="T:Godot.EditorInspector"/> won't capitalize the name for sections created from groups. So properties with group usage usually use capitalized names instead of snake_cased names.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInspector.Edit(Godot.GodotObject)">
<para>Shows the properties of the given <paramref name="object"/> in this inspector for editing. To clear the inspector, call this method with <see langword="null"/>.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> If you want to edit an object in the editor's main inspector, use the <c>edit_*</c> methods in <see cref="T:Godot.EditorInterface"/> instead.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInspector.GetSelectedPath">
<para>Gets the path of the currently selected property.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInspector.GetEditedObject">
<para>Returns the object currently selected in this inspector.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInspector.InstantiatePropertyEditor(Godot.GodotObject,Godot.Variant.Type,System.String,Godot.PropertyHint,System.String,System.UInt32,System.Boolean)">
<para>Creates a property editor that can be used by plugin UI to edit the specified property of an <paramref name="object"/>.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorInspector.PropertySelectedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorInspector.PropertySelected"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorInspector"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorInspector.PropertySelected">
<para>Emitted when a property is selected in the inspector.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorInspector.PropertyKeyedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorInspector.PropertyKeyed"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorInspector"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorInspector.PropertyKeyed">
<para>Emitted when a property is keyed in the inspector. Properties can be keyed by clicking the "key" icon next to a property when the Animation panel is toggled.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorInspector.PropertyDeletedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorInspector.PropertyDeleted"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorInspector"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorInspector.PropertyDeleted">
<para>Emitted when a property is removed from the inspector.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorInspector.ResourceSelectedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorInspector.ResourceSelected"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorInspector"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorInspector.ResourceSelected">
<para>Emitted when a resource is selected in the inspector.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorInspector.ObjectIdSelectedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorInspector.ObjectIdSelected"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorInspector"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorInspector.ObjectIdSelected">
<para>Emitted when the Edit button of an <see cref="T:Godot.GodotObject"/> has been pressed in the inspector. This is mainly used in the remote scene tree Inspector.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorInspector.PropertyEditedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorInspector.PropertyEdited"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorInspector"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorInspector.PropertyEdited">
<para>Emitted when a property is edited in the inspector.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorInspector.PropertyToggledEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorInspector.PropertyToggled"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorInspector"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorInspector.PropertyToggled">
<para>Emitted when a boolean property is toggled in the inspector.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> This signal is never emitted if the internal <c>autoclear</c> property enabled. Since this property is always enabled in the editor inspector, this signal is never emitted by the editor itself.</para>
<member name="E:Godot.EditorInspector.EditedObjectChanged">
<para>Emitted when the object being edited by the inspector has changed.</para>
<member name="E:Godot.EditorInspector.RestartRequested">
<para>Emitted when a property that requires a restart to be applied is edited in the inspector. This is only used in the Project Settings and Editor Settings.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInspector.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInspector.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInspector.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorInspector.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorInspector.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInspector.MethodName.Edit">
Cached name for the 'edit' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInspector.MethodName.GetSelectedPath">
Cached name for the 'get_selected_path' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInspector.MethodName.GetEditedObject">
Cached name for the 'get_edited_object' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInspector.MethodName.InstantiatePropertyEditor">
Cached name for the 'instantiate_property_editor' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorInspector.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInspector.SignalName.PropertySelected">
Cached name for the 'property_selected' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInspector.SignalName.PropertyKeyed">
Cached name for the 'property_keyed' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInspector.SignalName.PropertyDeleted">
Cached name for the 'property_deleted' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInspector.SignalName.ResourceSelected">
Cached name for the 'resource_selected' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInspector.SignalName.ObjectIdSelected">
Cached name for the 'object_id_selected' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInspector.SignalName.PropertyEdited">
Cached name for the 'property_edited' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInspector.SignalName.PropertyToggled">
Cached name for the 'property_toggled' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInspector.SignalName.EditedObjectChanged">
Cached name for the 'edited_object_changed' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInspector.SignalName.RestartRequested">
Cached name for the 'restart_requested' signal.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin">
<para><see cref="T:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin"/> allows adding custom property editors to <see cref="T:Godot.EditorInspector"/>.</para>
<para>When an object is edited, the <see cref="M:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin._CanHandle(Godot.GodotObject)"/> function is called and must return <see langword="true"/> if the object type is supported.</para>
<para>If supported, the function <see cref="M:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin._ParseBegin(Godot.GodotObject)"/> will be called, allowing to place custom controls at the beginning of the class.</para>
<para>Subsequently, the <see cref="M:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin._ParseCategory(Godot.GodotObject,System.String)"/> and <see cref="M:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin._ParseProperty(Godot.GodotObject,Godot.Variant.Type,System.String,Godot.PropertyHint,System.String,Godot.PropertyUsageFlags,System.Boolean)"/> are called for every category and property. They offer the ability to add custom controls to the inspector too.</para>
<para>Finally, <see cref="M:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin._ParseEnd(Godot.GodotObject)"/> will be called.</para>
<para>On each of these calls, the "add" functions can be called.</para>
<para>To use <see cref="T:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin"/>, register it using the <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddInspectorPlugin(Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin)"/> method first.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin._CanHandle(Godot.GodotObject)">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/> if this object can be handled by this plugin.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin._ParseBegin(Godot.GodotObject)">
<para>Called to allow adding controls at the beginning of the property list for <paramref name="object"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin._ParseCategory(Godot.GodotObject,System.String)">
<para>Called to allow adding controls at the beginning of a category in the property list for <paramref name="object"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin._ParseEnd(Godot.GodotObject)">
<para>Called to allow adding controls at the end of the property list for <paramref name="object"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin._ParseGroup(Godot.GodotObject,System.String)">
<para>Called to allow adding controls at the beginning of a group or a sub-group in the property list for <paramref name="object"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin._ParseProperty(Godot.GodotObject,Godot.Variant.Type,System.String,Godot.PropertyHint,System.String,Godot.PropertyUsageFlags,System.Boolean)">
<para>Called to allow adding property-specific editors to the property list for <paramref name="object"/>. The added editor control must extend <see cref="T:Godot.EditorProperty"/>. Returning <see langword="true"/> removes the built-in editor for this property, otherwise allows to insert a custom editor before the built-in one.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin.AddCustomControl(Godot.Control)">
<para>Adds a custom control, which is not necessarily a property editor.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin.AddPropertyEditor(System.String,Godot.Control,System.Boolean,System.String)">
<para>Adds a property editor for an individual property. The <paramref name="editor"/> control must extend <see cref="T:Godot.EditorProperty"/>.</para>
<para>There can be multiple property editors for a property. If <paramref name="addToEnd"/> is <see langword="true"/>, this newly added editor will be displayed after all the other editors of the property whose <paramref name="addToEnd"/> is <see langword="false"/>. For example, the editor uses this parameter to add an "Edit Region" button for <see cref="P:Godot.Sprite2D.RegionRect"/> below the regular <see cref="T:Godot.Rect2"/> editor.</para>
<para><paramref name="label"/> can be used to choose a custom label for the property editor in the inspector. If left empty, the label is computed from the name of the property instead.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin.AddPropertyEditorForMultipleProperties(System.String,System.String[],Godot.Control)">
<para>Adds an editor that allows modifying multiple properties. The <paramref name="editor"/> control must extend <see cref="T:Godot.EditorProperty"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin.AddPropertyEditorForMultipleProperties(System.String,System.ReadOnlySpan{System.String},Godot.Control)">
<para>Adds an editor that allows modifying multiple properties. The <paramref name="editor"/> control must extend <see cref="T:Godot.EditorProperty"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin.AddPropertyEditor(System.String,Godot.Control,System.Boolean)">
<para>Adds a property editor for an individual property. The <paramref name="editor"/> control must extend <see cref="T:Godot.EditorProperty"/>.</para>
<para>There can be multiple property editors for a property. If <paramref name="addToEnd"/> is <see langword="true"/>, this newly added editor will be displayed after all the other editors of the property whose <paramref name="addToEnd"/> is <see langword="false"/>. For example, the editor uses this parameter to add an "Edit Region" button for <see cref="P:Godot.Sprite2D.RegionRect"/> below the regular <see cref="T:Godot.Rect2"/> editor.</para>
<para><paramref name="label"/> can be used to choose a custom label for the property editor in the inspector. If left empty, the label is computed from the name of the property instead.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin.MethodName._CanHandle">
Cached name for the '_can_handle' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin.MethodName._ParseBegin">
Cached name for the '_parse_begin' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin.MethodName._ParseCategory">
Cached name for the '_parse_category' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin.MethodName._ParseEnd">
Cached name for the '_parse_end' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin.MethodName._ParseGroup">
Cached name for the '_parse_group' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin.MethodName._ParseProperty">
Cached name for the '_parse_property' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin.MethodName.AddCustomControl">
Cached name for the 'add_custom_control' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin.MethodName.AddPropertyEditor">
Cached name for the 'add_property_editor' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin.MethodName.AddPropertyEditorForMultipleProperties">
Cached name for the 'add_property_editor_for_multiple_properties' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorInterface">
<para><see cref="T:Godot.EditorInterface"/> gives you control over Godot editor's window. It allows customizing the window, saving and (re-)loading scenes, rendering mesh previews, inspecting and editing resources and objects, and provides access to <see cref="T:Godot.EditorSettings"/>, <see cref="T:Godot.EditorFileSystem"/>, <see cref="T:Godot.EditorResourcePreview"/>, <see cref="T:Godot.ScriptEditor"/>, the editor viewport, and information about scenes.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> This class shouldn't be instantiated directly. Instead, access the singleton directly by its name.</para>
// In C# you can access it via the static Singleton property.
EditorSettings settings = EditorInterface.Singleton.GetEditorSettings();
<member name="P:Godot.EditorInterface.DistractionFreeMode">
<para>If <see langword="true"/>, enables distraction-free mode which hides side docks to increase the space available for the main view.</para>
<member name="P:Godot.EditorInterface.MovieMakerEnabled">
<para>If <see langword="true"/>, the Movie Maker mode is enabled in the editor. See <see cref="T:Godot.MovieWriter"/> for more information.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.RestartEditor(System.Boolean)">
<para>Restarts the editor. This closes the editor and then opens the same project. If <paramref name="save"/> is <see langword="true"/>, the project will be saved before restarting.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetCommandPalette">
<para>Returns the editor's <see cref="T:Godot.EditorCommandPalette"/> instance.</para>
<para><b>Warning:</b> Removing and freeing this node will render a part of the editor useless and may cause a crash.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetResourceFilesystem">
<para>Returns the editor's <see cref="T:Godot.EditorFileSystem"/> instance.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetEditorPaths">
<para>Returns the <see cref="T:Godot.EditorPaths"/> singleton.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetResourcePreviewer">
<para>Returns the editor's <see cref="T:Godot.EditorResourcePreview"/> instance.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetSelection">
<para>Returns the editor's <see cref="T:Godot.EditorSelection"/> instance.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetEditorSettings">
<para>Returns the editor's <see cref="T:Godot.EditorSettings"/> instance.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetEditorToaster">
<para>Returns the editor's <see cref="T:Godot.EditorToaster"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetEditorUndoRedo">
<para>Returns the editor's <see cref="T:Godot.EditorUndoRedoManager"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.MakeMeshPreviews(Godot.Collections.Array{Godot.Mesh},System.Int32)">
<para>Returns mesh previews rendered at the given size as an <see cref="T:Godot.Collections.Array"/> of <see cref="T:Godot.Texture2D"/>s.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.SetPluginEnabled(System.String,System.Boolean)">
<para>Sets the enabled status of a plugin. The plugin name is the same as its directory name.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.IsPluginEnabled(System.String)">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/> if the specified <paramref name="plugin"/> is enabled. The plugin name is the same as its directory name.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetEditorTheme">
<para>Returns the editor's <see cref="T:Godot.Theme"/>.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> When creating custom editor UI, prefer accessing theme items directly from your GUI nodes using the <c>get_theme_*</c> methods.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetBaseControl">
<para>Returns the main container of Godot editor's window. For example, you can use it to retrieve the size of the container and place your controls accordingly.</para>
<para><b>Warning:</b> Removing and freeing this node will render the editor useless and may cause a crash.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetEditorMainScreen">
<para>Returns the editor control responsible for main screen plugins and tools. Use it with plugins that implement <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._HasMainScreen"/>.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> This node is a <see cref="T:Godot.VBoxContainer"/>, which means that if you add a <see cref="T:Godot.Control"/> child to it, you need to set the child's <see cref="P:Godot.Control.SizeFlagsVertical"/> to <see cref="F:Godot.Control.SizeFlags.ExpandFill"/> to make it use the full available space.</para>
<para><b>Warning:</b> Removing and freeing this node will render a part of the editor useless and may cause a crash.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetScriptEditor">
<para>Returns the editor's <see cref="T:Godot.ScriptEditor"/> instance.</para>
<para><b>Warning:</b> Removing and freeing this node will render a part of the editor useless and may cause a crash.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetEditorViewport2D">
<para>Returns the 2D editor <see cref="T:Godot.SubViewport"/>. It does not have a camera. Instead, the view transforms are done directly and can be accessed with <see cref="P:Godot.Viewport.GlobalCanvasTransform"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetEditorViewport3D(System.Int32)">
<para>Returns the specified 3D editor <see cref="T:Godot.SubViewport"/>, from <c>0</c> to <c>3</c>. The viewport can be used to access the active editor cameras with <see cref="M:Godot.Viewport.GetCamera3D"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.SetMainScreenEditor(System.String)">
<para>Sets the editor's current main screen to the one specified in <paramref name="name"/>. <paramref name="name"/> must match the title of the tab in question exactly (e.g. <c>2D</c>, <c>3D</c>, <c>Script</c>, or <c>AssetLib</c> for default tabs).</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.IsMultiWindowEnabled">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/> if multiple window support is enabled in the editor. Multiple window support is enabled if <i>all</i> of these statements are true:</para>
<para>- <c>EditorSettings.interface/multi_window/enable</c> is <see langword="true"/>.</para>
<para>- <c>EditorSettings.interface/editor/single_window_mode</c> is <see langword="false"/>.</para>
<para>- <see cref="P:Godot.Viewport.GuiEmbedSubwindows"/> is <see langword="false"/>. This is forced to <see langword="true"/> on platforms that don't support multiple windows such as Web, or when the <c>--single-window</c> <a href="$DOCS_URL/tutorials/editor/command_line_tutorial.html">command line argument</a> is used.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetEditorScale">
<para>Returns the actual scale of the editor UI (<c>1.0</c> being 100% scale). This can be used to adjust position and dimensions of the UI added by plugins.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> This value is set via the <c>interface/editor/display_scale</c> and <c>interface/editor/custom_display_scale</c> editor settings. Editor must be restarted for changes to be properly applied.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.PopupDialog(Godot.Window,System.Nullable{Godot.Rect2I})">
<para>Pops up the <paramref name="dialog"/> in the editor UI with <see cref="M:Godot.Window.PopupExclusive(Godot.Node,System.Nullable{Godot.Rect2I})"/>. The dialog must have no current parent, otherwise the method fails.</para>
<para>See also <see cref="M:Godot.Window.SetUnparentWhenInvisible(System.Boolean)"/>.</para>
<param name="rect">If the parameter is null, then the default value is <c>new Rect2I(new Vector2I(0, 0), new Vector2I(0, 0))</c>.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.PopupDialogCentered(Godot.Window,System.Nullable{Godot.Vector2I})">
<para>Pops up the <paramref name="dialog"/> in the editor UI with <see cref="M:Godot.Window.PopupExclusiveCentered(Godot.Node,System.Nullable{Godot.Vector2I})"/>. The dialog must have no current parent, otherwise the method fails.</para>
<para>See also <see cref="M:Godot.Window.SetUnparentWhenInvisible(System.Boolean)"/>.</para>
<param name="minsize">If the parameter is null, then the default value is <c>new Vector2I(0, 0)</c>.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.PopupDialogCenteredRatio(Godot.Window,System.Single)">
<para>Pops up the <paramref name="dialog"/> in the editor UI with <see cref="M:Godot.Window.PopupExclusiveCenteredRatio(Godot.Node,System.Single)"/>. The dialog must have no current parent, otherwise the method fails.</para>
<para>See also <see cref="M:Godot.Window.SetUnparentWhenInvisible(System.Boolean)"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.PopupDialogCenteredClamped(Godot.Window,System.Nullable{Godot.Vector2I},System.Single)">
<para>Pops up the <paramref name="dialog"/> in the editor UI with <see cref="M:Godot.Window.PopupExclusiveCenteredClamped(Godot.Node,System.Nullable{Godot.Vector2I},System.Single)"/>. The dialog must have no current parent, otherwise the method fails.</para>
<para>See also <see cref="M:Godot.Window.SetUnparentWhenInvisible(System.Boolean)"/>.</para>
<param name="minsize">If the parameter is null, then the default value is <c>new Vector2I(0, 0)</c>.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetCurrentFeatureProfile">
<para>Returns the name of the currently activated feature profile. If the default profile is currently active, an empty string is returned instead.</para>
<para>In order to get a reference to the <see cref="T:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile"/>, you must load the feature profile using <see cref="M:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile.LoadFromFile(System.String)"/>.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> Feature profiles created via the user interface are loaded from the <c>feature_profiles</c> directory, as a file with the <c>.profile</c> extension. The editor configuration folder can be found by using <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPaths.GetConfigDir"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.SetCurrentFeatureProfile(System.String)">
<para>Selects and activates the specified feature profile with the given <paramref name="profileName"/>. Set <paramref name="profileName"/> to an empty string to reset to the default feature profile.</para>
<para>A feature profile can be created programmatically using the <see cref="T:Godot.EditorFeatureProfile"/> class.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> The feature profile that gets activated must be located in the <c>feature_profiles</c> directory, as a file with the <c>.profile</c> extension. If a profile could not be found, an error occurs. The editor configuration folder can be found by using <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPaths.GetConfigDir"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.PopupNodeSelector(Godot.Callable,Godot.Collections.Array{Godot.StringName},Godot.Node)">
<para>Pops up an editor dialog for selecting a <see cref="T:Godot.Node"/> from the edited scene. The <paramref name="callback"/> must take a single argument of type <see cref="T:Godot.NodePath"/>. It is called on the selected <see cref="T:Godot.NodePath"/> or the empty path <c>^""</c> if the dialog is canceled. If <paramref name="validTypes"/> is provided, the dialog will only show Nodes that match one of the listed Node types. If <paramref name="currentValue"/> is provided, the Node will be automatically selected in the tree, if it exists.</para>
<para><b>Example:</b> Display the node selection dialog as soon as this node is added to the tree for the first time:</para>
func _ready():
if Engine.is_editor_hint():
EditorInterface.popup_node_selector(_on_node_selected, ["Button"])
func _on_node_selected(node_path):
if node_path.is_empty():
print("node selection canceled")
print("selected ", node_path)
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.PopupPropertySelector(Godot.GodotObject,Godot.Callable,System.Int32[],System.String)">
<para>Pops up an editor dialog for selecting properties from <paramref name="object"/>. The <paramref name="callback"/> must take a single argument of type <see cref="T:Godot.NodePath"/>. It is called on the selected property path (see <c>NodePath.get_as_property_path</c>) or the empty path <c>^""</c> if the dialog is canceled. If <paramref name="typeFilter"/> is provided, the dialog will only show properties that match one of the listed <see cref="T:Godot.Variant.Type"/> values. If <paramref name="currentValue"/> is provided, the property will be selected automatically in the property list, if it exists.</para>
func _ready():
if Engine.is_editor_hint():
EditorInterface.popup_property_selector(this, _on_property_selected, [TYPE_INT])
func _on_property_selected(property_path):
if property_path.is_empty():
print("property selection canceled")
print("selected ", property_path)
<param name="typeFilter">If the parameter is null, then the default value is <c>Array.Empty<int>()</c>.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.PopupPropertySelector(Godot.GodotObject,Godot.Callable,System.ReadOnlySpan{System.Int32},System.String)">
<para>Pops up an editor dialog for selecting properties from <paramref name="object"/>. The <paramref name="callback"/> must take a single argument of type <see cref="T:Godot.NodePath"/>. It is called on the selected property path (see <c>NodePath.get_as_property_path</c>) or the empty path <c>^""</c> if the dialog is canceled. If <paramref name="typeFilter"/> is provided, the dialog will only show properties that match one of the listed <see cref="T:Godot.Variant.Type"/> values. If <paramref name="currentValue"/> is provided, the property will be selected automatically in the property list, if it exists.</para>
func _ready():
if Engine.is_editor_hint():
EditorInterface.popup_property_selector(this, _on_property_selected, [TYPE_INT])
func _on_property_selected(property_path):
if property_path.is_empty():
print("property selection canceled")
print("selected ", property_path)
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.PopupMethodSelector(Godot.GodotObject,Godot.Callable,System.String)">
<para>Pops up an editor dialog for selecting a method from <paramref name="object"/>. The <paramref name="callback"/> must take a single argument of type <see cref="T:System.String"/> which will contain the name of the selected method or be empty if the dialog is canceled. If <paramref name="currentValue"/> is provided, the method will be selected automatically in the method list, if it exists.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.PopupQuickOpen(Godot.Callable,Godot.Collections.Array{Godot.StringName})">
<para>Pops up an editor dialog for quick selecting a resource file. The <paramref name="callback"/> must take a single argument of type <see cref="T:System.String"/> which will contain the path of the selected resource or be empty if the dialog is canceled. If <paramref name="baseTypes"/> is provided, the dialog will only show resources that match these types. Only types deriving from <see cref="T:Godot.Resource"/> are supported.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.PopupCreateDialog(Godot.Callable,Godot.StringName,System.String,System.String,Godot.Collections.Array{Godot.StringName},Godot.Collections.Dictionary)">
<para>Pops up an editor dialog for creating an object.</para>
<para>The <paramref name="callback"/> must take a single argument of type <see cref="T:Godot.StringName"/> which will contain the type name of the selected object or be empty if no item is selected.</para>
<para>The <paramref name="baseType"/> specifies the base type of objects to display. For example, if you set this to "Resource", all types derived from <see cref="T:Godot.Resource"/> will display in the create dialog.</para>
<para>The <paramref name="currentType"/> will be passed in the search box of the create dialog, and the specified type can be immediately selected when the dialog pops up. If the <paramref name="currentType"/> is not derived from <paramref name="baseType"/>, there will be no result of the type in the dialog.</para>
<para>The <paramref name="dialogTitle"/> allows you to define a custom title for the dialog. This is useful if you want to accurately hint the usage of the dialog. If the <paramref name="dialogTitle"/> is an empty string, the dialog will use "Create New 'Base Type'" as the default title.</para>
<para>The <paramref name="typeBlocklist"/> contains a list of type names, and the types in the blocklist will be hidden from the create dialog.</para>
<para>The <paramref name="typeSuffixes"/> is a dictionary, with keys being <see cref="T:Godot.StringName"/>s and values being <see cref="T:System.String"/>s. Custom suffixes override the default suffixes which are file names of their scripts. For example, if you set a custom suffix as "Custom Suffix" for a global script type,</para>
|- MyCustomNode (my_custom_node.gd)
<para>will be</para>
|- MyCustomNode (Custom Suffix)
<para>Bear in mind that when a built-in type does not have any custom suffix, its suffix will be removed. The suffix of a type created from a script will fall back to its script file name. For global types by scripts, if you customize their suffixes to an empty string, their suffixes will be removed.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> Trying to list the base type in the <paramref name="typeBlocklist"/> will hide all types derived from the base type from the create dialog.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetFileSystemDock">
<para>Returns the editor's <see cref="T:Godot.FileSystemDock"/> instance.</para>
<para><b>Warning:</b> Removing and freeing this node will render a part of the editor useless and may cause a crash.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.SelectFile(System.String)">
<para>Selects the file, with the path provided by <paramref name="file"/>, in the FileSystem dock.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetSelectedPaths">
<para>Returns an array containing the paths of the currently selected files (and directories) in the <see cref="T:Godot.FileSystemDock"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetCurrentPath">
<para>Returns the current path being viewed in the <see cref="T:Godot.FileSystemDock"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetCurrentDirectory">
<para>Returns the current directory being viewed in the <see cref="T:Godot.FileSystemDock"/>. If a file is selected, its base directory will be returned using <c>String.get_base_dir</c> instead.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetInspector">
<para>Returns the editor's <see cref="T:Godot.EditorInspector"/> instance.</para>
<para><b>Warning:</b> Removing and freeing this node will render a part of the editor useless and may cause a crash.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.InspectObject(Godot.GodotObject,System.String,System.Boolean)">
<para>Shows the given property on the given <paramref name="object"/> in the editor's Inspector dock. If <paramref name="inspectorOnly"/> is <see langword="true"/>, plugins will not attempt to edit <paramref name="object"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.EditResource(Godot.Resource)">
<para>Edits the given <see cref="T:Godot.Resource"/>. If the resource is a <see cref="T:Godot.Script"/> you can also edit it with <see cref="M:Godot.EditorInterface.EditScript(Godot.Script,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)"/> to specify the line and column position.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.EditNode(Godot.Node)">
<para>Edits the given <see cref="T:Godot.Node"/>. The node will be also selected if it's inside the scene tree.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.EditScript(Godot.Script,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
<para>Edits the given <see cref="T:Godot.Script"/>. The line and column on which to open the script can also be specified. The script will be open with the user-configured editor for the script's language which may be an external editor.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.OpenSceneFromPath(System.String,System.Boolean)">
<para>Opens the scene at the given path. If <paramref name="setInherited"/> is <see langword="true"/>, creates a new inherited scene.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.ReloadSceneFromPath(System.String)">
<para>Reloads the scene at the given path.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetOpenScenes">
<para>Returns an <see cref="T:Godot.Collections.Array"/> with the file paths of the currently opened scenes.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetEditedSceneRoot">
<para>Returns the edited (current) scene's root <see cref="T:Godot.Node"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.SaveScene">
<para>Saves the currently active scene. Returns either <see cref="F:Godot.Error.Ok"/> or <see cref="F:Godot.Error.CantCreate"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.SaveSceneAs(System.String,System.Boolean)">
<para>Saves the currently active scene as a file at <paramref name="path"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.SaveAllScenes">
<para>Saves all opened scenes in the editor.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.MarkSceneAsUnsaved">
<para>Marks the current scene tab as unsaved.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.PlayMainScene">
<para>Plays the main scene.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.PlayCurrentScene">
<para>Plays the currently active scene.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.PlayCustomScene(System.String)">
<para>Plays the scene specified by its filepath.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.StopPlayingScene">
<para>Stops the scene that is currently playing.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.IsPlayingScene">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/> if a scene is currently being played, <see langword="false"/> otherwise. Paused scenes are considered as being played.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetPlayingScene">
<para>Returns the name of the scene that is being played. If no scene is currently being played, returns an empty string.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.OpenSceneFromPath(System.String)">
<para>Opens the scene at the given path. If <paramref name="setInherited"/> is <see langword="true"/>, creates a new inherited scene.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.PopupPropertySelector(Godot.GodotObject,Godot.Callable,System.Int32[])">
<para>Pops up an editor dialog for selecting properties from <paramref name="object"/>. The <paramref name="callback"/> must take a single argument of type <see cref="T:Godot.NodePath"/>. It is called on the selected property path (see <c>NodePath.get_as_property_path</c>) or the empty path <c>^""</c> if the dialog is canceled. If <paramref name="typeFilter"/> is provided, the dialog will only show properties that match one of the listed <see cref="T:Godot.Variant.Type"/> values. If <paramref name="currentValue"/> is provided, the property will be selected automatically in the property list, if it exists.</para>
func _ready():
if Engine.is_editor_hint():
EditorInterface.popup_property_selector(this, _on_property_selected, [TYPE_INT])
func _on_property_selected(property_path):
if property_path.is_empty():
print("property selection canceled")
print("selected ", property_path)
<param name="typeFilter">If the parameter is null, then the default value is <c>Array.Empty<int>()</c>.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.PopupPropertySelector(Godot.GodotObject,Godot.Callable,System.ReadOnlySpan{System.Int32})">
<para>Pops up an editor dialog for selecting properties from <paramref name="object"/>. The <paramref name="callback"/> must take a single argument of type <see cref="T:Godot.NodePath"/>. It is called on the selected property path (see <c>NodePath.get_as_property_path</c>) or the empty path <c>^""</c> if the dialog is canceled. If <paramref name="typeFilter"/> is provided, the dialog will only show properties that match one of the listed <see cref="T:Godot.Variant.Type"/> values. If <paramref name="currentValue"/> is provided, the property will be selected automatically in the property list, if it exists.</para>
func _ready():
if Engine.is_editor_hint():
EditorInterface.popup_property_selector(this, _on_property_selected, [TYPE_INT])
func _on_property_selected(property_path):
if property_path.is_empty():
print("property selection canceled")
print("selected ", property_path)
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.PopupNodeSelector(Godot.Callable,Godot.Collections.Array{Godot.StringName})">
<para>Pops up an editor dialog for selecting a <see cref="T:Godot.Node"/> from the edited scene. The <paramref name="callback"/> must take a single argument of type <see cref="T:Godot.NodePath"/>. It is called on the selected <see cref="T:Godot.NodePath"/> or the empty path <c>^""</c> if the dialog is canceled. If <paramref name="validTypes"/> is provided, the dialog will only show Nodes that match one of the listed Node types. If <paramref name="currentValue"/> is provided, the Node will be automatically selected in the tree, if it exists.</para>
<para><b>Example:</b> Display the node selection dialog as soon as this node is added to the tree for the first time:</para>
func _ready():
if Engine.is_editor_hint():
EditorInterface.popup_node_selector(_on_node_selected, ["Button"])
func _on_node_selected(node_path):
if node_path.is_empty():
print("node selection canceled")
print("selected ", node_path)
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorInterface.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorInterface.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.PropertyName.DistractionFreeMode">
Cached name for the 'distraction_free_mode' property.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.PropertyName.MovieMakerEnabled">
Cached name for the 'movie_maker_enabled' property.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.RestartEditor">
Cached name for the 'restart_editor' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.GetCommandPalette">
Cached name for the 'get_command_palette' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.GetResourceFilesystem">
Cached name for the 'get_resource_filesystem' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.GetEditorPaths">
Cached name for the 'get_editor_paths' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.GetResourcePreviewer">
Cached name for the 'get_resource_previewer' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.GetSelection">
Cached name for the 'get_selection' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.GetEditorSettings">
Cached name for the 'get_editor_settings' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.GetEditorToaster">
Cached name for the 'get_editor_toaster' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.GetEditorUndoRedo">
Cached name for the 'get_editor_undo_redo' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.MakeMeshPreviews">
Cached name for the 'make_mesh_previews' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.SetPluginEnabled">
Cached name for the 'set_plugin_enabled' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.IsPluginEnabled">
Cached name for the 'is_plugin_enabled' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.GetEditorTheme">
Cached name for the 'get_editor_theme' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.GetBaseControl">
Cached name for the 'get_base_control' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.GetEditorMainScreen">
Cached name for the 'get_editor_main_screen' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.GetScriptEditor">
Cached name for the 'get_script_editor' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.GetEditorViewport2D">
Cached name for the 'get_editor_viewport_2d' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.GetEditorViewport3D">
Cached name for the 'get_editor_viewport_3d' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.SetMainScreenEditor">
Cached name for the 'set_main_screen_editor' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.SetDistractionFreeMode">
Cached name for the 'set_distraction_free_mode' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.IsDistractionFreeModeEnabled">
Cached name for the 'is_distraction_free_mode_enabled' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.IsMultiWindowEnabled">
Cached name for the 'is_multi_window_enabled' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.GetEditorScale">
Cached name for the 'get_editor_scale' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.PopupDialog">
Cached name for the 'popup_dialog' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.PopupDialogCentered">
Cached name for the 'popup_dialog_centered' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.PopupDialogCenteredRatio">
Cached name for the 'popup_dialog_centered_ratio' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.PopupDialogCenteredClamped">
Cached name for the 'popup_dialog_centered_clamped' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.GetCurrentFeatureProfile">
Cached name for the 'get_current_feature_profile' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.SetCurrentFeatureProfile">
Cached name for the 'set_current_feature_profile' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.PopupNodeSelector">
Cached name for the 'popup_node_selector' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.PopupPropertySelector">
Cached name for the 'popup_property_selector' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.PopupMethodSelector">
Cached name for the 'popup_method_selector' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.PopupQuickOpen">
Cached name for the 'popup_quick_open' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.PopupCreateDialog">
Cached name for the 'popup_create_dialog' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.GetFileSystemDock">
Cached name for the 'get_file_system_dock' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.SelectFile">
Cached name for the 'select_file' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.GetSelectedPaths">
Cached name for the 'get_selected_paths' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.GetCurrentPath">
Cached name for the 'get_current_path' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.GetCurrentDirectory">
Cached name for the 'get_current_directory' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.GetInspector">
Cached name for the 'get_inspector' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.InspectObject">
Cached name for the 'inspect_object' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.EditResource">
Cached name for the 'edit_resource' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.EditNode">
Cached name for the 'edit_node' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.EditScript">
Cached name for the 'edit_script' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.OpenSceneFromPath">
Cached name for the 'open_scene_from_path' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.ReloadSceneFromPath">
Cached name for the 'reload_scene_from_path' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.GetOpenScenes">
Cached name for the 'get_open_scenes' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.GetEditedSceneRoot">
Cached name for the 'get_edited_scene_root' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.SaveScene">
Cached name for the 'save_scene' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.SaveSceneAs">
Cached name for the 'save_scene_as' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.SaveAllScenes">
Cached name for the 'save_all_scenes' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.MarkSceneAsUnsaved">
Cached name for the 'mark_scene_as_unsaved' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.PlayMainScene">
Cached name for the 'play_main_scene' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.PlayCurrentScene">
Cached name for the 'play_current_scene' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.PlayCustomScene">
Cached name for the 'play_custom_scene' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.StopPlayingScene">
Cached name for the 'stop_playing_scene' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.IsPlayingScene">
Cached name for the 'is_playing_scene' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.GetPlayingScene">
Cached name for the 'get_playing_scene' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.SetMovieMakerEnabled">
Cached name for the 'set_movie_maker_enabled' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorInterface.MethodName.IsMovieMakerEnabled">
Cached name for the 'is_movie_maker_enabled' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorInterface.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo">
<para>Gizmo that is used for providing custom visualization and editing (handles and subgizmos) for <see cref="T:Godot.Node3D"/> objects. Can be overridden to create custom gizmos, but for simple gizmos creating a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin"/> is usually recommended.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo._CommitHandle(System.Int32,System.Boolean,Godot.Variant,System.Boolean)">
<para>Override this method to commit a handle being edited (handles must have been previously added by <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.AddHandles(Godot.Vector3[],Godot.Material,System.Int32[],System.Boolean,System.Boolean)"/>). This usually means creating an <see cref="T:Godot.UndoRedo"/> action for the change, using the current handle value as "do" and the <paramref name="restore"/> argument as "undo".</para>
<para>If the <paramref name="cancel"/> argument is <see langword="true"/>, the <paramref name="restore"/> value should be directly set, without any <see cref="T:Godot.UndoRedo"/> action.</para>
<para>The <paramref name="secondary"/> argument is <see langword="true"/> when the committed handle is secondary (see <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.AddHandles(Godot.Vector3[],Godot.Material,System.Int32[],System.Boolean,System.Boolean)"/> for more information).</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo._CommitSubgizmos(System.Int32[],Godot.Collections.Array{Godot.Transform3D},System.Boolean)">
<para>Override this method to commit a group of subgizmos being edited (see <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo._SubgizmosIntersectRay(Godot.Camera3D,Godot.Vector2)"/> and <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo._SubgizmosIntersectFrustum(Godot.Camera3D,Godot.Collections.Array{Godot.Plane})"/>). This usually means creating an <see cref="T:Godot.UndoRedo"/> action for the change, using the current transforms as "do" and the <paramref name="restores"/> transforms as "undo".</para>
<para>If the <paramref name="cancel"/> argument is <see langword="true"/>, the <paramref name="restores"/> transforms should be directly set, without any <see cref="T:Godot.UndoRedo"/> action.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo._GetHandleName(System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
<para>Override this method to return the name of an edited handle (handles must have been previously added by <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.AddHandles(Godot.Vector3[],Godot.Material,System.Int32[],System.Boolean,System.Boolean)"/>). Handles can be named for reference to the user when editing.</para>
<para>The <paramref name="secondary"/> argument is <see langword="true"/> when the requested handle is secondary (see <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.AddHandles(Godot.Vector3[],Godot.Material,System.Int32[],System.Boolean,System.Boolean)"/> for more information).</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo._GetHandleValue(System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
<para>Override this method to return the current value of a handle. This value will be requested at the start of an edit and used as the <c>restore</c> argument in <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo._CommitHandle(System.Int32,System.Boolean,Godot.Variant,System.Boolean)"/>.</para>
<para>The <paramref name="secondary"/> argument is <see langword="true"/> when the requested handle is secondary (see <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.AddHandles(Godot.Vector3[],Godot.Material,System.Int32[],System.Boolean,System.Boolean)"/> for more information).</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo._GetSubgizmoTransform(System.Int32)">
<para>Override this method to return the current transform of a subgizmo. This transform will be requested at the start of an edit and used as the <c>restore</c> argument in <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo._CommitSubgizmos(System.Int32[],Godot.Collections.Array{Godot.Transform3D},System.Boolean)"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo._IsHandleHighlighted(System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
<para>Override this method to return <see langword="true"/> whenever the given handle should be highlighted in the editor.</para>
<para>The <paramref name="secondary"/> argument is <see langword="true"/> when the requested handle is secondary (see <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.AddHandles(Godot.Vector3[],Godot.Material,System.Int32[],System.Boolean,System.Boolean)"/> for more information).</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo._Redraw">
<para>Override this method to add all the gizmo elements whenever a gizmo update is requested. It's common to call <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.Clear"/> at the beginning of this method and then add visual elements depending on the node's properties.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo._SetHandle(System.Int32,System.Boolean,Godot.Camera3D,Godot.Vector2)">
<para>Override this method to update the node properties when the user drags a gizmo handle (previously added with <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.AddHandles(Godot.Vector3[],Godot.Material,System.Int32[],System.Boolean,System.Boolean)"/>). The provided <paramref name="point"/> is the mouse position in screen coordinates and the <paramref name="camera"/> can be used to convert it to raycasts.</para>
<para>The <paramref name="secondary"/> argument is <see langword="true"/> when the edited handle is secondary (see <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.AddHandles(Godot.Vector3[],Godot.Material,System.Int32[],System.Boolean,System.Boolean)"/> for more information).</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo._SetSubgizmoTransform(System.Int32,Godot.Transform3D)">
<para>Override this method to update the node properties during subgizmo editing (see <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo._SubgizmosIntersectRay(Godot.Camera3D,Godot.Vector2)"/> and <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo._SubgizmosIntersectFrustum(Godot.Camera3D,Godot.Collections.Array{Godot.Plane})"/>). The <paramref name="transform"/> is given in the <see cref="T:Godot.Node3D"/>'s local coordinate system.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo._SubgizmosIntersectFrustum(Godot.Camera3D,Godot.Collections.Array{Godot.Plane})">
<para>Override this method to allow selecting subgizmos using mouse drag box selection. Given a <paramref name="camera"/> and a <paramref name="frustum"/>, this method should return which subgizmos are contained within the frustum. The <paramref name="frustum"/> argument consists of an array with all the <see cref="T:Godot.Plane"/>s that make up the selection frustum. The returned value should contain a list of unique subgizmo identifiers, which can have any non-negative value and will be used in other virtual methods like <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo._GetSubgizmoTransform(System.Int32)"/> or <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo._CommitSubgizmos(System.Int32[],Godot.Collections.Array{Godot.Transform3D},System.Boolean)"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo._SubgizmosIntersectRay(Godot.Camera3D,Godot.Vector2)">
<para>Override this method to allow selecting subgizmos using mouse clicks. Given a <paramref name="camera"/> and a <paramref name="point"/> in screen coordinates, this method should return which subgizmo should be selected. The returned value should be a unique subgizmo identifier, which can have any non-negative value and will be used in other virtual methods like <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo._GetSubgizmoTransform(System.Int32)"/> or <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo._CommitSubgizmos(System.Int32[],Godot.Collections.Array{Godot.Transform3D},System.Boolean)"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.AddLines(Godot.Vector3[],Godot.Material,System.Boolean,System.Nullable{Godot.Color})">
<para>Adds lines to the gizmo (as sets of 2 points), with a given material. The lines are used for visualizing the gizmo. Call this method during <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo._Redraw"/>.</para>
<param name="modulate">If the parameter is null, then the default value is <c>new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)</c>.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.AddLines(System.ReadOnlySpan{Godot.Vector3},Godot.Material,System.Boolean,System.Nullable{Godot.Color})">
<para>Adds lines to the gizmo (as sets of 2 points), with a given material. The lines are used for visualizing the gizmo. Call this method during <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo._Redraw"/>.</para>
<param name="modulate">If the parameter is null, then the default value is <c>new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)</c>.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.AddMesh(Godot.Mesh,Godot.Material,System.Nullable{Godot.Transform3D},Godot.SkinReference)">
<para>Adds a mesh to the gizmo with the specified <paramref name="material"/>, local <paramref name="transform"/> and <paramref name="skeleton"/>. Call this method during <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo._Redraw"/>.</para>
<param name="transform">If the parameter is null, then the default value is <c>Transform3D.Identity</c>.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.AddCollisionSegments(Godot.Vector3[])">
<para>Adds the specified <paramref name="segments"/> to the gizmo's collision shape for picking. Call this method during <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo._Redraw"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.AddCollisionSegments(System.ReadOnlySpan{Godot.Vector3})">
<para>Adds the specified <paramref name="segments"/> to the gizmo's collision shape for picking. Call this method during <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo._Redraw"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.AddCollisionTriangles(Godot.TriangleMesh)">
<para>Adds collision triangles to the gizmo for picking. A <see cref="T:Godot.TriangleMesh"/> can be generated from a regular <see cref="T:Godot.Mesh"/> too. Call this method during <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo._Redraw"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.AddUnscaledBillboard(Godot.Material,System.Single,System.Nullable{Godot.Color})">
<para>Adds an unscaled billboard for visualization and selection. Call this method during <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo._Redraw"/>.</para>
<param name="modulate">If the parameter is null, then the default value is <c>new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)</c>.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.AddHandles(Godot.Vector3[],Godot.Material,System.Int32[],System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
<para>Adds a list of handles (points) which can be used to edit the properties of the gizmo's <see cref="T:Godot.Node3D"/>. The <paramref name="ids"/> argument can be used to specify a custom identifier for each handle, if an empty array is passed, the ids will be assigned automatically from the <paramref name="handles"/> argument order.</para>
<para>The <paramref name="secondary"/> argument marks the added handles as secondary, meaning they will normally have lower selection priority than regular handles. When the user is holding the shift key secondary handles will switch to have higher priority than regular handles. This change in priority can be used to place multiple handles at the same point while still giving the user control on their selection.</para>
<para>There are virtual methods which will be called upon editing of these handles. Call this method during <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo._Redraw"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.AddHandles(System.ReadOnlySpan{Godot.Vector3},Godot.Material,System.ReadOnlySpan{System.Int32},System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
<para>Adds a list of handles (points) which can be used to edit the properties of the gizmo's <see cref="T:Godot.Node3D"/>. The <paramref name="ids"/> argument can be used to specify a custom identifier for each handle, if an empty array is passed, the ids will be assigned automatically from the <paramref name="handles"/> argument order.</para>
<para>The <paramref name="secondary"/> argument marks the added handles as secondary, meaning they will normally have lower selection priority than regular handles. When the user is holding the shift key secondary handles will switch to have higher priority than regular handles. This change in priority can be used to place multiple handles at the same point while still giving the user control on their selection.</para>
<para>There are virtual methods which will be called upon editing of these handles. Call this method during <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo._Redraw"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.SetNode3D(Godot.Node)">
<para>Sets the reference <see cref="T:Godot.Node3D"/> node for the gizmo. <paramref name="node"/> must inherit from <see cref="T:Godot.Node3D"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.GetNode3D">
<para>Returns the <see cref="T:Godot.Node3D"/> node associated with this gizmo.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.GetPlugin">
<para>Returns the <see cref="T:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin"/> that owns this gizmo. It's useful to retrieve materials using <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.GetMaterial(System.String,Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo)"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.Clear">
<para>Removes everything in the gizmo including meshes, collisions and handles.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.SetHidden(System.Boolean)">
<para>Sets the gizmo's hidden state. If <see langword="true"/>, the gizmo will be hidden. If <see langword="false"/>, it will be shown.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.IsSubgizmoSelected(System.Int32)">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/> if the given subgizmo is currently selected. Can be used to highlight selected elements during <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo._Redraw"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.GetSubgizmoSelection">
<para>Returns a list of the currently selected subgizmos. Can be used to highlight selected elements during <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo._Redraw"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.MethodName._BeginHandleAction">
Cached name for the '_begin_handle_action' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.MethodName._CommitHandle">
Cached name for the '_commit_handle' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.MethodName._CommitSubgizmos">
Cached name for the '_commit_subgizmos' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.MethodName._GetHandleName">
Cached name for the '_get_handle_name' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.MethodName._GetHandleValue">
Cached name for the '_get_handle_value' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.MethodName._GetSubgizmoTransform">
Cached name for the '_get_subgizmo_transform' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.MethodName._IsHandleHighlighted">
Cached name for the '_is_handle_highlighted' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.MethodName._Redraw">
Cached name for the '_redraw' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.MethodName._SetHandle">
Cached name for the '_set_handle' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.MethodName._SetSubgizmoTransform">
Cached name for the '_set_subgizmo_transform' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.MethodName._SubgizmosIntersectFrustum">
Cached name for the '_subgizmos_intersect_frustum' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.MethodName._SubgizmosIntersectRay">
Cached name for the '_subgizmos_intersect_ray' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.MethodName.AddLines">
Cached name for the 'add_lines' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.MethodName.AddMesh">
Cached name for the 'add_mesh' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.MethodName.AddCollisionSegments">
Cached name for the 'add_collision_segments' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.MethodName.AddCollisionTriangles">
Cached name for the 'add_collision_triangles' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.MethodName.AddUnscaledBillboard">
Cached name for the 'add_unscaled_billboard' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.MethodName.AddHandles">
Cached name for the 'add_handles' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.MethodName.SetNode3D">
Cached name for the 'set_node_3d' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.MethodName.GetNode3D">
Cached name for the 'get_node_3d' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.MethodName.GetPlugin">
Cached name for the 'get_plugin' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.MethodName.Clear">
Cached name for the 'clear' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.MethodName.SetHidden">
Cached name for the 'set_hidden' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.MethodName.IsSubgizmoSelected">
Cached name for the 'is_subgizmo_selected' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.MethodName.GetSubgizmoSelection">
Cached name for the 'get_subgizmo_selection' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin">
<para><see cref="T:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin"/> allows you to define a new type of Gizmo. There are two main ways to do so: extending <see cref="T:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin"/> for the simpler gizmos, or creating a new <see cref="T:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo"/> type. See the tutorial in the documentation for more info.</para>
<para>To use <see cref="T:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin"/>, register it using the <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddNode3DGizmoPlugin(Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin)"/> method first.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin._CanBeHidden">
<para>Override this method to define whether the gizmos handled by this plugin can be hidden or not. Returns <see langword="true"/> if not overridden.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin._CommitHandle(Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo,System.Int32,System.Boolean,Godot.Variant,System.Boolean)">
<para>Override this method to commit a handle being edited (handles must have been previously added by <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.AddHandles(Godot.Vector3[],Godot.Material,System.Int32[],System.Boolean,System.Boolean)"/> during <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin._Redraw(Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo)"/>). This usually means creating an <see cref="T:Godot.UndoRedo"/> action for the change, using the current handle value as "do" and the <paramref name="restore"/> argument as "undo".</para>
<para>If the <paramref name="cancel"/> argument is <see langword="true"/>, the <paramref name="restore"/> value should be directly set, without any <see cref="T:Godot.UndoRedo"/> action.</para>
<para>The <paramref name="secondary"/> argument is <see langword="true"/> when the committed handle is secondary (see <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.AddHandles(Godot.Vector3[],Godot.Material,System.Int32[],System.Boolean,System.Boolean)"/> for more information).</para>
<para>Called for this plugin's active gizmos.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin._CommitSubgizmos(Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo,System.Int32[],Godot.Collections.Array{Godot.Transform3D},System.Boolean)">
<para>Override this method to commit a group of subgizmos being edited (see <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin._SubgizmosIntersectRay(Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo,Godot.Camera3D,Godot.Vector2)"/> and <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin._SubgizmosIntersectFrustum(Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo,Godot.Camera3D,Godot.Collections.Array{Godot.Plane})"/>). This usually means creating an <see cref="T:Godot.UndoRedo"/> action for the change, using the current transforms as "do" and the <paramref name="restores"/> transforms as "undo".</para>
<para>If the <paramref name="cancel"/> argument is <see langword="true"/>, the <paramref name="restores"/> transforms should be directly set, without any <see cref="T:Godot.UndoRedo"/> action. As with all subgizmo methods, transforms are given in local space respect to the gizmo's Node3D. Called for this plugin's active gizmos.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin._CreateGizmo(Godot.Node3D)">
<para>Override this method to return a custom <see cref="T:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo"/> for the 3D nodes of your choice, return <see langword="null"/> for the rest of nodes. See also <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin._HasGizmo(Godot.Node3D)"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin._GetGizmoName">
<para>Override this method to provide the name that will appear in the gizmo visibility menu.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin._GetHandleName(Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
<para>Override this method to provide gizmo's handle names. The <paramref name="secondary"/> argument is <see langword="true"/> when the requested handle is secondary (see <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.AddHandles(Godot.Vector3[],Godot.Material,System.Int32[],System.Boolean,System.Boolean)"/> for more information). Called for this plugin's active gizmos.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin._GetHandleValue(Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
<para>Override this method to return the current value of a handle. This value will be requested at the start of an edit and used as the <c>restore</c> argument in <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin._CommitHandle(Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo,System.Int32,System.Boolean,Godot.Variant,System.Boolean)"/>.</para>
<para>The <paramref name="secondary"/> argument is <see langword="true"/> when the requested handle is secondary (see <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.AddHandles(Godot.Vector3[],Godot.Material,System.Int32[],System.Boolean,System.Boolean)"/> for more information).</para>
<para>Called for this plugin's active gizmos.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin._GetPriority">
<para>Override this method to set the gizmo's priority. Gizmos with higher priority will have precedence when processing inputs like handles or subgizmos selection.</para>
<para>All built-in editor gizmos return a priority of <c>-1</c>. If not overridden, this method will return <c>0</c>, which means custom gizmos will automatically get higher priority than built-in gizmos.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin._GetSubgizmoTransform(Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo,System.Int32)">
<para>Override this method to return the current transform of a subgizmo. As with all subgizmo methods, the transform should be in local space respect to the gizmo's Node3D. This transform will be requested at the start of an edit and used in the <c>restore</c> argument in <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin._CommitSubgizmos(Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo,System.Int32[],Godot.Collections.Array{Godot.Transform3D},System.Boolean)"/>. Called for this plugin's active gizmos.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin._HasGizmo(Godot.Node3D)">
<para>Override this method to define which Node3D nodes have a gizmo from this plugin. Whenever a <see cref="T:Godot.Node3D"/> node is added to a scene this method is called, if it returns <see langword="true"/> the node gets a generic <see cref="T:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo"/> assigned and is added to this plugin's list of active gizmos.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin._IsHandleHighlighted(Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
<para>Override this method to return <see langword="true"/> whenever to given handle should be highlighted in the editor. The <paramref name="secondary"/> argument is <see langword="true"/> when the requested handle is secondary (see <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.AddHandles(Godot.Vector3[],Godot.Material,System.Int32[],System.Boolean,System.Boolean)"/> for more information). Called for this plugin's active gizmos.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin._IsSelectableWhenHidden">
<para>Override this method to define whether Node3D with this gizmo should be selectable even when the gizmo is hidden.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin._Redraw(Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo)">
<para>Override this method to add all the gizmo elements whenever a gizmo update is requested. It's common to call <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.Clear"/> at the beginning of this method and then add visual elements depending on the node's properties.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin._SetHandle(Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo,System.Int32,System.Boolean,Godot.Camera3D,Godot.Vector2)">
<para>Override this method to update the node's properties when the user drags a gizmo handle (previously added with <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.AddHandles(Godot.Vector3[],Godot.Material,System.Int32[],System.Boolean,System.Boolean)"/>). The provided <paramref name="screenPos"/> is the mouse position in screen coordinates and the <paramref name="camera"/> can be used to convert it to raycasts.</para>
<para>The <paramref name="secondary"/> argument is <see langword="true"/> when the edited handle is secondary (see <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.AddHandles(Godot.Vector3[],Godot.Material,System.Int32[],System.Boolean,System.Boolean)"/> for more information).</para>
<para>Called for this plugin's active gizmos.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin._SetSubgizmoTransform(Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo,System.Int32,Godot.Transform3D)">
<para>Override this method to update the node properties during subgizmo editing (see <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin._SubgizmosIntersectRay(Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo,Godot.Camera3D,Godot.Vector2)"/> and <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin._SubgizmosIntersectFrustum(Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo,Godot.Camera3D,Godot.Collections.Array{Godot.Plane})"/>). The <paramref name="transform"/> is given in the Node3D's local coordinate system. Called for this plugin's active gizmos.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin._SubgizmosIntersectFrustum(Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo,Godot.Camera3D,Godot.Collections.Array{Godot.Plane})">
<para>Override this method to allow selecting subgizmos using mouse drag box selection. Given a <paramref name="camera"/> and <paramref name="frustumPlanes"/>, this method should return which subgizmos are contained within the frustums. The <paramref name="frustumPlanes"/> argument consists of an array with all the <see cref="T:Godot.Plane"/>s that make up the selection frustum. The returned value should contain a list of unique subgizmo identifiers, these identifiers can have any non-negative value and will be used in other virtual methods like <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin._GetSubgizmoTransform(Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo,System.Int32)"/> or <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin._CommitSubgizmos(Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo,System.Int32[],Godot.Collections.Array{Godot.Transform3D},System.Boolean)"/>. Called for this plugin's active gizmos.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin._SubgizmosIntersectRay(Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo,Godot.Camera3D,Godot.Vector2)">
<para>Override this method to allow selecting subgizmos using mouse clicks. Given a <paramref name="camera"/> and a <paramref name="screenPos"/> in screen coordinates, this method should return which subgizmo should be selected. The returned value should be a unique subgizmo identifier, which can have any non-negative value and will be used in other virtual methods like <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin._GetSubgizmoTransform(Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo,System.Int32)"/> or <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin._CommitSubgizmos(Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo,System.Int32[],Godot.Collections.Array{Godot.Transform3D},System.Boolean)"/>. Called for this plugin's active gizmos.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.CreateMaterial(System.String,Godot.Color,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
<para>Creates an unshaded material with its variants (selected and/or editable) and adds them to the internal material list. They can then be accessed with <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.GetMaterial(System.String,Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo)"/> and used in <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.AddMesh(Godot.Mesh,Godot.Material,System.Nullable{Godot.Transform3D},Godot.SkinReference)"/> and <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.AddLines(Godot.Vector3[],Godot.Material,System.Boolean,System.Nullable{Godot.Color})"/>. Should not be overridden.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.CreateIconMaterial(System.String,Godot.Texture2D,System.Boolean,System.Nullable{Godot.Color})">
<para>Creates an icon material with its variants (selected and/or editable) and adds them to the internal material list. They can then be accessed with <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.GetMaterial(System.String,Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo)"/> and used in <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.AddUnscaledBillboard(Godot.Material,System.Single,System.Nullable{Godot.Color})"/>. Should not be overridden.</para>
<param name="color">If the parameter is null, then the default value is <c>new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)</c>.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.CreateHandleMaterial(System.String,System.Boolean,Godot.Texture2D)">
<para>Creates a handle material with its variants (selected and/or editable) and adds them to the internal material list. They can then be accessed with <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.GetMaterial(System.String,Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo)"/> and used in <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo.AddHandles(Godot.Vector3[],Godot.Material,System.Int32[],System.Boolean,System.Boolean)"/>. Should not be overridden.</para>
<para>You can optionally provide a texture to use instead of the default icon.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.AddMaterial(System.String,Godot.StandardMaterial3D)">
<para>Adds a new material to the internal material list for the plugin. It can then be accessed with <see cref="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.GetMaterial(System.String,Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo)"/>. Should not be overridden.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.GetMaterial(System.String,Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo)">
<para>Gets material from the internal list of materials. If an <see cref="T:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmo"/> is provided, it will try to get the corresponding variant (selected and/or editable).</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.MethodName._BeginHandleAction">
Cached name for the '_begin_handle_action' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.MethodName._CanBeHidden">
Cached name for the '_can_be_hidden' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.MethodName._CommitHandle">
Cached name for the '_commit_handle' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.MethodName._CommitSubgizmos">
Cached name for the '_commit_subgizmos' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.MethodName._CreateGizmo">
Cached name for the '_create_gizmo' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.MethodName._GetGizmoName">
Cached name for the '_get_gizmo_name' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.MethodName._GetHandleName">
Cached name for the '_get_handle_name' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.MethodName._GetHandleValue">
Cached name for the '_get_handle_value' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.MethodName._GetPriority">
Cached name for the '_get_priority' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.MethodName._GetSubgizmoTransform">
Cached name for the '_get_subgizmo_transform' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.MethodName._HasGizmo">
Cached name for the '_has_gizmo' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.MethodName._IsHandleHighlighted">
Cached name for the '_is_handle_highlighted' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.MethodName._IsSelectableWhenHidden">
Cached name for the '_is_selectable_when_hidden' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.MethodName._Redraw">
Cached name for the '_redraw' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.MethodName._SetHandle">
Cached name for the '_set_handle' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.MethodName._SetSubgizmoTransform">
Cached name for the '_set_subgizmo_transform' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.MethodName._SubgizmosIntersectFrustum">
Cached name for the '_subgizmos_intersect_frustum' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.MethodName._SubgizmosIntersectRay">
Cached name for the '_subgizmos_intersect_ray' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.MethodName.CreateMaterial">
Cached name for the 'create_material' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.MethodName.CreateIconMaterial">
Cached name for the 'create_icon_material' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.MethodName.CreateHandleMaterial">
Cached name for the 'create_handle_material' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.MethodName.AddMaterial">
Cached name for the 'add_material' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.MethodName.GetMaterial">
Cached name for the 'get_material' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorPaths">
<para>This editor-only singleton returns OS-specific paths to various data folders and files. It can be used in editor plugins to ensure files are saved in the correct location on each operating system.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> This singleton is not accessible in exported projects. Attempting to access it in an exported project will result in a script error as the singleton won't be declared. To prevent script errors in exported projects, use <see cref="M:Godot.Engine.HasSingleton(Godot.StringName)"/> to check whether the singleton is available before using it.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> On the Linux/BSD platform, Godot complies with the <a href="https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html">XDG Base Directory Specification</a>. You can override environment variables following the specification to change the editor and project data paths.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPaths.GetDataDir">
<para>Returns the absolute path to the user's data folder. This folder should be used for <i>persistent</i> user data files such as installed export templates.</para>
<para><b>Default paths per platform:</b></para>
- Windows: %APPDATA%\Godot\ (same as `get_config_dir()`)
- macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Godot/ (same as `get_config_dir()`)
- Linux: ~/.local/share/godot/
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPaths.GetConfigDir">
<para>Returns the absolute path to the user's configuration folder. This folder should be used for <i>persistent</i> user configuration files.</para>
<para><b>Default paths per platform:</b></para>
- Windows: %APPDATA%\Godot\ (same as `get_data_dir()`)
- macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Godot/ (same as `get_data_dir()`)
- Linux: ~/.config/godot/
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPaths.GetCacheDir">
<para>Returns the absolute path to the user's cache folder. This folder should be used for temporary data that can be removed safely whenever the editor is closed (such as generated resource thumbnails).</para>
<para><b>Default paths per platform:</b></para>
- Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Godot\
- macOS: ~/Library/Caches/Godot/
- Linux: ~/.cache/godot/
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPaths.IsSelfContained">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/> if the editor is marked as self-contained, <see langword="false"/> otherwise. When self-contained mode is enabled, user configuration, data and cache files are saved in an <c>editor_data/</c> folder next to the editor binary. This makes portable usage easier and ensures the Godot editor minimizes file writes outside its own folder. Self-contained mode is not available for exported projects.</para>
<para>Self-contained mode can be enabled by creating a file named <c>._sc_</c> or <c>_sc_</c> in the same folder as the editor binary or macOS .app bundle while the editor is not running. See also <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPaths.GetSelfContainedFile"/>.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> On macOS, quarantine flag should be manually removed before using self-contained mode, see <a href="https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/export/running_on_macos.html">Running on macOS</a>.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> On macOS, placing <c>_sc_</c> or any other file inside .app bundle will break digital signature and make it non-portable, consider placing it in the same folder as the .app bundle instead.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> The Steam release of Godot uses self-contained mode by default.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPaths.GetSelfContainedFile">
<para>Returns the absolute path to the self-contained file that makes the current Godot editor instance be considered as self-contained. Returns an empty string if the current Godot editor instance isn't self-contained. See also <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPaths.IsSelfContained"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPaths.GetProjectSettingsDir">
<para>Returns the project-specific editor settings path. Projects all have a unique subdirectory inside the settings path where project-specific editor settings are saved.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPaths.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPaths.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPaths.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorPaths.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorPaths.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPaths.MethodName.GetDataDir">
Cached name for the 'get_data_dir' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPaths.MethodName.GetConfigDir">
Cached name for the 'get_config_dir' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPaths.MethodName.GetCacheDir">
Cached name for the 'get_cache_dir' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPaths.MethodName.IsSelfContained">
Cached name for the 'is_self_contained' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPaths.MethodName.GetSelfContainedFile">
Cached name for the 'get_self_contained_file' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPaths.MethodName.GetProjectSettingsDir">
Cached name for the 'get_project_settings_dir' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorPaths.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorPlugin">
<para>Plugins are used by the editor to extend functionality. The most common types of plugins are those which edit a given node or resource type, import plugins and export plugins. See also <see cref="T:Godot.EditorScript"/> to add functions to the editor.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> Some names in this class contain "left" or "right" (e.g. <see cref="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.DockSlot.LeftUl"/>). These APIs assume left-to-right layout, and would be backwards when using right-to-left layout. These names are kept for compatibility reasons.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.CustomControlContainer.Toolbar">
<para>Main editor toolbar, next to play buttons.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.CustomControlContainer.SpatialEditorMenu">
<para>The toolbar that appears when 3D editor is active.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.CustomControlContainer.SpatialEditorSideLeft">
<para>Left sidebar of the 3D editor.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.CustomControlContainer.SpatialEditorSideRight">
<para>Right sidebar of the 3D editor.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.CustomControlContainer.SpatialEditorBottom">
<para>Bottom panel of the 3D editor.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.CustomControlContainer.CanvasEditorMenu">
<para>The toolbar that appears when 2D editor is active.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.CustomControlContainer.CanvasEditorSideLeft">
<para>Left sidebar of the 2D editor.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.CustomControlContainer.CanvasEditorSideRight">
<para>Right sidebar of the 2D editor.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.CustomControlContainer.CanvasEditorBottom">
<para>Bottom panel of the 2D editor.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.CustomControlContainer.InspectorBottom">
<para>Bottom section of the inspector.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.CustomControlContainer.ProjectSettingTabLeft">
<para>Tab of Project Settings dialog, to the left of other tabs.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.CustomControlContainer.ProjectSettingTabRight">
<para>Tab of Project Settings dialog, to the right of other tabs.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.DockSlot.LeftUl">
<para>Dock slot, left side, upper-left (empty in default layout).</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.DockSlot.LeftBl">
<para>Dock slot, left side, bottom-left (empty in default layout).</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.DockSlot.LeftUr">
<para>Dock slot, left side, upper-right (in default layout includes Scene and Import docks).</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.DockSlot.LeftBr">
<para>Dock slot, left side, bottom-right (in default layout includes FileSystem dock).</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.DockSlot.RightUl">
<para>Dock slot, right side, upper-left (in default layout includes Inspector, Node, and History docks).</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.DockSlot.RightBl">
<para>Dock slot, right side, bottom-left (empty in default layout).</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.DockSlot.RightUr">
<para>Dock slot, right side, upper-right (empty in default layout).</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.DockSlot.RightBr">
<para>Dock slot, right side, bottom-right (empty in default layout).</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.DockSlot.Max">
<para>Represents the size of the <see cref="T:Godot.EditorPlugin.DockSlot"/> enum.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.AfterGuiInput.Pass">
<para>Forwards the <see cref="T:Godot.InputEvent"/> to other EditorPlugins.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.AfterGuiInput.Stop">
<para>Prevents the <see cref="T:Godot.InputEvent"/> from reaching other Editor classes.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.AfterGuiInput.Custom">
<para>Pass the <see cref="T:Godot.InputEvent"/> to other editor plugins except the main <see cref="T:Godot.Node3D"/> one. This can be used to prevent node selection changes and work with sub-gizmos instead.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._ApplyChanges">
<para>This method is called when the editor is about to save the project, switch to another tab, etc. It asks the plugin to apply any pending state changes to ensure consistency.</para>
<para>This is used, for example, in shader editors to let the plugin know that it must apply the shader code being written by the user to the object.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._Build">
<para>This method is called when the editor is about to run the project. The plugin can then perform required operations before the project runs.</para>
<para>This method must return a boolean. If this method returns <see langword="false"/>, the project will not run. The run is aborted immediately, so this also prevents all other plugins' <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._Build"/> methods from running.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._Clear">
<para>Clear all the state and reset the object being edited to zero. This ensures your plugin does not keep editing a currently existing node, or a node from the wrong scene.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._DisablePlugin">
<para>Called by the engine when the user disables the <see cref="T:Godot.EditorPlugin"/> in the Plugin tab of the project settings window.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._Edit(Godot.GodotObject)">
<para>This function is used for plugins that edit specific object types (nodes or resources). It requests the editor to edit the given object.</para>
<para><paramref name="object"/> can be <see langword="null"/> if the plugin was editing an object, but there is no longer any selected object handled by this plugin. It can be used to cleanup editing state.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._EnablePlugin">
<para>Called by the engine when the user enables the <see cref="T:Godot.EditorPlugin"/> in the Plugin tab of the project settings window.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._Forward3DDrawOverViewport(Godot.Control)">
<para>Called by the engine when the 3D editor's viewport is updated. Use the <c>overlay</c> <see cref="T:Godot.Control"/> for drawing. You can update the viewport manually by calling <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.UpdateOverlays"/>.</para>
public override void _Forward3DDrawOverViewport(Control viewportControl)
// Draw a circle at cursor position.
viewportControl.DrawCircle(viewportControl.GetLocalMousePosition(), 64, Colors.White);
public override EditorPlugin.AfterGuiInput _Forward3DGuiInput(Camera3D viewportCamera, InputEvent @event)
if (@event is InputEventMouseMotion)
// Redraw viewport when cursor is moved.
return EditorPlugin.AfterGuiInput.Stop;
return EditorPlugin.AfterGuiInput.Pass;
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._Forward3DForceDrawOverViewport(Godot.Control)">
<para>This method is the same as <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._Forward3DDrawOverViewport(Godot.Control)"/>, except it draws on top of everything. Useful when you need an extra layer that shows over anything else.</para>
<para>You need to enable calling of this method by using <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.SetForceDrawOverForwardingEnabled"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._Forward3DGuiInput(Godot.Camera3D,Godot.InputEvent)">
<para>Called when there is a root node in the current edited scene, <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._Handles(Godot.GodotObject)"/> is implemented, and an <see cref="T:Godot.InputEvent"/> happens in the 3D viewport. The return value decides whether the <see cref="T:Godot.InputEvent"/> is consumed or forwarded to other <see cref="T:Godot.EditorPlugin"/>s. See <see cref="T:Godot.EditorPlugin.AfterGuiInput"/> for options.</para>
// Prevents the InputEvent from reaching other Editor classes.
public override EditorPlugin.AfterGuiInput _Forward3DGuiInput(Camera3D camera, InputEvent @event)
return EditorPlugin.AfterGuiInput.Stop;
<para>This method must return <see cref="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.AfterGuiInput.Pass"/> in order to forward the <see cref="T:Godot.InputEvent"/> to other Editor classes.</para>
// Consumes InputEventMouseMotion and forwards other InputEvent types.
public override EditorPlugin.AfterGuiInput _Forward3DGuiInput(Camera3D camera, InputEvent @event)
return @event is InputEventMouseMotion ? EditorPlugin.AfterGuiInput.Stop : EditorPlugin.AfterGuiInput.Pass;
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._ForwardCanvasDrawOverViewport(Godot.Control)">
<para>Called by the engine when the 2D editor's viewport is updated. Use the <c>overlay</c> <see cref="T:Godot.Control"/> for drawing. You can update the viewport manually by calling <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.UpdateOverlays"/>.</para>
public override void _ForwardCanvasDrawOverViewport(Control viewportControl)
// Draw a circle at cursor position.
viewportControl.DrawCircle(viewportControl.GetLocalMousePosition(), 64, Colors.White);
public override bool _ForwardCanvasGuiInput(InputEvent @event)
if (@event is InputEventMouseMotion)
// Redraw viewport when cursor is moved.
return true;
return false;
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._ForwardCanvasForceDrawOverViewport(Godot.Control)">
<para>This method is the same as <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._ForwardCanvasDrawOverViewport(Godot.Control)"/>, except it draws on top of everything. Useful when you need an extra layer that shows over anything else.</para>
<para>You need to enable calling of this method by using <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.SetForceDrawOverForwardingEnabled"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._ForwardCanvasGuiInput(Godot.InputEvent)">
<para>Called when there is a root node in the current edited scene, <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._Handles(Godot.GodotObject)"/> is implemented, and an <see cref="T:Godot.InputEvent"/> happens in the 2D viewport. If this method returns <see langword="true"/>, <paramref name="event"/> is intercepted by this <see cref="T:Godot.EditorPlugin"/>, otherwise <paramref name="event"/> is forwarded to other Editor classes.</para>
// Prevents the InputEvent from reaching other Editor classes.
public override bool ForwardCanvasGuiInput(InputEvent @event)
return true;
<para>This method must return <see langword="false"/> in order to forward the <see cref="T:Godot.InputEvent"/> to other Editor classes.</para>
// Consumes InputEventMouseMotion and forwards other InputEvent types.
public override bool _ForwardCanvasGuiInput(InputEvent @event)
if (@event is InputEventMouseMotion)
return true;
return false;
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._GetBreakpoints">
<para>This is for editors that edit script-based objects. You can return a list of breakpoints in the format (<c>script:line</c>), for example: <c>res://path_to_script.gd:25</c>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._GetPluginIcon">
<para>Override this method in your plugin to return a <see cref="T:Godot.Texture2D"/> in order to give it an icon.</para>
<para>For main screen plugins, this appears at the top of the screen, to the right of the "2D", "3D", "Script", and "AssetLib" buttons.</para>
<para>Ideally, the plugin icon should be white with a transparent background and 16×16 pixels in size.</para>
public override Texture2D _GetPluginIcon()
// You can use a custom icon:
return ResourceLoader.Load<Texture2D>("res://addons/my_plugin/my_plugin_icon.svg");
// Or use a built-in icon:
return EditorInterface.Singleton.GetEditorTheme().GetIcon("Node", "EditorIcons");
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._GetPluginName">
<para>Override this method in your plugin to provide the name of the plugin when displayed in the Godot editor.</para>
<para>For main screen plugins, this appears at the top of the screen, to the right of the "2D", "3D", "Script", and "AssetLib" buttons.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._GetState">
<para>Override this method to provide a state data you want to be saved, like view position, grid settings, folding, etc. This is used when saving the scene (so state is kept when opening it again) and for switching tabs (so state can be restored when the tab returns). This data is automatically saved for each scene in an <c>editstate</c> file in the editor metadata folder. If you want to store global (scene-independent) editor data for your plugin, you can use <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._GetWindowLayout(Godot.ConfigFile)"/> instead.</para>
<para>Use <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._SetState(Godot.Collections.Dictionary)"/> to restore your saved state.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> This method should not be used to save important settings that should persist with the project.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> You must implement <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._GetPluginName"/> for the state to be stored and restored correctly.</para>
func _get_state():
var state = {"zoom": zoom, "preferred_color": my_color}
return state
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._GetUnsavedStatus(System.String)">
<para>Override this method to provide a custom message that lists unsaved changes. The editor will call this method when exiting or when closing a scene, and display the returned string in a confirmation dialog. Return empty string if the plugin has no unsaved changes.</para>
<para>When closing a scene, <paramref name="forScene"/> is the path to the scene being closed. You can use it to handle built-in resources in that scene.</para>
<para>If the user confirms saving, <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._SaveExternalData"/> will be called, before closing the editor.</para>
func _get_unsaved_status(for_scene):
if not unsaved:
return ""
if for_scene.is_empty():
return "Save changes in MyCustomPlugin before closing?"
return "Scene %s has changes from MyCustomPlugin. Save before closing?" % for_scene.get_file()
func _save_external_data():
unsaved = false
<para>If the plugin has no scene-specific changes, you can ignore the calls when closing scenes:</para>
func _get_unsaved_status(for_scene):
if not for_scene.is_empty():
return ""
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._GetWindowLayout(Godot.ConfigFile)">
<para>Override this method to provide the GUI layout of the plugin or any other data you want to be stored. This is used to save the project's editor layout when <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.QueueSaveLayout"/> is called or the editor layout was changed (for example changing the position of a dock). The data is stored in the <c>editor_layout.cfg</c> file in the editor metadata directory.</para>
<para>Use <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._SetWindowLayout(Godot.ConfigFile)"/> to restore your saved layout.</para>
func _get_window_layout(configuration):
configuration.set_value("MyPlugin", "window_position", $Window.position)
configuration.set_value("MyPlugin", "icon_color", $Icon.modulate)
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._Handles(Godot.GodotObject)">
<para>Implement this function if your plugin edits a specific type of object (Resource or Node). If you return <see langword="true"/>, then you will get the functions <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._Edit(Godot.GodotObject)"/> and <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._MakeVisible(System.Boolean)"/> called when the editor requests them. If you have declared the methods <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._ForwardCanvasGuiInput(Godot.InputEvent)"/> and <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._Forward3DGuiInput(Godot.Camera3D,Godot.InputEvent)"/> these will be called too.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> Each plugin should handle only one type of objects at a time. If a plugin handles more types of objects and they are edited at the same time, it will result in errors.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._HasMainScreen">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/> if this is a main screen editor plugin (it goes in the workspace selector together with <b>2D</b>, <b>3D</b>, <b>Script</b> and <b>AssetLib</b>).</para>
<para>When the plugin's workspace is selected, other main screen plugins will be hidden, but your plugin will not appear automatically. It needs to be added as a child of <see cref="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetEditorMainScreen"/> and made visible inside <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._MakeVisible(System.Boolean)"/>.</para>
<para>Use <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._GetPluginName"/> and <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._GetPluginIcon"/> to customize the plugin button's appearance.</para>
var plugin_control
func _enter_tree():
plugin_control = preload("my_plugin_control.tscn").instantiate()
func _has_main_screen():
return true
func _make_visible(visible):
plugin_control.visible = visible
func _get_plugin_name():
return "My Super Cool Plugin 3000"
func _get_plugin_icon():
return EditorInterface.get_editor_theme().get_icon("Node", "EditorIcons")
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._MakeVisible(System.Boolean)">
<para>This function will be called when the editor is requested to become visible. It is used for plugins that edit a specific object type.</para>
<para>Remember that you have to manage the visibility of all your editor controls manually.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._SaveExternalData">
<para>This method is called after the editor saves the project or when it's closed. It asks the plugin to save edited external scenes/resources.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._SetState(Godot.Collections.Dictionary)">
<para>Restore the state saved by <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._GetState"/>. This method is called when the current scene tab is changed in the editor.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> Your plugin must implement <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._GetPluginName"/>, otherwise it will not be recognized and this method will not be called.</para>
func _set_state(data):
zoom = data.get("zoom", 1.0)
preferred_color = data.get("my_color", Color.WHITE)
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._SetWindowLayout(Godot.ConfigFile)">
<para>Restore the plugin GUI layout and data saved by <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._GetWindowLayout(Godot.ConfigFile)"/>. This method is called for every plugin on editor startup. Use the provided <paramref name="configuration"/> file to read your saved data.</para>
func _set_window_layout(configuration):
$Window.position = configuration.get_value("MyPlugin", "window_position", Vector2())
$Icon.modulate = configuration.get_value("MyPlugin", "icon_color", Color.WHITE)
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddControlToContainer(Godot.EditorPlugin.CustomControlContainer,Godot.Control)">
<para>Adds a custom control to a container (see <see cref="T:Godot.EditorPlugin.CustomControlContainer"/>). There are many locations where custom controls can be added in the editor UI.</para>
<para>Please remember that you have to manage the visibility of your custom controls yourself (and likely hide it after adding it).</para>
<para>When your plugin is deactivated, make sure to remove your custom control with <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.RemoveControlFromContainer(Godot.EditorPlugin.CustomControlContainer,Godot.Control)"/> and free it with <see cref="M:Godot.Node.QueueFree"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddControlToBottomPanel(Godot.Control,System.String,Godot.Shortcut)">
<para>Adds a control to the bottom panel (together with Output, Debug, Animation, etc.). Returns a reference to the button added. It's up to you to hide/show the button when needed. When your plugin is deactivated, make sure to remove your custom control with <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.RemoveControlFromBottomPanel(Godot.Control)"/> and free it with <see cref="M:Godot.Node.QueueFree"/>.</para>
<para>Optionally, you can specify a shortcut parameter. When pressed, this shortcut will toggle the bottom panel's visibility. See the default editor bottom panel shortcuts in the Editor Settings for inspiration. Per convention, they all use Alt modifier.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddControlToDock(Godot.EditorPlugin.DockSlot,Godot.Control,Godot.Shortcut)">
<para>Adds the control to a specific dock slot (see <see cref="T:Godot.EditorPlugin.DockSlot"/> for options).</para>
<para>If the dock is repositioned and as long as the plugin is active, the editor will save the dock position on further sessions.</para>
<para>When your plugin is deactivated, make sure to remove your custom control with <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.RemoveControlFromDocks(Godot.Control)"/> and free it with <see cref="M:Godot.Node.QueueFree"/>.</para>
<para>Optionally, you can specify a shortcut parameter. When pressed, this shortcut will toggle the dock's visibility once it's moved to the bottom panel (this shortcut does not affect the dock otherwise). See the default editor bottom panel shortcuts in the Editor Settings for inspiration. Per convention, they all use Alt modifier.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.RemoveControlFromDocks(Godot.Control)">
<para>Removes the control from the dock. You have to manually <see cref="M:Godot.Node.QueueFree"/> the control.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.RemoveControlFromBottomPanel(Godot.Control)">
<para>Removes the control from the bottom panel. You have to manually <see cref="M:Godot.Node.QueueFree"/> the control.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.RemoveControlFromContainer(Godot.EditorPlugin.CustomControlContainer,Godot.Control)">
<para>Removes the control from the specified container. You have to manually <see cref="M:Godot.Node.QueueFree"/> the control.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.SetDockTabIcon(Godot.Control,Godot.Texture2D)">
<para>Sets the tab icon for the given control in a dock slot. Setting to <see langword="null"/> removes the icon.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddToolMenuItem(System.String,Godot.Callable)">
<para>Adds a custom menu item to <b>Project > Tools</b> named <paramref name="name"/>. When clicked, the provided <paramref name="callable"/> will be called.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddToolSubmenuItem(System.String,Godot.PopupMenu)">
<para>Adds a custom <see cref="T:Godot.PopupMenu"/> submenu under <b>Project > Tools ></b> <paramref name="name"/>. Use <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.RemoveToolMenuItem(System.String)"/> on plugin clean up to remove the menu.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.RemoveToolMenuItem(System.String)">
<para>Removes a menu <paramref name="name"/> from <b>Project > Tools</b>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.GetExportAsMenu">
<para>Returns the <see cref="T:Godot.PopupMenu"/> under <b>Scene > Export As...</b>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddCustomType(System.String,System.String,Godot.Script,Godot.Texture2D)">
<para>Adds a custom type, which will appear in the list of nodes or resources.</para>
<para>When a given node or resource is selected, the base type will be instantiated (e.g. "Node3D", "Control", "Resource"), then the script will be loaded and set to this object.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> The base type is the base engine class which this type's class hierarchy inherits, not any custom type parent classes.</para>
<para>You can use the virtual method <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._Handles(Godot.GodotObject)"/> to check if your custom object is being edited by checking the script or using the <c>is</c> keyword.</para>
<para>During run-time, this will be a simple object with a script so this function does not need to be called then.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> Custom types added this way are not true classes. They are just a helper to create a node with specific script.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.RemoveCustomType(System.String)">
<para>Removes a custom type added by <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddCustomType(System.String,System.String,Godot.Script,Godot.Texture2D)"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddAutoloadSingleton(System.String,System.String)">
<para>Adds a script at <paramref name="path"/> to the Autoload list as <paramref name="name"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.RemoveAutoloadSingleton(System.String)">
<para>Removes an Autoload <paramref name="name"/> from the list.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.UpdateOverlays">
<para>Updates the overlays of the 2D and 3D editor viewport. Causes methods <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._ForwardCanvasDrawOverViewport(Godot.Control)"/>, <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._ForwardCanvasForceDrawOverViewport(Godot.Control)"/>, <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._Forward3DDrawOverViewport(Godot.Control)"/> and <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._Forward3DForceDrawOverViewport(Godot.Control)"/> to be called.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.MakeBottomPanelItemVisible(Godot.Control)">
<para>Makes a specific item in the bottom panel visible.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.HideBottomPanel">
<para>Minimizes the bottom panel.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.GetUndoRedo">
<para>Gets the undo/redo object. Most actions in the editor can be undoable, so use this object to make sure this happens when it's worth it.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddUndoRedoInspectorHookCallback(Godot.Callable)">
<para>Hooks a callback into the undo/redo action creation when a property is modified in the inspector. This allows, for example, to save other properties that may be lost when a given property is modified.</para>
<para>The callback should have 4 arguments: <see cref="T:Godot.GodotObject"/> <c>undo_redo</c>, <see cref="T:Godot.GodotObject"/> <c>modified_object</c>, <see cref="T:System.String"/> <c>property</c> and <see cref="T:Godot.Variant"/> <c>new_value</c>. They are, respectively, the <see cref="T:Godot.UndoRedo"/> object used by the inspector, the currently modified object, the name of the modified property and the new value the property is about to take.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.RemoveUndoRedoInspectorHookCallback(Godot.Callable)">
<para>Removes a callback previously added by <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddUndoRedoInspectorHookCallback(Godot.Callable)"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.QueueSaveLayout">
<para>Queue save the project's editor layout.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddTranslationParserPlugin(Godot.EditorTranslationParserPlugin)">
<para>Registers a custom translation parser plugin for extracting translatable strings from custom files.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.RemoveTranslationParserPlugin(Godot.EditorTranslationParserPlugin)">
<para>Removes a custom translation parser plugin registered by <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddTranslationParserPlugin(Godot.EditorTranslationParserPlugin)"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddImportPlugin(Godot.EditorImportPlugin,System.Boolean)">
<para>Registers a new <see cref="T:Godot.EditorImportPlugin"/>. Import plugins are used to import custom and unsupported assets as a custom <see cref="T:Godot.Resource"/> type.</para>
<para>If <paramref name="firstPriority"/> is <see langword="true"/>, the new import plugin is inserted first in the list and takes precedence over pre-existing plugins.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> If you want to import custom 3D asset formats use <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddSceneFormatImporterPlugin(Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporter,System.Boolean)"/> instead.</para>
<para>See <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddInspectorPlugin(Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin)"/> for an example of how to register a plugin.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.RemoveImportPlugin(Godot.EditorImportPlugin)">
<para>Removes an import plugin registered by <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddImportPlugin(Godot.EditorImportPlugin,System.Boolean)"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddSceneFormatImporterPlugin(Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporter,System.Boolean)">
<para>Registers a new <see cref="T:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporter"/>. Scene importers are used to import custom 3D asset formats as scenes.</para>
<para>If <paramref name="firstPriority"/> is <see langword="true"/>, the new import plugin is inserted first in the list and takes precedence over pre-existing plugins.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.RemoveSceneFormatImporterPlugin(Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporter)">
<para>Removes a scene format importer registered by <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddSceneFormatImporterPlugin(Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporter,System.Boolean)"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddScenePostImportPlugin(Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin,System.Boolean)">
<para>Add a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin"/>. These plugins allow customizing the import process of 3D assets by adding new options to the import dialogs.</para>
<para>If <paramref name="firstPriority"/> is <see langword="true"/>, the new import plugin is inserted first in the list and takes precedence over pre-existing plugins.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.RemoveScenePostImportPlugin(Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin)">
<para>Remove the <see cref="T:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin"/>, added with <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddScenePostImportPlugin(Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin,System.Boolean)"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddExportPlugin(Godot.EditorExportPlugin)">
<para>Registers a new <see cref="T:Godot.EditorExportPlugin"/>. Export plugins are used to perform tasks when the project is being exported.</para>
<para>See <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddInspectorPlugin(Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin)"/> for an example of how to register a plugin.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.RemoveExportPlugin(Godot.EditorExportPlugin)">
<para>Removes an export plugin registered by <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddExportPlugin(Godot.EditorExportPlugin)"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddExportPlatform(Godot.EditorExportPlatform)">
<para>Registers a new <see cref="T:Godot.EditorExportPlatform"/>. Export platforms provides functionality of exporting to the specific platform.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.RemoveExportPlatform(Godot.EditorExportPlatform)">
<para>Removes an export platform registered by <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddExportPlatform(Godot.EditorExportPlatform)"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddNode3DGizmoPlugin(Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin)">
<para>Registers a new <see cref="T:Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin"/>. Gizmo plugins are used to add custom gizmos to the 3D preview viewport for a <see cref="T:Godot.Node3D"/>.</para>
<para>See <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddInspectorPlugin(Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin)"/> for an example of how to register a plugin.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.RemoveNode3DGizmoPlugin(Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin)">
<para>Removes a gizmo plugin registered by <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddNode3DGizmoPlugin(Godot.EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin)"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddInspectorPlugin(Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin)">
<para>Registers a new <see cref="T:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin"/>. Inspector plugins are used to extend <see cref="T:Godot.EditorInspector"/> and provide custom configuration tools for your object's properties.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> Always use <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.RemoveInspectorPlugin(Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin)"/> to remove the registered <see cref="T:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin"/> when your <see cref="T:Godot.EditorPlugin"/> is disabled to prevent leaks and an unexpected behavior.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.RemoveInspectorPlugin(Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin)">
<para>Removes an inspector plugin registered by <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddInspectorPlugin(Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin)"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddResourceConversionPlugin(Godot.EditorResourceConversionPlugin)">
<para>Registers a new <see cref="T:Godot.EditorResourceConversionPlugin"/>. Resource conversion plugins are used to add custom resource converters to the editor inspector.</para>
<para>See <see cref="T:Godot.EditorResourceConversionPlugin"/> for an example of how to create a resource conversion plugin.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.RemoveResourceConversionPlugin(Godot.EditorResourceConversionPlugin)">
<para>Removes a resource conversion plugin registered by <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddResourceConversionPlugin(Godot.EditorResourceConversionPlugin)"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.SetInputEventForwardingAlwaysEnabled">
<para>Use this method if you always want to receive inputs from 3D view screen inside <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._Forward3DGuiInput(Godot.Camera3D,Godot.InputEvent)"/>. It might be especially usable if your plugin will want to use raycast in the scene.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.SetForceDrawOverForwardingEnabled">
<para>Enables calling of <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._ForwardCanvasForceDrawOverViewport(Godot.Control)"/> for the 2D editor and <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin._Forward3DForceDrawOverViewport(Godot.Control)"/> for the 3D editor when their viewports are updated. You need to call this method only once and it will work permanently for this plugin.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddContextMenuPlugin(Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin.ContextMenuSlot,Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin)">
<para>Adds a plugin to the context menu. <paramref name="slot"/> is the context menu where the plugin will be added.</para>
<para>See <see cref="T:Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin.ContextMenuSlot"/> for available context menus. A plugin instance can belong only to a single context menu slot.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.RemoveContextMenuPlugin(Godot.EditorContextMenuPlugin)">
<para>Removes the specified context menu plugin.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.GetEditorInterface">
<para>Returns the <see cref="T:Godot.EditorInterface"/> singleton instance.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.GetScriptCreateDialog">
<para>Gets the Editor's dialog used for making scripts.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> Users can configure it before use.</para>
<para><b>Warning:</b> Removing and freeing this node will render a part of the editor useless and may cause a crash.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddDebuggerPlugin(Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin)">
<para>Adds a <see cref="T:Godot.Script"/> as debugger plugin to the Debugger. The script must extend <see cref="T:Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.RemoveDebuggerPlugin(Godot.EditorDebuggerPlugin)">
<para>Removes the debugger plugin with given script from the Debugger.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.GetPluginVersion">
<para>Provide the version of the plugin declared in the <c>plugin.cfg</c> config file.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddControlToDock(Godot.EditorPlugin.DockSlot,Godot.Control)">
<para>Adds the control to a specific dock slot (see <see cref="T:Godot.EditorPlugin.DockSlot"/> for options).</para>
<para>If the dock is repositioned and as long as the plugin is active, the editor will save the dock position on further sessions.</para>
<para>When your plugin is deactivated, make sure to remove your custom control with <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.RemoveControlFromDocks(Godot.Control)"/> and free it with <see cref="M:Godot.Node.QueueFree"/>.</para>
<para>Optionally, you can specify a shortcut parameter. When pressed, this shortcut will toggle the dock's visibility once it's moved to the bottom panel (this shortcut does not affect the dock otherwise). See the default editor bottom panel shortcuts in the Editor Settings for inspiration. Per convention, they all use Alt modifier.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddControlToBottomPanel(Godot.Control,System.String)">
<para>Adds a control to the bottom panel (together with Output, Debug, Animation, etc.). Returns a reference to the button added. It's up to you to hide/show the button when needed. When your plugin is deactivated, make sure to remove your custom control with <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.RemoveControlFromBottomPanel(Godot.Control)"/> and free it with <see cref="M:Godot.Node.QueueFree"/>.</para>
<para>Optionally, you can specify a shortcut parameter. When pressed, this shortcut will toggle the bottom panel's visibility. See the default editor bottom panel shortcuts in the Editor Settings for inspiration. Per convention, they all use Alt modifier.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorPlugin.SceneChangedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorPlugin.SceneChanged"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorPlugin"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorPlugin.SceneChanged">
<para>Emitted when the scene is changed in the editor. The argument will return the root node of the scene that has just become active. If this scene is new and empty, the argument will be <see langword="null"/>.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorPlugin.SceneClosedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorPlugin.SceneClosed"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorPlugin"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorPlugin.SceneClosed">
<para>Emitted when user closes a scene. The argument is a file path to the closed scene.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorPlugin.MainScreenChangedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorPlugin.MainScreenChanged"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorPlugin"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorPlugin.MainScreenChanged">
<para>Emitted when user changes the workspace (<b>2D</b>, <b>3D</b>, <b>Script</b>, <b>AssetLib</b>). Also works with custom screens defined by plugins.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorPlugin.ResourceSavedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorPlugin.ResourceSaved"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorPlugin"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorPlugin.ResourceSaved">
<para>Emitted when the given <c>resource</c> was saved on disc. See also <see cref="E:Godot.EditorPlugin.SceneSaved"/>.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorPlugin.SceneSavedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorPlugin.SceneSaved"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorPlugin"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorPlugin.SceneSaved">
<para>Emitted when a scene was saved on disc. The argument is a file path to the saved scene. See also <see cref="E:Godot.EditorPlugin.ResourceSaved"/>.</para>
<member name="E:Godot.EditorPlugin.ProjectSettingsChanged">
<para>Emitted when any project setting has changed.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorPlugin.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName._ApplyChanges">
Cached name for the '_apply_changes' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName._Build">
Cached name for the '_build' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName._Clear">
Cached name for the '_clear' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName._DisablePlugin">
Cached name for the '_disable_plugin' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName._Edit">
Cached name for the '_edit' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName._EnablePlugin">
Cached name for the '_enable_plugin' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName._Forward3DDrawOverViewport">
Cached name for the '_forward_3d_draw_over_viewport' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName._Forward3DForceDrawOverViewport">
Cached name for the '_forward_3d_force_draw_over_viewport' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName._Forward3DGuiInput">
Cached name for the '_forward_3d_gui_input' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName._ForwardCanvasDrawOverViewport">
Cached name for the '_forward_canvas_draw_over_viewport' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName._ForwardCanvasForceDrawOverViewport">
Cached name for the '_forward_canvas_force_draw_over_viewport' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName._ForwardCanvasGuiInput">
Cached name for the '_forward_canvas_gui_input' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName._GetBreakpoints">
Cached name for the '_get_breakpoints' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName._GetPluginIcon">
Cached name for the '_get_plugin_icon' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName._GetPluginName">
Cached name for the '_get_plugin_name' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName._GetState">
Cached name for the '_get_state' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName._GetUnsavedStatus">
Cached name for the '_get_unsaved_status' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName._GetWindowLayout">
Cached name for the '_get_window_layout' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName._Handles">
Cached name for the '_handles' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName._HasMainScreen">
Cached name for the '_has_main_screen' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName._MakeVisible">
Cached name for the '_make_visible' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName._SaveExternalData">
Cached name for the '_save_external_data' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName._SetState">
Cached name for the '_set_state' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName._SetWindowLayout">
Cached name for the '_set_window_layout' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.AddControlToContainer">
Cached name for the 'add_control_to_container' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.AddControlToBottomPanel">
Cached name for the 'add_control_to_bottom_panel' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.AddControlToDock">
Cached name for the 'add_control_to_dock' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.RemoveControlFromDocks">
Cached name for the 'remove_control_from_docks' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.RemoveControlFromBottomPanel">
Cached name for the 'remove_control_from_bottom_panel' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.RemoveControlFromContainer">
Cached name for the 'remove_control_from_container' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.SetDockTabIcon">
Cached name for the 'set_dock_tab_icon' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.AddToolMenuItem">
Cached name for the 'add_tool_menu_item' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.AddToolSubmenuItem">
Cached name for the 'add_tool_submenu_item' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.RemoveToolMenuItem">
Cached name for the 'remove_tool_menu_item' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.GetExportAsMenu">
Cached name for the 'get_export_as_menu' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.AddCustomType">
Cached name for the 'add_custom_type' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.RemoveCustomType">
Cached name for the 'remove_custom_type' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.AddAutoloadSingleton">
Cached name for the 'add_autoload_singleton' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.RemoveAutoloadSingleton">
Cached name for the 'remove_autoload_singleton' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.UpdateOverlays">
Cached name for the 'update_overlays' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.MakeBottomPanelItemVisible">
Cached name for the 'make_bottom_panel_item_visible' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.HideBottomPanel">
Cached name for the 'hide_bottom_panel' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.GetUndoRedo">
Cached name for the 'get_undo_redo' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.AddUndoRedoInspectorHookCallback">
Cached name for the 'add_undo_redo_inspector_hook_callback' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.RemoveUndoRedoInspectorHookCallback">
Cached name for the 'remove_undo_redo_inspector_hook_callback' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.QueueSaveLayout">
Cached name for the 'queue_save_layout' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.AddTranslationParserPlugin">
Cached name for the 'add_translation_parser_plugin' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.RemoveTranslationParserPlugin">
Cached name for the 'remove_translation_parser_plugin' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.AddImportPlugin">
Cached name for the 'add_import_plugin' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.RemoveImportPlugin">
Cached name for the 'remove_import_plugin' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.AddSceneFormatImporterPlugin">
Cached name for the 'add_scene_format_importer_plugin' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.RemoveSceneFormatImporterPlugin">
Cached name for the 'remove_scene_format_importer_plugin' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.AddScenePostImportPlugin">
Cached name for the 'add_scene_post_import_plugin' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.RemoveScenePostImportPlugin">
Cached name for the 'remove_scene_post_import_plugin' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.AddExportPlugin">
Cached name for the 'add_export_plugin' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.RemoveExportPlugin">
Cached name for the 'remove_export_plugin' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.AddExportPlatform">
Cached name for the 'add_export_platform' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.RemoveExportPlatform">
Cached name for the 'remove_export_platform' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.AddNode3DGizmoPlugin">
Cached name for the 'add_node_3d_gizmo_plugin' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.RemoveNode3DGizmoPlugin">
Cached name for the 'remove_node_3d_gizmo_plugin' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.AddInspectorPlugin">
Cached name for the 'add_inspector_plugin' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.RemoveInspectorPlugin">
Cached name for the 'remove_inspector_plugin' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.AddResourceConversionPlugin">
Cached name for the 'add_resource_conversion_plugin' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.RemoveResourceConversionPlugin">
Cached name for the 'remove_resource_conversion_plugin' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.SetInputEventForwardingAlwaysEnabled">
Cached name for the 'set_input_event_forwarding_always_enabled' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.SetForceDrawOverForwardingEnabled">
Cached name for the 'set_force_draw_over_forwarding_enabled' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.AddContextMenuPlugin">
Cached name for the 'add_context_menu_plugin' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.RemoveContextMenuPlugin">
Cached name for the 'remove_context_menu_plugin' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.GetEditorInterface">
Cached name for the 'get_editor_interface' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.GetScriptCreateDialog">
Cached name for the 'get_script_create_dialog' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.AddDebuggerPlugin">
Cached name for the 'add_debugger_plugin' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.RemoveDebuggerPlugin">
Cached name for the 'remove_debugger_plugin' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.MethodName.GetPluginVersion">
Cached name for the 'get_plugin_version' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorPlugin.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.SignalName.SceneChanged">
Cached name for the 'scene_changed' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.SignalName.SceneClosed">
Cached name for the 'scene_closed' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.SignalName.MainScreenChanged">
Cached name for the 'main_screen_changed' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.SignalName.ResourceSaved">
Cached name for the 'resource_saved' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.SignalName.SceneSaved">
Cached name for the 'scene_saved' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorPlugin.SignalName.ProjectSettingsChanged">
Cached name for the 'project_settings_changed' signal.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorProperty">
<para>A custom control for editing properties that can be added to the <see cref="T:Godot.EditorInspector"/>. It is added via <see cref="T:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin"/>.</para>
<member name="P:Godot.EditorProperty.Label">
<para>Set this property to change the label (if you want to show one).</para>
<member name="P:Godot.EditorProperty.ReadOnly">
<para>Used by the inspector, set to <see langword="true"/> when the property is read-only.</para>
<member name="P:Godot.EditorProperty.Checkable">
<para>Used by the inspector, set to <see langword="true"/> when the property is checkable.</para>
<member name="P:Godot.EditorProperty.Checked">
<para>Used by the inspector, set to <see langword="true"/> when the property is checked.</para>
<member name="P:Godot.EditorProperty.DrawWarning">
<para>Used by the inspector, set to <see langword="true"/> when the property is drawn with the editor theme's warning color. This is used for editable children's properties.</para>
<member name="P:Godot.EditorProperty.Keying">
<para>Used by the inspector, set to <see langword="true"/> when the property can add keys for animation.</para>
<member name="P:Godot.EditorProperty.Deletable">
<para>Used by the inspector, set to <see langword="true"/> when the property can be deleted by the user.</para>
<member name="P:Godot.EditorProperty.Selectable">
<para>Used by the inspector, set to <see langword="true"/> when the property is selectable.</para>
<member name="P:Godot.EditorProperty.UseFolding">
<para>Used by the inspector, set to <see langword="true"/> when the property is using folding.</para>
<member name="P:Godot.EditorProperty.NameSplitRatio">
<para>Space distribution ratio between the label and the editing field.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorProperty._SetReadOnly(System.Boolean)">
<para>Called when the read-only status of the property is changed. It may be used to change custom controls into a read-only or modifiable state.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorProperty._UpdateProperty">
<para>When this virtual function is called, you must update your editor.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorProperty.GetEditedProperty">
<para>Gets the edited property. If your editor is for a single property (added via <see cref="M:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin._ParseProperty(Godot.GodotObject,Godot.Variant.Type,System.String,Godot.PropertyHint,System.String,Godot.PropertyUsageFlags,System.Boolean)"/>), then this will return the property.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorProperty.GetEditedObject">
<para>Gets the edited object.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorProperty.UpdateProperty">
<para>Forces refresh of the property display.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorProperty.AddFocusable(Godot.Control)">
<para>If any of the controls added can gain keyboard focus, add it here. This ensures that focus will be restored if the inspector is refreshed.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorProperty.SetBottomEditor(Godot.Control)">
<para>Puts the <paramref name="editor"/> control below the property label. The control must be previously added using <see cref="M:Godot.Node.AddChild(Godot.Node,System.Boolean,Godot.Node.InternalMode)"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorProperty.Deselect">
<para>Draw property as not selected. Used by the inspector.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorProperty.IsSelected">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/> if property is drawn as selected. Used by the inspector.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorProperty.Select(System.Int32)">
<para>Draw property as selected. Used by the inspector.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorProperty.SetObjectAndProperty(Godot.GodotObject,Godot.StringName)">
<para>Assigns object and property to edit.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorProperty.SetLabelReference(Godot.Control)">
<para>Used by the inspector, set to a control that will be used as a reference to calculate the size of the label.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorProperty.EmitChanged(Godot.StringName,Godot.Variant,Godot.StringName,System.Boolean)">
<para>If one or several properties have changed, this must be called. <paramref name="field"/> is used in case your editor can modify fields separately (as an example, Vector3.x). The <paramref name="changing"/> argument avoids the editor requesting this property to be refreshed (leave as <see langword="false"/> if unsure).</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyChangedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyChanged"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorProperty"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyChanged">
<para>Do not emit this manually, use the <see cref="M:Godot.EditorProperty.EmitChanged(Godot.StringName,Godot.Variant,Godot.StringName,System.Boolean)"/> method instead.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorProperty.MultiplePropertiesChangedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorProperty.MultiplePropertiesChanged"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorProperty"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorProperty.MultiplePropertiesChanged">
<para>Emit it if you want multiple properties modified at the same time. Do not use if added via <see cref="M:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin._ParseProperty(Godot.GodotObject,Godot.Variant.Type,System.String,Godot.PropertyHint,System.String,Godot.PropertyUsageFlags,System.Boolean)"/>.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyKeyedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyKeyed"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorProperty"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyKeyed">
<para>Emit it if you want to add this value as an animation key (check for keying being enabled first).</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyDeletedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyDeleted"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorProperty"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyDeleted">
<para>Emitted when a property was deleted. Used internally.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyKeyedWithValueEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyKeyedWithValue"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorProperty"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyKeyedWithValue">
<para>Emit it if you want to key a property with a single value.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyCheckedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyChecked"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorProperty"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyChecked">
<para>Emitted when a property was checked. Used internally.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyFavoritedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyFavorited"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorProperty"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyFavorited">
<para>Emit it if you want to mark a property as favorited, making it appear at the top of the inspector.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyPinnedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyPinned"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorProperty"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyPinned">
<para>Emit it if you want to mark (or unmark) the value of a property for being saved regardless of being equal to the default value.</para>
<para>The default value is the one the property will get when the node is just instantiated and can come from an ancestor scene in the inheritance/instantiation chain, a script or a builtin class.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyCanRevertChangedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyCanRevertChanged"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorProperty"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyCanRevertChanged">
<para>Emitted when the revertability (i.e., whether it has a non-default value and thus is displayed with a revert icon) of a property has changed.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorProperty.ResourceSelectedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorProperty.ResourceSelected"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorProperty"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorProperty.ResourceSelected">
<para>If you want a sub-resource to be edited, emit this signal with the resource.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorProperty.ObjectIdSelectedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorProperty.ObjectIdSelected"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorProperty"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorProperty.ObjectIdSelected">
<para>Used by sub-inspectors. Emit it if what was selected was an Object ID.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorProperty.SelectedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorProperty.Selected"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorProperty"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorProperty.Selected">
<para>Emitted when selected. Used internally.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorProperty.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorProperty.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorProperty.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyName.Label">
Cached name for the 'label' property.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyName.ReadOnly">
Cached name for the 'read_only' property.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyName.Checkable">
Cached name for the 'checkable' property.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyName.Checked">
Cached name for the 'checked' property.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyName.DrawWarning">
Cached name for the 'draw_warning' property.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyName.Keying">
Cached name for the 'keying' property.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyName.Deletable">
Cached name for the 'deletable' property.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyName.Selectable">
Cached name for the 'selectable' property.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyName.UseFolding">
Cached name for the 'use_folding' property.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.PropertyName.NameSplitRatio">
Cached name for the 'name_split_ratio' property.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName._SetReadOnly">
Cached name for the '_set_read_only' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName._UpdateProperty">
Cached name for the '_update_property' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName.SetLabel">
Cached name for the 'set_label' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName.GetLabel">
Cached name for the 'get_label' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName.SetReadOnly">
Cached name for the 'set_read_only' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName.IsReadOnly">
Cached name for the 'is_read_only' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName.SetCheckable">
Cached name for the 'set_checkable' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName.IsCheckable">
Cached name for the 'is_checkable' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName.SetChecked">
Cached name for the 'set_checked' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName.IsChecked">
Cached name for the 'is_checked' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName.SetDrawWarning">
Cached name for the 'set_draw_warning' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName.IsDrawWarning">
Cached name for the 'is_draw_warning' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName.SetKeying">
Cached name for the 'set_keying' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName.IsKeying">
Cached name for the 'is_keying' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName.SetDeletable">
Cached name for the 'set_deletable' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName.IsDeletable">
Cached name for the 'is_deletable' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName.GetEditedProperty">
Cached name for the 'get_edited_property' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName.GetEditedObject">
Cached name for the 'get_edited_object' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName.UpdateProperty">
Cached name for the 'update_property' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName.AddFocusable">
Cached name for the 'add_focusable' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName.SetBottomEditor">
Cached name for the 'set_bottom_editor' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName.SetSelectable">
Cached name for the 'set_selectable' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName.IsSelectable">
Cached name for the 'is_selectable' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName.SetUseFolding">
Cached name for the 'set_use_folding' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName.IsUsingFolding">
Cached name for the 'is_using_folding' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName.SetNameSplitRatio">
Cached name for the 'set_name_split_ratio' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName.GetNameSplitRatio">
Cached name for the 'get_name_split_ratio' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName.Deselect">
Cached name for the 'deselect' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName.IsSelected">
Cached name for the 'is_selected' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName.Select">
Cached name for the 'select' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName.SetObjectAndProperty">
Cached name for the 'set_object_and_property' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName.SetLabelReference">
Cached name for the 'set_label_reference' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.MethodName.EmitChanged">
Cached name for the 'emit_changed' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorProperty.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.SignalName.PropertyChanged">
Cached name for the 'property_changed' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.SignalName.MultiplePropertiesChanged">
Cached name for the 'multiple_properties_changed' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.SignalName.PropertyKeyed">
Cached name for the 'property_keyed' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.SignalName.PropertyDeleted">
Cached name for the 'property_deleted' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.SignalName.PropertyKeyedWithValue">
Cached name for the 'property_keyed_with_value' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.SignalName.PropertyChecked">
Cached name for the 'property_checked' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.SignalName.PropertyFavorited">
Cached name for the 'property_favorited' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.SignalName.PropertyPinned">
Cached name for the 'property_pinned' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.SignalName.PropertyCanRevertChanged">
Cached name for the 'property_can_revert_changed' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.SignalName.ResourceSelected">
Cached name for the 'resource_selected' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.SignalName.ObjectIdSelected">
Cached name for the 'object_id_selected' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorProperty.SignalName.Selected">
Cached name for the 'selected' signal.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorResourceConversionPlugin">
<para><see cref="T:Godot.EditorResourceConversionPlugin"/> is invoked when the context menu is brought up for a resource in the editor inspector. Relevant conversion plugins will appear as menu options to convert the given resource to a target type.</para>
<para>Below shows an example of a basic plugin that will convert an <see cref="T:Godot.ImageTexture"/> to a <see cref="T:Godot.PortableCompressedTexture2D"/>.</para>
<para>To use an <see cref="T:Godot.EditorResourceConversionPlugin"/>, register it using the <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddResourceConversionPlugin(Godot.EditorResourceConversionPlugin)"/> method first.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourceConversionPlugin._Convert(Godot.Resource)">
<para>Takes an input <see cref="T:Godot.Resource"/> and converts it to the type given in <see cref="M:Godot.EditorResourceConversionPlugin._ConvertsTo"/>. The returned <see cref="T:Godot.Resource"/> is the result of the conversion, and the input <see cref="T:Godot.Resource"/> remains unchanged.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourceConversionPlugin._ConvertsTo">
<para>Returns the class name of the target type of <see cref="T:Godot.Resource"/> that this plugin converts source resources to.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourceConversionPlugin._Handles(Godot.Resource)">
<para>Called to determine whether a particular <see cref="T:Godot.Resource"/> can be converted to the target resource type by this plugin.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourceConversionPlugin.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourceConversionPlugin.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourceConversionPlugin.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorResourceConversionPlugin.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorResourceConversionPlugin.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourceConversionPlugin.MethodName._Convert">
Cached name for the '_convert' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourceConversionPlugin.MethodName._ConvertsTo">
Cached name for the '_converts_to' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourceConversionPlugin.MethodName._Handles">
Cached name for the '_handles' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorResourceConversionPlugin.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorResourcePicker">
<para>This <see cref="T:Godot.Control"/> node is used in the editor's Inspector dock to allow editing of <see cref="T:Godot.Resource"/> type properties. It provides options for creating, loading, saving and converting resources. Can be used with <see cref="T:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin"/> to recreate the same behavior.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> This <see cref="T:Godot.Control"/> does not include any editor for the resource, as editing is controlled by the Inspector dock itself or sub-Inspectors.</para>
<member name="P:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.BaseType">
<para>The base type of allowed resource types. Can be a comma-separated list of several options.</para>
<member name="P:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.EditedResource">
<para>The edited resource value.</para>
<member name="P:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.Editable">
<para>If <see langword="true"/>, the value can be selected and edited.</para>
<member name="P:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.ToggleMode">
<para>If <see langword="true"/>, the main button with the resource preview works in the toggle mode. Use <see cref="M:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.SetTogglePressed(System.Boolean)"/> to manually set the state.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourcePicker._HandleMenuSelected(System.Int32)">
<para>This virtual method can be implemented to handle context menu items not handled by default. See <see cref="M:Godot.EditorResourcePicker._SetCreateOptions(Godot.GodotObject)"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourcePicker._SetCreateOptions(Godot.GodotObject)">
<para>This virtual method is called when updating the context menu of <see cref="T:Godot.EditorResourcePicker"/>. Implement this method to override the "New ..." items with your own options. <paramref name="menuNode"/> is a reference to the <see cref="T:Godot.PopupMenu"/> node.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> Implement <see cref="M:Godot.EditorResourcePicker._HandleMenuSelected(System.Int32)"/> to handle these custom items.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.GetAllowedTypes">
<para>Returns a list of all allowed types and subtypes corresponding to the <see cref="P:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.BaseType"/>. If the <see cref="P:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.BaseType"/> is empty, an empty list is returned.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.SetTogglePressed(System.Boolean)">
<para>Sets the toggle mode state for the main button. Works only if <see cref="P:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.ToggleMode"/> is set to <see langword="true"/>.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.ResourceSelectedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.ResourceSelected"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorResourcePicker"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.ResourceSelected">
<para>Emitted when the resource value was set and user clicked to edit it. When <c>inspect</c> is <see langword="true"/>, the signal was caused by the context menu "Edit" or "Inspect" option.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.ResourceChangedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.ResourceChanged"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorResourcePicker"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.ResourceChanged">
<para>Emitted when the value of the edited resource was changed.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.PropertyName.BaseType">
Cached name for the 'base_type' property.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.PropertyName.EditedResource">
Cached name for the 'edited_resource' property.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.PropertyName.Editable">
Cached name for the 'editable' property.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.PropertyName.ToggleMode">
Cached name for the 'toggle_mode' property.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.MethodName._HandleMenuSelected">
Cached name for the '_handle_menu_selected' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.MethodName._SetCreateOptions">
Cached name for the '_set_create_options' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.MethodName.SetBaseType">
Cached name for the 'set_base_type' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.MethodName.GetBaseType">
Cached name for the 'get_base_type' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.MethodName.GetAllowedTypes">
Cached name for the 'get_allowed_types' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.MethodName.SetEditedResource">
Cached name for the 'set_edited_resource' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.MethodName.GetEditedResource">
Cached name for the 'get_edited_resource' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.MethodName.SetToggleMode">
Cached name for the 'set_toggle_mode' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.MethodName.IsToggleMode">
Cached name for the 'is_toggle_mode' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.MethodName.SetTogglePressed">
Cached name for the 'set_toggle_pressed' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.MethodName.SetEditable">
Cached name for the 'set_editable' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.MethodName.IsEditable">
Cached name for the 'is_editable' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.SignalName.ResourceSelected">
Cached name for the 'resource_selected' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourcePicker.SignalName.ResourceChanged">
Cached name for the 'resource_changed' signal.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorResourcePreview">
<para>This node is used to generate previews for resources or files.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> This class shouldn't be instantiated directly. Instead, access the singleton using <see cref="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetResourcePreviewer"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourcePreview.QueueResourcePreview(System.String,Godot.GodotObject,Godot.StringName,Godot.Variant)">
<para>Queue a resource file located at <paramref name="path"/> for preview. Once the preview is ready, the <paramref name="receiver"/>'s <paramref name="receiverFunc"/> will be called. The <paramref name="receiverFunc"/> must take the following four arguments: <see cref="T:System.String"/> path, <see cref="T:Godot.Texture2D"/> preview, <see cref="T:Godot.Texture2D"/> thumbnail_preview, <see cref="T:Godot.Variant"/> userdata. <paramref name="userdata"/> can be anything, and will be returned when <paramref name="receiverFunc"/> is called.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> If it was not possible to create the preview the <paramref name="receiverFunc"/> will still be called, but the preview will be <see langword="null"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourcePreview.QueueEditedResourcePreview(Godot.Resource,Godot.GodotObject,Godot.StringName,Godot.Variant)">
<para>Queue the <paramref name="resource"/> being edited for preview. Once the preview is ready, the <paramref name="receiver"/>'s <paramref name="receiverFunc"/> will be called. The <paramref name="receiverFunc"/> must take the following four arguments: <see cref="T:System.String"/> path, <see cref="T:Godot.Texture2D"/> preview, <see cref="T:Godot.Texture2D"/> thumbnail_preview, <see cref="T:Godot.Variant"/> userdata. <paramref name="userdata"/> can be anything, and will be returned when <paramref name="receiverFunc"/> is called.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> If it was not possible to create the preview the <paramref name="receiverFunc"/> will still be called, but the preview will be <see langword="null"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourcePreview.AddPreviewGenerator(Godot.EditorResourcePreviewGenerator)">
<para>Create an own, custom preview generator.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourcePreview.RemovePreviewGenerator(Godot.EditorResourcePreviewGenerator)">
<para>Removes a custom preview generator.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourcePreview.CheckForInvalidation(System.String)">
<para>Check if the resource changed, if so, it will be invalidated and the corresponding signal emitted.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorResourcePreview.PreviewInvalidatedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.EditorResourcePreview.PreviewInvalidated"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorResourcePreview"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.EditorResourcePreview.PreviewInvalidated">
<para>Emitted if a preview was invalidated (changed). <c>path</c> corresponds to the path of the preview.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourcePreview.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourcePreview.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourcePreview.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorResourcePreview.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorResourcePreview.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourcePreview.MethodName.QueueResourcePreview">
Cached name for the 'queue_resource_preview' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourcePreview.MethodName.QueueEditedResourcePreview">
Cached name for the 'queue_edited_resource_preview' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourcePreview.MethodName.AddPreviewGenerator">
Cached name for the 'add_preview_generator' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourcePreview.MethodName.RemovePreviewGenerator">
Cached name for the 'remove_preview_generator' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourcePreview.MethodName.CheckForInvalidation">
Cached name for the 'check_for_invalidation' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorResourcePreview.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourcePreview.SignalName.PreviewInvalidated">
Cached name for the 'preview_invalidated' signal.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorResourcePreviewGenerator">
<para>Custom code to generate previews. Check <c>EditorSettings.filesystem/file_dialog/thumbnail_size</c> to find a proper size to generate previews at.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourcePreviewGenerator._CanGenerateSmallPreview">
<para>If this function returns <see langword="true"/>, the generator will call <see cref="M:Godot.EditorResourcePreviewGenerator._Generate(Godot.Resource,Godot.Vector2I,Godot.Collections.Dictionary)"/> or <see cref="M:Godot.EditorResourcePreviewGenerator._GenerateFromPath(System.String,Godot.Vector2I,Godot.Collections.Dictionary)"/> for small previews as well.</para>
<para>By default, it returns <see langword="false"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourcePreviewGenerator._Generate(Godot.Resource,Godot.Vector2I,Godot.Collections.Dictionary)">
<para>Generate a preview from a given resource with the specified size. This must always be implemented.</para>
<para>Returning <see langword="null"/> is an OK way to fail and let another generator take care.</para>
<para>Care must be taken because this function is always called from a thread (not the main thread).</para>
<para><paramref name="metadata"/> dictionary can be modified to store file-specific metadata that can be used in <see cref="M:Godot.EditorResourceTooltipPlugin._MakeTooltipForPath(System.String,Godot.Collections.Dictionary,Godot.Control)"/> (like image size, sample length etc.).</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourcePreviewGenerator._GenerateFromPath(System.String,Godot.Vector2I,Godot.Collections.Dictionary)">
<para>Generate a preview directly from a path with the specified size. Implementing this is optional, as default code will load and call <see cref="M:Godot.EditorResourcePreviewGenerator._Generate(Godot.Resource,Godot.Vector2I,Godot.Collections.Dictionary)"/>.</para>
<para>Returning <see langword="null"/> is an OK way to fail and let another generator take care.</para>
<para>Care must be taken because this function is always called from a thread (not the main thread).</para>
<para><paramref name="metadata"/> dictionary can be modified to store file-specific metadata that can be used in <see cref="M:Godot.EditorResourceTooltipPlugin._MakeTooltipForPath(System.String,Godot.Collections.Dictionary,Godot.Control)"/> (like image size, sample length etc.).</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourcePreviewGenerator._GenerateSmallPreviewAutomatically">
<para>If this function returns <see langword="true"/>, the generator will automatically generate the small previews from the normal preview texture generated by the methods <see cref="M:Godot.EditorResourcePreviewGenerator._Generate(Godot.Resource,Godot.Vector2I,Godot.Collections.Dictionary)"/> or <see cref="M:Godot.EditorResourcePreviewGenerator._GenerateFromPath(System.String,Godot.Vector2I,Godot.Collections.Dictionary)"/>.</para>
<para>By default, it returns <see langword="false"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourcePreviewGenerator._Handles(System.String)">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/> if your generator supports the resource of type <paramref name="type"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourcePreviewGenerator.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourcePreviewGenerator.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourcePreviewGenerator.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorResourcePreviewGenerator.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorResourcePreviewGenerator.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourcePreviewGenerator.MethodName._CanGenerateSmallPreview">
Cached name for the '_can_generate_small_preview' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourcePreviewGenerator.MethodName._Generate">
Cached name for the '_generate' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourcePreviewGenerator.MethodName._GenerateFromPath">
Cached name for the '_generate_from_path' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourcePreviewGenerator.MethodName._GenerateSmallPreviewAutomatically">
Cached name for the '_generate_small_preview_automatically' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourcePreviewGenerator.MethodName._Handles">
Cached name for the '_handles' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorResourcePreviewGenerator.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorResourceTooltipPlugin">
<para>Resource tooltip plugins are used by <see cref="T:Godot.FileSystemDock"/> to generate customized tooltips for specific resources. E.g. tooltip for a <see cref="T:Godot.Texture2D"/> displays a bigger preview and the texture's dimensions.</para>
<para>A plugin must be first registered with <see cref="M:Godot.FileSystemDock.AddResourceTooltipPlugin(Godot.EditorResourceTooltipPlugin)"/>. When the user hovers a resource in filesystem dock which is handled by the plugin, <see cref="M:Godot.EditorResourceTooltipPlugin._MakeTooltipForPath(System.String,Godot.Collections.Dictionary,Godot.Control)"/> is called to create the tooltip. It works similarly to <see cref="M:Godot.Control._MakeCustomTooltip(System.String)"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourceTooltipPlugin._Handles(System.String)">
<para>Return <see langword="true"/> if the plugin is going to handle the given <see cref="T:Godot.Resource"/> <paramref name="type"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourceTooltipPlugin._MakeTooltipForPath(System.String,Godot.Collections.Dictionary,Godot.Control)">
<para>Create and return a tooltip that will be displayed when the user hovers a resource under the given <paramref name="path"/> in filesystem dock.</para>
<para>The <paramref name="metadata"/> dictionary is provided by preview generator (see <see cref="M:Godot.EditorResourcePreviewGenerator._Generate(Godot.Resource,Godot.Vector2I,Godot.Collections.Dictionary)"/>).</para>
<para><paramref name="base"/> is the base default tooltip, which is a <see cref="T:Godot.VBoxContainer"/> with a file name, type and size labels. If another plugin handled the same file type, <paramref name="base"/> will be output from the previous plugin. For best result, make sure the base tooltip is part of the returned <see cref="T:Godot.Control"/>.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> It's unadvised to use <see cref="M:Godot.ResourceLoader.Load(System.String,System.String,Godot.ResourceLoader.CacheMode)"/>, especially with heavy resources like models or textures, because it will make the editor unresponsive when creating the tooltip. You can use <see cref="M:Godot.EditorResourceTooltipPlugin.RequestThumbnail(System.String,Godot.TextureRect)"/> if you want to display a preview in your tooltip.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> If you decide to discard the <paramref name="base"/>, make sure to call <see cref="M:Godot.Node.QueueFree"/>, because it's not freed automatically.</para>
func _make_tooltip_for_path(path, metadata, base):
var t_rect = TextureRect.new()
request_thumbnail(path, t_rect)
base.add_child(t_rect) # The TextureRect will appear at the bottom of the tooltip.
return base
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourceTooltipPlugin.RequestThumbnail(System.String,Godot.TextureRect)">
<para>Requests a thumbnail for the given <see cref="T:Godot.TextureRect"/>. The thumbnail is created asynchronously by <see cref="T:Godot.EditorResourcePreview"/> and automatically set when available.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourceTooltipPlugin.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourceTooltipPlugin.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorResourceTooltipPlugin.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorResourceTooltipPlugin.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorResourceTooltipPlugin.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourceTooltipPlugin.MethodName._Handles">
Cached name for the '_handles' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourceTooltipPlugin.MethodName._MakeTooltipForPath">
Cached name for the '_make_tooltip_for_path' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorResourceTooltipPlugin.MethodName.RequestThumbnail">
Cached name for the 'request_thumbnail' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorResourceTooltipPlugin.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporter">
<para><see cref="T:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporter"/> allows to define an importer script for a third-party 3D format.</para>
<para>To use <see cref="T:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporter"/>, register it using the <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddSceneFormatImporterPlugin(Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporter,System.Boolean)"/> method first.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporter.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporter.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporter.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporter.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporter.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporter.MethodName._GetExtensions">
Cached name for the '_get_extensions' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporter.MethodName._GetImportFlags">
Cached name for the '_get_import_flags' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporter.MethodName._GetImportOptions">
Cached name for the '_get_import_options' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporter.MethodName._GetOptionVisibility">
Cached name for the '_get_option_visibility' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporter.MethodName._ImportScene">
Cached name for the '_import_scene' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporter.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporterBlend">
<para>Imports Blender scenes in the <c>.blend</c> file format through the glTF 2.0 3D import pipeline. This importer requires Blender to be installed by the user, so that it can be used to export the scene as glTF 2.0.</para>
<para>The location of the Blender binary is set via the <c>filesystem/import/blender/blender_path</c> editor setting.</para>
<para>This importer is only used if <c>ProjectSettings.filesystem/import/blender/enabled</c> is enabled, otherwise <c>.blend</c> files present in the project folder are not imported.</para>
<para>Blend import requires Blender 3.0.</para>
<para>Internally, the EditorSceneFormatImporterBlend uses the Blender glTF "Use Original" mode to reference external textures.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporterBlend.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporterBlend.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporterBlend.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporterBlend.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporterBlend.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporterBlend.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporterFbx2Gltf">
<para>Imports Autodesk FBX 3D scenes by way of converting them to glTF 2.0 using the FBX2glTF command line tool.</para>
<para>The location of the FBX2glTF binary is set via the <c>EditorSettings.filesystem/import/fbx/fbx2gltf_path</c> editor setting.</para>
<para>This importer is only used if <c>ProjectSettings.filesystem/import/fbx2gltf/enabled</c> is set to <see langword="true"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporterFbx2Gltf.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporterFbx2Gltf.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporterFbx2Gltf.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporterFbx2Gltf.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporterFbx2Gltf.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporterFbx2Gltf.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporterGltf.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporterGltf.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporterGltf.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporterGltf.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporterGltf.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporterGltf.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporterUfbx">
<para>EditorSceneFormatImporterUFBX is designed to load FBX files and supports both binary and ASCII FBX files from version 3000 onward. This class supports various 3D object types like meshes, skins, blend shapes, materials, and rigging information. The class aims for feature parity with the official FBX SDK and supports FBX 7.4 specifications.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporterUfbx.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporterUfbx.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporterUfbx.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporterUfbx.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporterUfbx.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSceneFormatImporterUfbx.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorScenePostImport">
<para>Imported scenes can be automatically modified right after import by setting their <b>Custom Script</b> Import property to a <c>tool</c> script that inherits from this class.</para>
<para>The <see cref="M:Godot.EditorScenePostImport._PostImport(Godot.Node)"/> callback receives the imported scene's root node and returns the modified version of the scene:</para>
using Godot;
// This sample changes all node names.
// Called right after the scene is imported and gets the root node.
public partial class NodeRenamer : EditorScenePostImport
public override GodotObject _PostImport(Node scene)
// Change all node names to "modified_[oldnodename]"
return scene; // Remember to return the imported scene
public void Iterate(Node node)
if (node != null)
node.Name = $"modified_{node.Name}";
foreach (Node child in node.GetChildren())
<member name="M:Godot.EditorScenePostImport._PostImport(Godot.Node)">
<para>Called after the scene was imported. This method must return the modified version of the scene.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorScenePostImport.GetSourceFile">
<para>Returns the source file path which got imported (e.g. <c>res://scene.dae</c>).</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorScenePostImport.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorScenePostImport.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorScenePostImport.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorScenePostImport.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorScenePostImport.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorScenePostImport.MethodName._PostImport">
Cached name for the '_post_import' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorScenePostImport.MethodName.GetSourceFile">
Cached name for the 'get_source_file' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorScenePostImport.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin">
<para>This plugin type exists to modify the process of importing scenes, allowing to change the content as well as add importer options at every stage of the process.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin._GetImportOptions(System.String)">
<para>Override to add general import options. These will appear in the main import dock on the editor. Add options via <see cref="M:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin.AddImportOption(System.String,Godot.Variant)"/> and <see cref="M:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin.AddImportOptionAdvanced(Godot.Variant.Type,System.String,Godot.Variant,Godot.PropertyHint,System.String,System.Int32)"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin._GetInternalImportOptions(System.Int32)">
<para>Override to add internal import options. These will appear in the 3D scene import dialog. Add options via <see cref="M:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin.AddImportOption(System.String,Godot.Variant)"/> and <see cref="M:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin.AddImportOptionAdvanced(Godot.Variant.Type,System.String,Godot.Variant,Godot.PropertyHint,System.String,System.Int32)"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin._GetInternalOptionUpdateViewRequired(System.Int32,System.String)">
<para>Should return <see langword="true"/> if the 3D view of the import dialog needs to update when changing the given option.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin._GetInternalOptionVisibility(System.Int32,System.Boolean,System.String)">
<para>Should return <see langword="true"/> to show the given option, <see langword="false"/> to hide the given option, or <see langword="null"/> to ignore.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin._GetOptionVisibility(System.String,System.Boolean,System.String)">
<para>Should return <see langword="true"/> to show the given option, <see langword="false"/> to hide the given option, or <see langword="null"/> to ignore.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin._InternalProcess(System.Int32,Godot.Node,Godot.Node,Godot.Resource)">
<para>Process a specific node or resource for a given category.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin._PostProcess(Godot.Node)">
<para>Post process the scene. This function is called after the final scene has been configured.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin._PreProcess(Godot.Node)">
<para>Pre Process the scene. This function is called right after the scene format loader loaded the scene and no changes have been made.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin.GetOptionValue(Godot.StringName)">
<para>Query the value of an option. This function can only be called from those querying visibility, or processing.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin.AddImportOption(System.String,Godot.Variant)">
<para>Add a specific import option (name and default value only). This function can only be called from <see cref="M:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin._GetImportOptions(System.String)"/> and <see cref="M:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin._GetInternalImportOptions(System.Int32)"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin.AddImportOptionAdvanced(Godot.Variant.Type,System.String,Godot.Variant,Godot.PropertyHint,System.String,System.Int32)">
<para>Add a specific import option. This function can only be called from <see cref="M:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin._GetImportOptions(System.String)"/> and <see cref="M:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin._GetInternalImportOptions(System.Int32)"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin.MethodName._GetImportOptions">
Cached name for the '_get_import_options' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin.MethodName._GetInternalImportOptions">
Cached name for the '_get_internal_import_options' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin.MethodName._GetInternalOptionUpdateViewRequired">
Cached name for the '_get_internal_option_update_view_required' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin.MethodName._GetInternalOptionVisibility">
Cached name for the '_get_internal_option_visibility' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin.MethodName._GetOptionVisibility">
Cached name for the '_get_option_visibility' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin.MethodName._InternalProcess">
Cached name for the '_internal_process' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin.MethodName._PostProcess">
Cached name for the '_post_process' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin.MethodName._PreProcess">
Cached name for the '_pre_process' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin.MethodName.GetOptionValue">
Cached name for the 'get_option_value' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin.MethodName.AddImportOption">
Cached name for the 'add_import_option' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin.MethodName.AddImportOptionAdvanced">
Cached name for the 'add_import_option_advanced' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorScenePostImportPlugin.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorScript">
<para>Scripts extending this class and implementing its <see cref="M:Godot.EditorScript._Run"/> method can be executed from the Script Editor's <b>File > Run</b> menu option (or by pressing Ctrl + Shift + X) while the editor is running. This is useful for adding custom in-editor functionality to Godot. For more complex additions, consider using <see cref="T:Godot.EditorPlugin"/>s instead.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> Extending scripts need to have <c>tool</c> mode enabled.</para>
<para><b>Example:</b> Running the following script prints "Hello from the Godot Editor!":</para>
using Godot;
public partial class HelloEditor : EditorScript
public override void _Run()
GD.Print("Hello from the Godot Editor!");
<para><b>Note:</b> The script is run in the Editor context, which means the output is visible in the console window started with the Editor (stdout) instead of the usual Godot <b>Output</b> dock.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> EditorScript is <see cref="T:Godot.RefCounted"/>, meaning it is destroyed when nothing references it. This can cause errors during asynchronous operations if there are no references to the script.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorScript._Run">
<para>This method is executed by the Editor when <b>File > Run</b> is used.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorScript.AddRootNode(Godot.Node)">
<para>Makes <paramref name="node"/> root of the currently opened scene. Only works if the scene is empty. If the <paramref name="node"/> is a scene instance, an inheriting scene will be created.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorScript.GetScene">
<para>Returns the edited (current) scene's root <see cref="T:Godot.Node"/>. Equivalent of <see cref="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetEditedSceneRoot"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorScript.GetEditorInterface">
<para>Returns the <see cref="T:Godot.EditorInterface"/> singleton instance.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorScript.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorScript.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorScript.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorScript.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorScript.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorScript.MethodName._Run">
Cached name for the '_run' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorScript.MethodName.AddRootNode">
Cached name for the 'add_root_node' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorScript.MethodName.GetScene">
Cached name for the 'get_scene' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorScript.MethodName.GetEditorInterface">
Cached name for the 'get_editor_interface' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorScript.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorScriptPicker">
<para>Similar to <see cref="T:Godot.EditorResourcePicker"/> this <see cref="T:Godot.Control"/> node is used in the editor's Inspector dock, but only to edit the <c>script</c> property of a <see cref="T:Godot.Node"/>. Default options for creating new resources of all possible subtypes are replaced with dedicated buttons that open the "Attach Node Script" dialog. Can be used with <see cref="T:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin"/> to recreate the same behavior.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> You must set the <see cref="P:Godot.EditorScriptPicker.ScriptOwner"/> for the custom context menu items to work.</para>
<member name="P:Godot.EditorScriptPicker.ScriptOwner">
<para>The owner <see cref="T:Godot.Node"/> of the script property that holds the edited resource.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorScriptPicker.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorScriptPicker.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorScriptPicker.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorScriptPicker.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorScriptPicker.PropertyName.ScriptOwner">
Cached name for the 'script_owner' property.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorScriptPicker.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorScriptPicker.MethodName.SetScriptOwner">
Cached name for the 'set_script_owner' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorScriptPicker.MethodName.GetScriptOwner">
Cached name for the 'get_script_owner' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorScriptPicker.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSelection">
<para>This object manages the SceneTree selection in the editor.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> This class shouldn't be instantiated directly. Instead, access the singleton using <see cref="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetSelection"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSelection.Clear">
<para>Clear the selection.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSelection.AddNode(Godot.Node)">
<para>Adds a node to the selection.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> The newly selected node will not be automatically edited in the inspector. If you want to edit a node, use <see cref="M:Godot.EditorInterface.EditNode(Godot.Node)"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSelection.RemoveNode(Godot.Node)">
<para>Removes a node from the selection.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSelection.GetSelectedNodes">
<para>Returns the list of selected nodes.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSelection.GetTransformableSelectedNodes">
<para>Returns the list of selected nodes, optimized for transform operations (i.e. moving them, rotating, etc.). This list can be used to avoid situations where a node is selected and is also a child/grandchild.</para>
<member name="E:Godot.EditorSelection.SelectionChanged">
<para>Emitted when the selection changes.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSelection.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSelection.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSelection.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSelection.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSelection.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSelection.MethodName.Clear">
Cached name for the 'clear' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSelection.MethodName.AddNode">
Cached name for the 'add_node' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSelection.MethodName.RemoveNode">
Cached name for the 'remove_node' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSelection.MethodName.GetSelectedNodes">
Cached name for the 'get_selected_nodes' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSelection.MethodName.GetTransformableSelectedNodes">
Cached name for the 'get_transformable_selected_nodes' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSelection.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSelection.SignalName.SelectionChanged">
Cached name for the 'selection_changed' signal.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSettings">
<para>Object that holds the project-independent editor settings. These settings are generally visible in the <b>Editor > Editor Settings</b> menu.</para>
<para>Property names use slash delimiters to distinguish sections. Setting values can be of any <see cref="T:Godot.Variant"/> type. It's recommended to use <c>snake_case</c> for editor settings to be consistent with the Godot editor itself.</para>
<para>Accessing the settings can be done using the following methods, such as:</para>
EditorSettings settings = EditorInterface.Singleton.GetEditorSettings();
// `settings.set("some/property", value)` also works as this class overrides `_set()` internally.
settings.SetSetting("some/property", Value);
// `settings.get("some/property", value)` also works as this class overrides `_get()` internally.
Godot.Collections.Array<Godot.Collections.Dictionary> listOfSettings = settings.GetPropertyList();
<para><b>Note:</b> This class shouldn't be instantiated directly. Instead, access the singleton using <see cref="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetEditorSettings"/>.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSettings.NotificationEditorSettingsChanged">
<para>Emitted after any editor setting has changed. It's used by various editor plugins to update their visuals on theme changes or logic on configuration changes.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSettings.HasSetting(System.String)">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/> if the setting specified by <paramref name="name"/> exists, <see langword="false"/> otherwise.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSettings.SetSetting(System.String,Godot.Variant)">
<para>Sets the <paramref name="value"/> of the setting specified by <paramref name="name"/>. This is equivalent to using <see cref="M:Godot.GodotObject.Set(Godot.StringName,Godot.Variant)"/> on the EditorSettings instance.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSettings.GetSetting(System.String)">
<para>Returns the value of the setting specified by <paramref name="name"/>. This is equivalent to using <see cref="M:Godot.GodotObject.Get(Godot.StringName)"/> on the EditorSettings instance.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSettings.Erase(System.String)">
<para>Erases the setting whose name is specified by <paramref name="property"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSettings.SetInitialValue(Godot.StringName,Godot.Variant,System.Boolean)">
<para>Sets the initial value of the setting specified by <paramref name="name"/> to <paramref name="value"/>. This is used to provide a value for the Revert button in the Editor Settings. If <paramref name="updateCurrent"/> is <see langword="true"/>, the setting is reset to <paramref name="value"/> as well.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSettings.AddPropertyInfo(Godot.Collections.Dictionary)">
<para>Adds a custom property info to a property. The dictionary must contain:</para>
<para>- <c>name</c>: <see cref="T:System.String"/> (the name of the property)</para>
<para>- <c>type</c>: <see cref="T:System.Int32"/> (see <see cref="T:Godot.Variant.Type"/>)</para>
<para>- optionally <c>hint</c>: <see cref="T:System.Int32"/> (see <see cref="T:Godot.PropertyHint"/>) and <c>hint_string</c>: <see cref="T:System.String"/></para>
var settings = GetEditorInterface().GetEditorSettings();
settings.Set("category/property_name", 0);
var propertyInfo = new Godot.Collections.Dictionary
{"name", "category/propertyName"},
{"type", Variant.Type.Int},
{"hint", PropertyHint.Enum},
{"hint_string", "one,two,three"}
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSettings.SetProjectMetadata(System.String,System.String,Godot.Variant)">
<para>Sets project-specific metadata with the <paramref name="section"/>, <paramref name="key"/> and <paramref name="data"/> specified. This metadata is stored outside the project folder and therefore won't be checked into version control. See also <see cref="M:Godot.EditorSettings.GetProjectMetadata(System.String,System.String,Godot.Variant)"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSettings.GetProjectMetadata(System.String,System.String,Godot.Variant)">
<para>Returns project-specific metadata for the <paramref name="section"/> and <paramref name="key"/> specified. If the metadata doesn't exist, <paramref name="default"/> will be returned instead. See also <see cref="M:Godot.EditorSettings.SetProjectMetadata(System.String,System.String,Godot.Variant)"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSettings.SetFavorites(System.String[])">
<para>Sets the list of favorite files and directories for this project.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSettings.SetFavorites(System.ReadOnlySpan{System.String})">
<para>Sets the list of favorite files and directories for this project.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSettings.GetFavorites">
<para>Returns the list of favorite files and directories for this project.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSettings.SetRecentDirs(System.String[])">
<para>Sets the list of recently visited folders in the file dialog for this project.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSettings.SetRecentDirs(System.ReadOnlySpan{System.String})">
<para>Sets the list of recently visited folders in the file dialog for this project.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSettings.GetRecentDirs">
<para>Returns the list of recently visited folders in the file dialog for this project.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSettings.SetBuiltinActionOverride(System.String,Godot.Collections.Array{Godot.InputEvent})">
<para>Overrides the built-in editor action <paramref name="name"/> with the input actions defined in <paramref name="actionsList"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSettings.CheckChangedSettingsInGroup(System.String)">
<para>Checks if any settings with the prefix <paramref name="settingPrefix"/> exist in the set of changed settings. See also <see cref="M:Godot.EditorSettings.GetChangedSettings"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSettings.GetChangedSettings">
<para>Gets an array of the settings which have been changed since the last save. Note that internally <c>changed_settings</c> is cleared after a successful save, so generally the most appropriate place to use this method is when processing <see cref="F:Godot.EditorSettings.NotificationEditorSettingsChanged"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSettings.MarkSettingChanged(System.String)">
<para>Marks the passed editor setting as being changed, see <see cref="M:Godot.EditorSettings.GetChangedSettings"/>. Only settings which exist (see <see cref="M:Godot.EditorSettings.HasSetting(System.String)"/>) will be accepted.</para>
<member name="E:Godot.EditorSettings.SettingsChanged">
<para>Emitted after any editor setting has changed.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSettings.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSettings.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSettings.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSettings.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSettings.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSettings.MethodName.HasSetting">
Cached name for the 'has_setting' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSettings.MethodName.SetSetting">
Cached name for the 'set_setting' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSettings.MethodName.GetSetting">
Cached name for the 'get_setting' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSettings.MethodName.Erase">
Cached name for the 'erase' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSettings.MethodName.SetInitialValue">
Cached name for the 'set_initial_value' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSettings.MethodName.AddPropertyInfo">
Cached name for the 'add_property_info' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSettings.MethodName.SetProjectMetadata">
Cached name for the 'set_project_metadata' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSettings.MethodName.GetProjectMetadata">
Cached name for the 'get_project_metadata' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSettings.MethodName.SetFavorites">
Cached name for the 'set_favorites' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSettings.MethodName.GetFavorites">
Cached name for the 'get_favorites' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSettings.MethodName.SetRecentDirs">
Cached name for the 'set_recent_dirs' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSettings.MethodName.GetRecentDirs">
Cached name for the 'get_recent_dirs' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSettings.MethodName.SetBuiltinActionOverride">
Cached name for the 'set_builtin_action_override' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSettings.MethodName.CheckChangedSettingsInGroup">
Cached name for the 'check_changed_settings_in_group' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSettings.MethodName.GetChangedSettings">
Cached name for the 'get_changed_settings' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSettings.MethodName.MarkSettingChanged">
Cached name for the 'mark_setting_changed' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSettings.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSettings.SignalName.SettingsChanged">
Cached name for the 'settings_changed' signal.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSpinSlider">
<para>This <see cref="T:Godot.Control"/> node is used in the editor's Inspector dock to allow editing of numeric values. Can be used with <see cref="T:Godot.EditorInspectorPlugin"/> to recreate the same behavior.</para>
<para>If the <see cref="P:Godot.Range.Step"/> value is <c>1</c>, the <see cref="T:Godot.EditorSpinSlider"/> will display up/down arrows, similar to <see cref="T:Godot.SpinBox"/>. If the <see cref="P:Godot.Range.Step"/> value is not <c>1</c>, a slider will be displayed instead.</para>
<member name="P:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.Label">
<para>The text that displays to the left of the value.</para>
<member name="P:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.Suffix">
<para>The suffix to display after the value (in a faded color). This should generally be a plural word. You may have to use an abbreviation if the suffix is too long to be displayed.</para>
<member name="P:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.ReadOnly">
<para>If <see langword="true"/>, the slider can't be interacted with.</para>
<member name="P:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.Flat">
<para>If <see langword="true"/>, the slider will not draw background.</para>
<member name="P:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.HideSlider">
<para>If <see langword="true"/>, the slider and up/down arrows are hidden.</para>
<member name="E:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.Grabbed">
<para>Emitted when the spinner/slider is grabbed.</para>
<member name="E:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.Ungrabbed">
<para>Emitted when the spinner/slider is ungrabbed.</para>
<member name="E:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.UpdownPressed">
<para>Emitted when the updown button is pressed.</para>
<member name="E:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.ValueFocusEntered">
<para>Emitted when the value form gains focus.</para>
<member name="E:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.ValueFocusExited">
<para>Emitted when the value form loses focus.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.PropertyName.Label">
Cached name for the 'label' property.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.PropertyName.Suffix">
Cached name for the 'suffix' property.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.PropertyName.ReadOnly">
Cached name for the 'read_only' property.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.PropertyName.Flat">
Cached name for the 'flat' property.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.PropertyName.HideSlider">
Cached name for the 'hide_slider' property.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.MethodName.SetLabel">
Cached name for the 'set_label' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.MethodName.GetLabel">
Cached name for the 'get_label' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.MethodName.SetSuffix">
Cached name for the 'set_suffix' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.MethodName.GetSuffix">
Cached name for the 'get_suffix' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.MethodName.SetReadOnly">
Cached name for the 'set_read_only' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.MethodName.IsReadOnly">
Cached name for the 'is_read_only' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.MethodName.SetFlat">
Cached name for the 'set_flat' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.MethodName.IsFlat">
Cached name for the 'is_flat' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.MethodName.SetHideSlider">
Cached name for the 'set_hide_slider' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.MethodName.IsHidingSlider">
Cached name for the 'is_hiding_slider' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.SignalName.Grabbed">
Cached name for the 'grabbed' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.SignalName.Ungrabbed">
Cached name for the 'ungrabbed' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.SignalName.UpdownPressed">
Cached name for the 'updown_pressed' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.SignalName.ValueFocusEntered">
Cached name for the 'value_focus_entered' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSpinSlider.SignalName.ValueFocusExited">
Cached name for the 'value_focus_exited' signal.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSyntaxHighlighter">
<para>Base class that all <see cref="T:Godot.SyntaxHighlighter"/>s used by the <see cref="T:Godot.ScriptEditor"/> extend from.</para>
<para>Add a syntax highlighter to an individual script by calling <see cref="M:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.AddSyntaxHighlighter(Godot.EditorSyntaxHighlighter)"/>. To apply to all scripts on open, call <see cref="M:Godot.ScriptEditor.RegisterSyntaxHighlighter(Godot.EditorSyntaxHighlighter)"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSyntaxHighlighter._GetName">
<para>Virtual method which can be overridden to return the syntax highlighter name.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSyntaxHighlighter._GetSupportedLanguages">
<para>Virtual method which can be overridden to return the supported language names.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSyntaxHighlighter.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSyntaxHighlighter.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorSyntaxHighlighter.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSyntaxHighlighter.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSyntaxHighlighter.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSyntaxHighlighter.MethodName._GetName">
Cached name for the '_get_name' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorSyntaxHighlighter.MethodName._GetSupportedLanguages">
Cached name for the '_get_supported_languages' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorSyntaxHighlighter.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorToaster">
<para>This object manages the functionality and display of toast notifications within the editor, ensuring timely and informative alerts are presented to users.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> This class shouldn't be instantiated directly. Instead, access the singleton using <see cref="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetEditorToaster"/>.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorToaster.Severity.Info">
<para>Toast will display with an INFO severity.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorToaster.Severity.Warning">
<para>Toast will display with a WARNING severity and have a corresponding color.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorToaster.Severity.Error">
<para>Toast will display with an ERROR severity and have a corresponding color.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorToaster.PushToast(System.String,Godot.EditorToaster.Severity,System.String)">
<para>Pushes a toast notification to the editor for display.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorToaster.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorToaster.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorToaster.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorToaster.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorToaster.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorToaster.MethodName.PushToast">
Cached name for the 'push_toast' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorToaster.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorTranslationParserPlugin">
<para><see cref="T:Godot.EditorTranslationParserPlugin"/> is invoked when a file is being parsed to extract strings that require translation. To define the parsing and string extraction logic, override the <see cref="M:Godot.EditorTranslationParserPlugin._ParseFile(System.String,Godot.Collections.Array{System.String},Godot.Collections.Array{Godot.Collections.Array})"/> method in script.</para>
<para>Add the extracted strings to argument <c>msgids</c> or <c>msgids_context_plural</c> if context or plural is used.</para>
<para>When adding to <c>msgids_context_plural</c>, you must add the data using the format <c>["A", "B", "C"]</c>, where <c>A</c> represents the extracted string, <c>B</c> represents the context, and <c>C</c> represents the plural version of the extracted string. If you want to add only context but not plural, put <c>""</c> for the plural slot. The idea is the same if you only want to add plural but not context. See the code below for concrete examples.</para>
<para>The extracted strings will be written into a POT file selected by user under "POT Generation" in "Localization" tab in "Project Settings" menu.</para>
<para>Below shows an example of a custom parser that extracts strings from a CSV file to write into a POT.</para>
using Godot;
public partial class CustomParser : EditorTranslationParserPlugin
public override void _ParseFile(string path, Godot.Collections.Array<string> msgids, Godot.Collections.Array<Godot.Collections.Array> msgidsContextPlural)
using var file = FileAccess.Open(path, FileAccess.ModeFlags.Read);
string text = file.GetAsText();
string[] splitStrs = text.Split(",", allowEmpty: false);
foreach (string s in splitStrs)
//GD.Print($"Extracted string: {s}");
public override string[] _GetRecognizedExtensions()
return new string[] { "csv" };
<para>To add a translatable string associated with context or plural, add it to <c>msgids_context_plural</c>:</para>
// This will add a message with msgid "Test 1", msgctxt "context", and msgid_plural "test 1 plurals".
msgidsContextPlural.Add(new Godot.Collections.Array{"Test 1", "context", "test 1 Plurals"});
// This will add a message with msgid "A test without context" and msgid_plural "plurals".
msgidsContextPlural.Add(new Godot.Collections.Array{"A test without context", "", "plurals"});
// This will add a message with msgid "Only with context" and msgctxt "a friendly context".
msgidsContextPlural.Add(new Godot.Collections.Array{"Only with context", "a friendly context", ""});
<para><b>Note:</b> If you override parsing logic for standard script types (GDScript, C#, etc.), it would be better to load the <c>path</c> argument using <see cref="M:Godot.ResourceLoader.Load(System.String,System.String,Godot.ResourceLoader.CacheMode)"/>. This is because built-in scripts are loaded as <see cref="T:Godot.Resource"/> type, not <see cref="T:Godot.FileAccess"/> type. For example:</para>
public override void _ParseFile(string path, Godot.Collections.Array<string> msgids, Godot.Collections.Array<Godot.Collections.Array> msgidsContextPlural)
var res = ResourceLoader.Load<Script>(path, "Script");
string text = res.SourceCode;
// Parsing logic.
public override string[] _GetRecognizedExtensions()
return new string[] { "gd" };
<para>To use <see cref="T:Godot.EditorTranslationParserPlugin"/>, register it using the <see cref="M:Godot.EditorPlugin.AddTranslationParserPlugin(Godot.EditorTranslationParserPlugin)"/> method first.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorTranslationParserPlugin._GetComments(Godot.Collections.Array{System.String},Godot.Collections.Array{System.String})">
<para>If overridden, called after <see cref="M:Godot.EditorTranslationParserPlugin._ParseFile(System.String,Godot.Collections.Array{System.String},Godot.Collections.Array{Godot.Collections.Array})"/> to get comments for the parsed entries. This method should fill the arrays with the same number of elements and in the same order as <see cref="M:Godot.EditorTranslationParserPlugin._ParseFile(System.String,Godot.Collections.Array{System.String},Godot.Collections.Array{Godot.Collections.Array})"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorTranslationParserPlugin._GetRecognizedExtensions">
<para>Gets the list of file extensions to associate with this parser, e.g. <c>["csv"]</c>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorTranslationParserPlugin._ParseFile(System.String,Godot.Collections.Array{System.String},Godot.Collections.Array{Godot.Collections.Array})">
<para>Override this method to define a custom parsing logic to extract the translatable strings.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorTranslationParserPlugin.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorTranslationParserPlugin.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorTranslationParserPlugin.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorTranslationParserPlugin.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorTranslationParserPlugin.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorTranslationParserPlugin.MethodName._GetComments">
Cached name for the '_get_comments' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorTranslationParserPlugin.MethodName._GetRecognizedExtensions">
Cached name for the '_get_recognized_extensions' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorTranslationParserPlugin.MethodName._ParseFile">
Cached name for the '_parse_file' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorTranslationParserPlugin.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorVcsInterface">
<para>Defines the API that the editor uses to extract information from the underlying VCS. The implementation of this API is included in VCS plugins, which are GDExtension plugins that inherit <see cref="T:Godot.EditorVcsInterface"/> and are attached (on demand) to the singleton instance of <see cref="T:Godot.EditorVcsInterface"/>. Instead of performing the task themselves, all the virtual functions listed below are calling the internally overridden functions in the VCS plugins to provide a plug-n-play experience. A custom VCS plugin is supposed to inherit from <see cref="T:Godot.EditorVcsInterface"/> and override each of these virtual functions.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.ChangeType.New">
<para>A new file has been added.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.ChangeType.Modified">
<para>An earlier added file has been modified.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.ChangeType.Renamed">
<para>An earlier added file has been renamed.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.ChangeType.Deleted">
<para>An earlier added file has been deleted.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.ChangeType.Typechange">
<para>An earlier added file has been typechanged.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.ChangeType.Unmerged">
<para>A file is left unmerged.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.TreeArea.Commit">
<para>A commit is encountered from the commit area.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.TreeArea.Staged">
<para>A file is encountered from the staged area.</para>
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.TreeArea.Unstaged">
<para>A file is encountered from the unstaged area.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface._CheckoutBranch(System.String)">
<para>Checks out a <paramref name="branchName"/> in the VCS.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface._Commit(System.String)">
<para>Commits the currently staged changes and applies the commit <paramref name="msg"/> to the resulting commit.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface._CreateBranch(System.String)">
<para>Creates a new branch named <paramref name="branchName"/> in the VCS.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface._CreateRemote(System.String,System.String)">
<para>Creates a new remote destination with name <paramref name="remoteName"/> and points it to <paramref name="remoteUrl"/>. This can be an HTTPS remote or an SSH remote.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface._DiscardFile(System.String)">
<para>Discards the changes made in a file present at <paramref name="filePath"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface._Fetch(System.String)">
<para>Fetches new changes from the <paramref name="remote"/>, but doesn't write changes to the current working directory. Equivalent to <c>git fetch</c>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface._GetBranchList">
<para>Gets an instance of an <see cref="T:Godot.Collections.Array"/> of <see cref="T:System.String"/>s containing available branch names in the VCS.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface._GetCurrentBranchName">
<para>Gets the current branch name defined in the VCS.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface._GetDiff(System.String,System.Int32)">
<para>Returns an array of <see cref="T:Godot.Collections.Dictionary"/> items (see <see cref="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.CreateDiffFile(System.String,System.String)"/>, <see cref="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.CreateDiffHunk(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)"/>, <see cref="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.CreateDiffLine(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String,System.String)"/>, <see cref="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.AddLineDiffsIntoDiffHunk(Godot.Collections.Dictionary,Godot.Collections.Array{Godot.Collections.Dictionary})"/> and <see cref="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.AddDiffHunksIntoDiffFile(Godot.Collections.Dictionary,Godot.Collections.Array{Godot.Collections.Dictionary})"/>), each containing information about a diff. If <paramref name="identifier"/> is a file path, returns a file diff, and if it is a commit identifier, then returns a commit diff.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface._GetLineDiff(System.String,System.String)">
<para>Returns an <see cref="T:Godot.Collections.Array"/> of <see cref="T:Godot.Collections.Dictionary"/> items (see <see cref="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.CreateDiffHunk(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)"/>), each containing a line diff between a file at <paramref name="filePath"/> and the <paramref name="text"/> which is passed in.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface._GetModifiedFilesData">
<para>Returns an <see cref="T:Godot.Collections.Array"/> of <see cref="T:Godot.Collections.Dictionary"/> items (see <see cref="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.CreateStatusFile(System.String,Godot.EditorVcsInterface.ChangeType,Godot.EditorVcsInterface.TreeArea)"/>), each containing the status data of every modified file in the project folder.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface._GetPreviousCommits(System.Int32)">
<para>Returns an <see cref="T:Godot.Collections.Array"/> of <see cref="T:Godot.Collections.Dictionary"/> items (see <see cref="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.CreateCommit(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Int64,System.Int64)"/>), each containing the data for a past commit.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface._GetRemotes">
<para>Returns an <see cref="T:Godot.Collections.Array"/> of <see cref="T:System.String"/>s, each containing the name of a remote configured in the VCS.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface._GetVcsName">
<para>Returns the name of the underlying VCS provider.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface._Initialize(System.String)">
<para>Initializes the VCS plugin when called from the editor. Returns whether or not the plugin was successfully initialized. A VCS project is initialized at <paramref name="projectPath"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface._Pull(System.String)">
<para>Pulls changes from the remote. This can give rise to merge conflicts.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface._Push(System.String,System.Boolean)">
<para>Pushes changes to the <paramref name="remote"/>. If <paramref name="force"/> is <see langword="true"/>, a force push will override the change history already present on the remote.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface._RemoveBranch(System.String)">
<para>Remove a branch from the local VCS.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface._RemoveRemote(System.String)">
<para>Remove a remote from the local VCS.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface._SetCredentials(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
<para>Set user credentials in the underlying VCS. <paramref name="userName"/> and <paramref name="password"/> are used only during HTTPS authentication unless not already mentioned in the remote URL. <paramref name="sshPublicKeyPath"/>, <paramref name="sshPrivateKeyPath"/>, and <paramref name="sshPassphrase"/> are only used during SSH authentication.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface._ShutDown">
<para>Shuts down VCS plugin instance. Called when the user either closes the editor or shuts down the VCS plugin through the editor UI.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface._StageFile(System.String)">
<para>Stages the file present at <paramref name="filePath"/> to the staged area.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface._UnstageFile(System.String)">
<para>Unstages the file present at <paramref name="filePath"/> from the staged area to the unstaged area.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.CreateDiffLine(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String,System.String)">
<para>Helper function to create a <see cref="T:Godot.Collections.Dictionary"/> for storing a line diff. <paramref name="newLineNo"/> is the line number in the new file (can be <c>-1</c> if the line is deleted). <paramref name="oldLineNo"/> is the line number in the old file (can be <c>-1</c> if the line is added). <paramref name="content"/> is the diff text. <paramref name="status"/> is a single character string which stores the line origin.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.CreateDiffHunk(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
<para>Helper function to create a <see cref="T:Godot.Collections.Dictionary"/> for storing diff hunk data. <paramref name="oldStart"/> is the starting line number in old file. <paramref name="newStart"/> is the starting line number in new file. <paramref name="oldLines"/> is the number of lines in the old file. <paramref name="newLines"/> is the number of lines in the new file.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.CreateDiffFile(System.String,System.String)">
<para>Helper function to create a <see cref="T:Godot.Collections.Dictionary"/> for storing old and new diff file paths.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.CreateCommit(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Int64,System.Int64)">
<para>Helper function to create a commit <see cref="T:Godot.Collections.Dictionary"/> item. <paramref name="msg"/> is the commit message of the commit. <paramref name="author"/> is a single human-readable string containing all the author's details, e.g. the email and name configured in the VCS. <paramref name="id"/> is the identifier of the commit, in whichever format your VCS may provide an identifier to commits. <paramref name="unixTimestamp"/> is the UTC Unix timestamp of when the commit was created. <paramref name="offsetMinutes"/> is the timezone offset in minutes, recorded from the system timezone where the commit was created.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.CreateStatusFile(System.String,Godot.EditorVcsInterface.ChangeType,Godot.EditorVcsInterface.TreeArea)">
<para>Helper function to create a <see cref="T:Godot.Collections.Dictionary"/> used by editor to read the status of a file.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.AddDiffHunksIntoDiffFile(Godot.Collections.Dictionary,Godot.Collections.Array{Godot.Collections.Dictionary})">
<para>Helper function to add an array of <paramref name="diffHunks"/> into a <paramref name="diffFile"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.AddLineDiffsIntoDiffHunk(Godot.Collections.Dictionary,Godot.Collections.Array{Godot.Collections.Dictionary})">
<para>Helper function to add an array of <paramref name="lineDiffs"/> into a <paramref name="diffHunk"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.PopupError(System.String)">
<para>Pops up an error message in the editor which is shown as coming from the underlying VCS. Use this to show VCS specific error messages.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.MethodName._CheckoutBranch">
Cached name for the '_checkout_branch' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.MethodName._Commit">
Cached name for the '_commit' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.MethodName._CreateBranch">
Cached name for the '_create_branch' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.MethodName._CreateRemote">
Cached name for the '_create_remote' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.MethodName._DiscardFile">
Cached name for the '_discard_file' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.MethodName._Fetch">
Cached name for the '_fetch' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.MethodName._GetBranchList">
Cached name for the '_get_branch_list' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.MethodName._GetCurrentBranchName">
Cached name for the '_get_current_branch_name' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.MethodName._GetDiff">
Cached name for the '_get_diff' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.MethodName._GetLineDiff">
Cached name for the '_get_line_diff' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.MethodName._GetModifiedFilesData">
Cached name for the '_get_modified_files_data' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.MethodName._GetPreviousCommits">
Cached name for the '_get_previous_commits' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.MethodName._GetRemotes">
Cached name for the '_get_remotes' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.MethodName._GetVcsName">
Cached name for the '_get_vcs_name' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.MethodName._Initialize">
Cached name for the '_initialize' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.MethodName._Pull">
Cached name for the '_pull' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.MethodName._Push">
Cached name for the '_push' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.MethodName._RemoveBranch">
Cached name for the '_remove_branch' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.MethodName._RemoveRemote">
Cached name for the '_remove_remote' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.MethodName._SetCredentials">
Cached name for the '_set_credentials' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.MethodName._ShutDown">
Cached name for the '_shut_down' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.MethodName._StageFile">
Cached name for the '_stage_file' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.MethodName._UnstageFile">
Cached name for the '_unstage_file' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.MethodName.CreateDiffLine">
Cached name for the 'create_diff_line' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.MethodName.CreateDiffHunk">
Cached name for the 'create_diff_hunk' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.MethodName.CreateDiffFile">
Cached name for the 'create_diff_file' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.MethodName.CreateCommit">
Cached name for the 'create_commit' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.MethodName.CreateStatusFile">
Cached name for the 'create_status_file' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.MethodName.AddDiffHunksIntoDiffFile">
Cached name for the 'add_diff_hunks_into_diff_file' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.MethodName.AddLineDiffsIntoDiffHunk">
Cached name for the 'add_line_diffs_into_diff_hunk' method.
<member name="F:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.MethodName.PopupError">
Cached name for the 'popup_error' method.
<member name="T:Godot.EditorVcsInterface.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.FileSystemDock">
<para>This class is available only in <see cref="T:Godot.EditorPlugin"/>s and can't be instantiated. You can access it using <see cref="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetFileSystemDock"/>.</para>
<para>While <see cref="T:Godot.FileSystemDock"/> doesn't expose any methods for file manipulation, it can listen for various file-related signals.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.FileSystemDock.NavigateToPath(System.String)">
<para>Sets the given <paramref name="path"/> as currently selected, ensuring that the selected file/directory is visible.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.FileSystemDock.AddResourceTooltipPlugin(Godot.EditorResourceTooltipPlugin)">
<para>Registers a new <see cref="T:Godot.EditorResourceTooltipPlugin"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.FileSystemDock.RemoveResourceTooltipPlugin(Godot.EditorResourceTooltipPlugin)">
<para>Removes an <see cref="T:Godot.EditorResourceTooltipPlugin"/>. Fails if the plugin wasn't previously added.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.FileSystemDock.InheritEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.FileSystemDock.Inherit"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.FileSystemDock"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.FileSystemDock.Inherit">
<para>Emitted when a new scene is created that inherits the scene at <c>file</c> path.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.FileSystemDock.InstantiateEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.FileSystemDock.Instantiate"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.FileSystemDock"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.FileSystemDock.Instantiate">
<para>Emitted when the given scenes are being instantiated in the editor.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.FileSystemDock.ResourceRemovedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.FileSystemDock.ResourceRemoved"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.FileSystemDock"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.FileSystemDock.ResourceRemoved">
<para>Emitted when an external <c>resource</c> had its file removed.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.FileSystemDock.FileRemovedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.FileSystemDock.FileRemoved"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.FileSystemDock"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.FileSystemDock.FileRemoved">
<para>Emitted when the given <c>file</c> was removed.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.FileSystemDock.FolderRemovedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.FileSystemDock.FolderRemoved"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.FileSystemDock"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.FileSystemDock.FolderRemoved">
<para>Emitted when the given <c>folder</c> was removed.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.FileSystemDock.FilesMovedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.FileSystemDock.FilesMoved"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.FileSystemDock"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.FileSystemDock.FilesMoved">
<para>Emitted when a file is moved from <c>oldFile</c> path to <c>newFile</c> path.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.FileSystemDock.FolderMovedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.FileSystemDock.FolderMoved"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.FileSystemDock"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.FileSystemDock.FolderMoved">
<para>Emitted when a folder is moved from <c>oldFolder</c> path to <c>newFolder</c> path.</para>
<member name="E:Godot.FileSystemDock.FolderColorChanged">
<para>Emitted when folders change color.</para>
<member name="E:Godot.FileSystemDock.DisplayModeChanged">
<para>Emitted when the user switches file display mode or split mode.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.FileSystemDock.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.FileSystemDock.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.FileSystemDock.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.FileSystemDock.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.FileSystemDock.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.FileSystemDock.MethodName.NavigateToPath">
Cached name for the 'navigate_to_path' method.
<member name="F:Godot.FileSystemDock.MethodName.AddResourceTooltipPlugin">
Cached name for the 'add_resource_tooltip_plugin' method.
<member name="F:Godot.FileSystemDock.MethodName.RemoveResourceTooltipPlugin">
Cached name for the 'remove_resource_tooltip_plugin' method.
<member name="T:Godot.FileSystemDock.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.FileSystemDock.SignalName.Inherit">
Cached name for the 'inherit' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.FileSystemDock.SignalName.Instantiate">
Cached name for the 'instantiate' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.FileSystemDock.SignalName.ResourceRemoved">
Cached name for the 'resource_removed' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.FileSystemDock.SignalName.FileRemoved">
Cached name for the 'file_removed' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.FileSystemDock.SignalName.FolderRemoved">
Cached name for the 'folder_removed' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.FileSystemDock.SignalName.FilesMoved">
Cached name for the 'files_moved' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.FileSystemDock.SignalName.FolderMoved">
Cached name for the 'folder_moved' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.FileSystemDock.SignalName.FolderColorChanged">
Cached name for the 'folder_color_changed' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.FileSystemDock.SignalName.DisplayModeChanged">
Cached name for the 'display_mode_changed' signal.
<member name="T:Godot.GDScriptSyntaxHighlighter">
<para><b>Note:</b> This class can only be used for editor plugins because it relies on editor settings.</para>
var codePreview = new TextEdit();
var highlighter = new GDScriptSyntaxHighlighter();
codePreview.SyntaxHighlighter = highlighter;
<member name="M:Godot.GDScriptSyntaxHighlighter.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.GDScriptSyntaxHighlighter.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.GDScriptSyntaxHighlighter.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.GDScriptSyntaxHighlighter.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.GDScriptSyntaxHighlighter.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.GDScriptSyntaxHighlighter.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.GridMapEditorPlugin">
<para>GridMapEditorPlugin provides access to the <see cref="T:Godot.GridMap"/> editor functionality.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.GridMapEditorPlugin.GetCurrentGridMap">
<para>Returns the <see cref="T:Godot.GridMap"/> node currently edited by the grid map editor.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.GridMapEditorPlugin.SetSelection(Godot.Vector3I,Godot.Vector3I)">
<para>Selects the cells inside the given bounds from <paramref name="begin"/> to <paramref name="end"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.GridMapEditorPlugin.ClearSelection">
<para>Deselects any currently selected cells.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.GridMapEditorPlugin.GetSelection">
<para>Returns the cell coordinate bounds of the current selection. Use <see cref="M:Godot.GridMapEditorPlugin.HasSelection"/> to check if there is an active selection.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.GridMapEditorPlugin.HasSelection">
<para>Returns <see langword="true"/> if there are selected cells.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.GridMapEditorPlugin.GetSelectedCells">
<para>Returns an array of <see cref="T:Godot.Vector3I"/>s with the selected cells' coordinates.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.GridMapEditorPlugin.SetSelectedPaletteItem(System.Int32)">
<para>Selects the <see cref="T:Godot.MeshLibrary"/> item with the given index in the grid map editor's palette. If a negative index is given, no item will be selected. If a value greater than the last index is given, the last item will be selected.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> The indices might not be in the same order as they appear in the editor's interface.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.GridMapEditorPlugin.GetSelectedPaletteItem">
<para>Returns the index of the selected <see cref="T:Godot.MeshLibrary"/> item in the grid map editor's palette or <c>-1</c> if no item is selected.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> The indices might not be in the same order as they appear in the editor's interface.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.GridMapEditorPlugin.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.GridMapEditorPlugin.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.GridMapEditorPlugin.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.GridMapEditorPlugin.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.GridMapEditorPlugin.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.GridMapEditorPlugin.MethodName.GetCurrentGridMap">
Cached name for the 'get_current_grid_map' method.
<member name="F:Godot.GridMapEditorPlugin.MethodName.SetSelection">
Cached name for the 'set_selection' method.
<member name="F:Godot.GridMapEditorPlugin.MethodName.ClearSelection">
Cached name for the 'clear_selection' method.
<member name="F:Godot.GridMapEditorPlugin.MethodName.GetSelection">
Cached name for the 'get_selection' method.
<member name="F:Godot.GridMapEditorPlugin.MethodName.HasSelection">
Cached name for the 'has_selection' method.
<member name="F:Godot.GridMapEditorPlugin.MethodName.GetSelectedCells">
Cached name for the 'get_selected_cells' method.
<member name="F:Godot.GridMapEditorPlugin.MethodName.SetSelectedPaletteItem">
Cached name for the 'set_selected_palette_item' method.
<member name="F:Godot.GridMapEditorPlugin.MethodName.GetSelectedPaletteItem">
Cached name for the 'get_selected_palette_item' method.
<member name="T:Godot.GridMapEditorPlugin.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterBMFont">
<para>The BMFont format is a format created by the <a href="https://www.angelcode.com/products/bmfont/">BMFont</a> program. Many BMFont-compatible programs also exist, like <a href="https://www.bmglyph.com/">BMGlyph</a>.</para>
<para>Compared to <see cref="T:Godot.ResourceImporterImageFont"/>, <see cref="T:Godot.ResourceImporterBMFont"/> supports bitmap fonts with varying glyph widths/heights.</para>
<para>See also <see cref="T:Godot.ResourceImporterDynamicFont"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterBMFont.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterBMFont.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterBMFont.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterBMFont.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterBMFont.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterBMFont.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterBitMap">
<para><see cref="T:Godot.Bitmap"/> resources are typically used as click masks in <see cref="T:Godot.TextureButton"/> and <see cref="T:Godot.TouchScreenButton"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterBitMap.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterBitMap.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterBitMap.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterBitMap.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterBitMap.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterBitMap.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterCsvTranslation">
<para>Comma-separated values are a plain text table storage format. The format's simplicity makes it easy to edit in any text editor or spreadsheet software. This makes it a common choice for game localization.</para>
<para><b>Example CSV file:</b></para>
GREET,"Hello, friend!","Hola, amigo!",こんにちは
ASK,How are you?,Cómo está?,元気ですか
QUOTE,"""Hello"" said the man.","""Hola"" dijo el hombre.",「こんにちは」男は言いました
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterCsvTranslation.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterCsvTranslation.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterCsvTranslation.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterCsvTranslation.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterCsvTranslation.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterCsvTranslation.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterDynamicFont">
<para>Unlike bitmap fonts, dynamic fonts can be resized to any size and still look crisp. Dynamic fonts also optionally support MSDF font rendering, which allows for run-time scale changes with no re-rasterization cost.</para>
<para>While WOFF and especially WOFF2 tend to result in smaller file sizes, there is no universally "better" font format. In most situations, it's recommended to use the font format that was shipped on the font developer's website.</para>
<para>See also <see cref="T:Godot.ResourceImporterBMFont"/> and <see cref="T:Godot.ResourceImporterImageFont"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterDynamicFont.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterDynamicFont.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterDynamicFont.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterDynamicFont.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterDynamicFont.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterDynamicFont.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterImage">
<para>This importer imports <see cref="T:Godot.Image"/> resources, as opposed to <see cref="T:Godot.CompressedTexture2D"/>. If you need to render the image in 2D or 3D, use <see cref="T:Godot.ResourceImporterTexture"/> instead.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterImage.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterImage.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterImage.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterImage.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterImage.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterImage.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterImageFont">
<para>This image-based workflow can be easier to use than <see cref="T:Godot.ResourceImporterBMFont"/>, but it requires all glyphs to have the same width and height, glyph advances and drawing offsets can be customized. This makes <see cref="T:Godot.ResourceImporterImageFont"/> most suited to fixed-width fonts.</para>
<para>See also <see cref="T:Godot.ResourceImporterDynamicFont"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterImageFont.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterImageFont.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterImageFont.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterImageFont.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterImageFont.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterImageFont.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterLayeredTexture">
<para>This imports a 3-dimensional texture, which can then be used in custom shaders, as a <see cref="T:Godot.FogMaterial"/> density map or as a <see cref="T:Godot.GpuParticlesAttractorVectorField3D"/>. See also <see cref="T:Godot.ResourceImporterTexture"/> and <see cref="T:Godot.ResourceImporterTextureAtlas"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterLayeredTexture.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterLayeredTexture.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterLayeredTexture.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterLayeredTexture.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterLayeredTexture.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterLayeredTexture.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterMP3">
<para>MP3 is a lossy audio format, with worse audio quality compared to <see cref="T:Godot.ResourceImporterOggVorbis"/> at a given bitrate.</para>
<para>In most cases, it's recommended to use Ogg Vorbis over MP3. However, if you're using an MP3 sound source with no higher quality source available, then it's recommended to use the MP3 file directly to avoid double lossy compression.</para>
<para>MP3 requires more CPU to decode than <see cref="T:Godot.ResourceImporterWav"/>. If you need to play a lot of simultaneous sounds, it's recommended to use WAV for those sounds instead, especially if targeting low-end devices.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterMP3.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterMP3.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterMP3.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterMP3.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterMP3.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterMP3.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterObj">
<para>Unlike <see cref="T:Godot.ResourceImporterScene"/>, <see cref="T:Godot.ResourceImporterObj"/> will import a single <see cref="T:Godot.Mesh"/> resource by default instead of importing a <see cref="T:Godot.PackedScene"/>. This makes it easier to use the <see cref="T:Godot.Mesh"/> resource in nodes that expect direct <see cref="T:Godot.Mesh"/> resources, such as <see cref="T:Godot.GridMap"/>, <see cref="T:Godot.GpuParticles3D"/> or <see cref="T:Godot.CpuParticles3D"/>. Note that it is still possible to save mesh resources from 3D scenes using the <b>Advanced Import Settings</b> dialog, regardless of the source format.</para>
<para>See also <see cref="T:Godot.ResourceImporterScene"/>, which is used for more advanced 3D formats such as glTF.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterObj.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterObj.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterObj.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterObj.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterObj.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterObj.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterOggVorbis">
<para>Ogg Vorbis is a lossy audio format, with better audio quality compared to <see cref="T:Godot.ResourceImporterMP3"/> at a given bitrate.</para>
<para>In most cases, it's recommended to use Ogg Vorbis over MP3. However, if you're using an MP3 sound source with no higher quality source available, then it's recommended to use the MP3 file directly to avoid double lossy compression.</para>
<para>Ogg Vorbis requires more CPU to decode than <see cref="T:Godot.ResourceImporterWav"/>. If you need to play a lot of simultaneous sounds, it's recommended to use WAV for those sounds instead, especially if targeting low-end devices.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterOggVorbis.LoadFromBuffer(System.Byte[])">
<para>This method loads audio data from a PackedByteArray buffer into an AudioStreamOggVorbis object.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterOggVorbis.LoadFromBuffer(System.ReadOnlySpan{System.Byte})">
<para>This method loads audio data from a PackedByteArray buffer into an AudioStreamOggVorbis object.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterOggVorbis.LoadFromFile(System.String)">
<para>This method loads audio data from a file into an AudioStreamOggVorbis object. The file path is provided as a string.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterOggVorbis.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterOggVorbis.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterOggVorbis.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterOggVorbis.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterOggVorbis.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.ResourceImporterOggVorbis.MethodName.LoadFromBuffer">
Cached name for the 'load_from_buffer' method.
<member name="F:Godot.ResourceImporterOggVorbis.MethodName.LoadFromFile">
Cached name for the 'load_from_file' method.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterOggVorbis.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterScene">
<para>See also <see cref="T:Godot.ResourceImporterObj"/>, which is used for OBJ models that can be imported as an independent <see cref="T:Godot.Mesh"/> or a scene.</para>
<para>Additional options (such as extracting individual meshes or materials to files) are available in the <b>Advanced Import Settings</b> dialog. This dialog can be accessed by double-clicking a 3D scene in the FileSystem dock or by selecting a 3D scene in the FileSystem dock, going to the Import dock and choosing <b>Advanced</b>.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> <see cref="T:Godot.ResourceImporterScene"/> is <i>not</i> used for <see cref="T:Godot.PackedScene"/>s, such as <c>.tscn</c> and <c>.scn</c> files.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterScene.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterScene.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterScene.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterScene.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterScene.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterScene.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterShaderFile">
<para>This imports native GLSL shaders as <see cref="T:Godot.RDShaderFile"/> resources, for use with low-level <see cref="T:Godot.RenderingDevice"/> operations. This importer does <i>not</i> handle <c>.gdshader</c> files.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterShaderFile.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterShaderFile.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterShaderFile.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterShaderFile.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterShaderFile.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterShaderFile.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterTexture">
<para>This importer imports <see cref="T:Godot.CompressedTexture2D"/> resources. If you need to process the image in scripts in a more convenient way, use <see cref="T:Godot.ResourceImporterImage"/> instead. See also <see cref="T:Godot.ResourceImporterLayeredTexture"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterTexture.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterTexture.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterTexture.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterTexture.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterTexture.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterTexture.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterTextureAtlas">
<para>This imports a collection of textures from a PNG image into an <see cref="T:Godot.AtlasTexture"/> or 2D <see cref="T:Godot.ArrayMesh"/>. This can be used to save memory when importing 2D animations from spritesheets. Texture atlases are only supported in 2D rendering, not 3D. See also <see cref="T:Godot.ResourceImporterTexture"/> and <see cref="T:Godot.ResourceImporterLayeredTexture"/>.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> <see cref="T:Godot.ResourceImporterTextureAtlas"/> does not handle importing <see cref="T:Godot.TileSetAtlasSource"/>, which is created using the <see cref="T:Godot.TileSet"/> editor instead.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterTextureAtlas.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterTextureAtlas.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterTextureAtlas.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterTextureAtlas.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterTextureAtlas.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterTextureAtlas.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterWav">
<para>WAV is an uncompressed format, which can provide higher quality compared to Ogg Vorbis and MP3. It also has the lowest CPU cost to decode. This means high numbers of WAV sounds can be played at the same time, even on low-end devices.</para>
<para>By default, Godot imports WAV files using the lossy Quite OK Audio compression. You may change this by setting the <c>compress/mode</c> property.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterWav.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterWav.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ResourceImporterWav.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterWav.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterWav.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ResourceImporterWav.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ScriptCreateDialog">
<para>The <see cref="T:Godot.ScriptCreateDialog"/> creates script files according to a given template for a given scripting language. The standard use is to configure its fields prior to calling one of the <see cref="M:Godot.Window.Popup(System.Nullable{Godot.Rect2I})"/> methods.</para>
public override void _Ready()
var dialog = new ScriptCreateDialog();
dialog.Config("Node", "res://NewNode.cs"); // For in-engine types.
dialog.Config("\"res://BaseNode.cs\"", "res://DerivedNode.cs"); // For script types.
<member name="M:Godot.ScriptCreateDialog.Config(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
<para>Prefills required fields to configure the ScriptCreateDialog for use.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.ScriptCreateDialog.ScriptCreatedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.ScriptCreateDialog.ScriptCreated"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.ScriptCreateDialog"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.ScriptCreateDialog.ScriptCreated">
<para>Emitted when the user clicks the OK button.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.ScriptCreateDialog.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ScriptCreateDialog.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ScriptCreateDialog.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.ScriptCreateDialog.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ScriptCreateDialog.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.ScriptCreateDialog.MethodName.Config">
Cached name for the 'config' method.
<member name="T:Godot.ScriptCreateDialog.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.ScriptCreateDialog.SignalName.ScriptCreated">
Cached name for the 'script_created' signal.
<member name="T:Godot.ScriptEditor">
<para>Godot editor's script editor.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> This class shouldn't be instantiated directly. Instead, access the singleton using <see cref="M:Godot.EditorInterface.GetScriptEditor"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.ScriptEditor.GetCurrentEditor">
<para>Returns the <see cref="T:Godot.ScriptEditorBase"/> object that the user is currently editing.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.ScriptEditor.GetOpenScriptEditors">
<para>Returns an array with all <see cref="T:Godot.ScriptEditorBase"/> objects which are currently open in editor.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.ScriptEditor.GetBreakpoints">
<para>Returns array of breakpoints.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.ScriptEditor.RegisterSyntaxHighlighter(Godot.EditorSyntaxHighlighter)">
<para>Registers the <see cref="T:Godot.EditorSyntaxHighlighter"/> to the editor, the <see cref="T:Godot.EditorSyntaxHighlighter"/> will be available on all open scripts.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> Does not apply to scripts that are already opened.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.ScriptEditor.UnregisterSyntaxHighlighter(Godot.EditorSyntaxHighlighter)">
<para>Unregisters the <see cref="T:Godot.EditorSyntaxHighlighter"/> from the editor.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> The <see cref="T:Godot.EditorSyntaxHighlighter"/> will still be applied to scripts that are already opened.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.ScriptEditor.GotoLine(System.Int32)">
<para>Goes to the specified line in the current script.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.ScriptEditor.GetCurrentScript">
<para>Returns a <see cref="T:Godot.Script"/> that is currently active in editor.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.ScriptEditor.GetOpenScripts">
<para>Returns an array with all <see cref="T:Godot.Script"/> objects which are currently open in editor.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.ScriptEditor.OpenScriptCreateDialog(System.String,System.String)">
<para>Opens the script create dialog. The script will extend <paramref name="baseName"/>. The file extension can be omitted from <paramref name="basePath"/>. It will be added based on the selected scripting language.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.ScriptEditor.GotoHelp(System.String)">
<para>Opens help for the given topic. The <paramref name="topic"/> is an encoded string that controls which class, method, constant, signal, annotation, property, or theme item should be focused.</para>
<para>The supported <paramref name="topic"/> formats include <c>class_name:class</c>, <c>class_method:class:method</c>, <c>class_constant:class:constant</c>, <c>class_signal:class:signal</c>, <c>class_annotation:class:@annotation</c>, <c>class_property:class:property</c>, and <c>class_theme_item:class:item</c>, where <c>class</c> is the class name, <c>method</c> is the method name, <c>constant</c> is the constant name, <c>signal</c> is the signal name, <c>annotation</c> is the annotation name, <c>property</c> is the property name, and <c>item</c> is the theme item.</para>
# Shows help for the Node class.
# Shows help for the global min function.
# Global objects are accessible in the `@GlobalScope` namespace, shown here.
# Shows help for get_viewport in the Node class.
# Shows help for the Input constant MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE.
# Shows help for the BaseButton signal pressed.
# Shows help for the CanvasItem property visible.
# Shows help for the GDScript annotation export.
# Annotations should be prefixed with the `@` symbol in the descriptor, as shown here.
# Shows help for the GraphNode theme item named panel_selected.
<member name="M:Godot.ScriptEditor.UpdateDocsFromScript(Godot.Script)">
<para>Updates the documentation for the given <paramref name="script"/> if the script's documentation is currently open.</para>
<para><b>Note:</b> This should be called whenever the script is changed to keep the open documentation state up to date.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.ScriptEditor.EditorScriptChangedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.ScriptEditor.EditorScriptChanged"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.ScriptEditor"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.ScriptEditor.EditorScriptChanged">
<para>Emitted when user changed active script. Argument is a freshly activated <see cref="T:Godot.Script"/>.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.ScriptEditor.ScriptCloseEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.ScriptEditor.ScriptClose"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.ScriptEditor"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.ScriptEditor.ScriptClose">
<para>Emitted when editor is about to close the active script. Argument is a <see cref="T:Godot.Script"/> that is going to be closed.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.ScriptEditor.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ScriptEditor.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ScriptEditor.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.ScriptEditor.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ScriptEditor.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.ScriptEditor.MethodName.GetCurrentEditor">
Cached name for the 'get_current_editor' method.
<member name="F:Godot.ScriptEditor.MethodName.GetOpenScriptEditors">
Cached name for the 'get_open_script_editors' method.
<member name="F:Godot.ScriptEditor.MethodName.GetBreakpoints">
Cached name for the 'get_breakpoints' method.
<member name="F:Godot.ScriptEditor.MethodName.RegisterSyntaxHighlighter">
Cached name for the 'register_syntax_highlighter' method.
<member name="F:Godot.ScriptEditor.MethodName.UnregisterSyntaxHighlighter">
Cached name for the 'unregister_syntax_highlighter' method.
<member name="F:Godot.ScriptEditor.MethodName.GotoLine">
Cached name for the 'goto_line' method.
<member name="F:Godot.ScriptEditor.MethodName.GetCurrentScript">
Cached name for the 'get_current_script' method.
<member name="F:Godot.ScriptEditor.MethodName.GetOpenScripts">
Cached name for the 'get_open_scripts' method.
<member name="F:Godot.ScriptEditor.MethodName.OpenScriptCreateDialog">
Cached name for the 'open_script_create_dialog' method.
<member name="F:Godot.ScriptEditor.MethodName.GotoHelp">
Cached name for the 'goto_help' method.
<member name="F:Godot.ScriptEditor.MethodName.UpdateDocsFromScript">
Cached name for the 'update_docs_from_script' method.
<member name="T:Godot.ScriptEditor.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.ScriptEditor.SignalName.EditorScriptChanged">
Cached name for the 'editor_script_changed' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.ScriptEditor.SignalName.ScriptClose">
Cached name for the 'script_close' signal.
<member name="T:Godot.ScriptEditorBase">
<para>Base editor for editing scripts in the <see cref="T:Godot.ScriptEditor"/>. This does not include documentation items.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.GetBaseEditor">
<para>Returns the underlying <see cref="T:Godot.Control"/> used for editing scripts. For text scripts, this is a <see cref="T:Godot.CodeEdit"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.AddSyntaxHighlighter(Godot.EditorSyntaxHighlighter)">
<para>Adds a <see cref="T:Godot.EditorSyntaxHighlighter"/> to the open script.</para>
<member name="E:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.NameChanged">
<para>Emitted after script validation or when the edited resource has changed.</para>
<member name="E:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.EditedScriptChanged">
<para>Emitted after script validation.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.RequestHelpEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.RequestHelp"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.ScriptEditorBase"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.RequestHelp">
<para>Emitted when the user requests contextual help.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.RequestOpenScriptAtLineEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.RequestOpenScriptAtLine"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.ScriptEditorBase"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.RequestOpenScriptAtLine">
<para>Emitted when the user requests to view a specific line of a script, similar to <see cref="E:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.GoToMethod"/>.</para>
<member name="E:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.RequestSaveHistory">
<para>Emitted when the user contextual goto and the item is in the same script.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.RequestSavePreviousStateEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.RequestSavePreviousState"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.ScriptEditorBase"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.RequestSavePreviousState">
<para>Emitted when the user changes current script or moves caret by 10 or more columns within the same script.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.GoToHelpEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.GoToHelp"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.ScriptEditorBase"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.GoToHelp">
<para>Emitted when the user requests a specific documentation page.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.SearchInFilesRequestedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.SearchInFilesRequested"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.ScriptEditorBase"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.SearchInFilesRequested">
<para>Emitted when the user request to search text in the file system.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.ReplaceInFilesRequestedEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.ReplaceInFilesRequested"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.ScriptEditorBase"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.ReplaceInFilesRequested">
<para>Emitted when the user request to find and replace text in the file system.</para>
<member name="T:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.GoToMethodEventHandler">
Represents the method that handles the <see cref="E:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.GoToMethod"/> event of a <see cref="T:Godot.ScriptEditorBase"/> class.
<member name="E:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.GoToMethod">
<para>Emitted when the user requests to view a specific method of a script, similar to <see cref="E:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.RequestOpenScriptAtLine"/>.</para>
<member name="M:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.InvokeGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@,Godot.NativeInterop.NativeVariantPtrArgs,Godot.NativeInterop.godot_variant@)">
Invokes the method with the given name, using the given arguments.
This method is used by Godot to invoke methods from the engine side.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to invoke.</param>
<param name="args">Arguments to use with the invoked method.</param>
<param name="ret">Value returned by the invoked method.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.HasGodotClassMethod(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a method with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a method exists before invoking it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="method">Name of the method to check for.</param>
<member name="M:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.HasGodotClassSignal(Godot.NativeInterop.godot_string_name@)">
Check if the type contains a signal with the given name.
This method is used by Godot to check if a signal exists before raising it.
Do not call or override this method.
<param name="signal">Name of the signal to check for.</param>
<member name="T:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.PropertyName">
Cached StringNames for the properties and fields contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="T:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.MethodName">
Cached StringNames for the methods contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.MethodName.GetBaseEditor">
Cached name for the 'get_base_editor' method.
<member name="F:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.MethodName.AddSyntaxHighlighter">
Cached name for the 'add_syntax_highlighter' method.
<member name="T:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.SignalName">
Cached StringNames for the signals contained in this class, for fast lookup.
<member name="F:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.SignalName.NameChanged">
Cached name for the 'name_changed' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.SignalName.EditedScriptChanged">
Cached name for the 'edited_script_changed' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.SignalName.RequestHelp">
Cached name for the 'request_help' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.SignalName.RequestOpenScriptAtLine">
Cached name for the 'request_open_script_at_line' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.SignalName.RequestSaveHistory">
Cached name for the 'request_save_history' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.SignalName.RequestSavePreviousState">
Cached name for the 'request_save_previous_state' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.SignalName.GoToHelp">
Cached name for the 'go_to_help' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.SignalName.SearchInFilesRequested">
Cached name for the 'search_in_files_requested' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.SignalName.ReplaceInFilesRequested">
Cached name for the 'replace_in_files_requested' signal.
<member name="F:Godot.ScriptEditorBase.SignalName.GoToMethod">
Cached name for the 'go_to_method' signal.