#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function" #include #include #include #include #include #define BUF_SIZE 50 void truncate_spaces_leading(char *str); void truncate_spaces_trailing(char *str); void read_line(char x); void cache_info(char *cache_path, char **cpu_name, char **gpu); static int count_files(DIR *package_dir); static char *get_sys(char *ascii, char *sys, char *os_name); static char *get_kernel(char *kern_name); static char *get_uptime(char *uptime); static char *get_RAM(char *ram_info); static char *get_cpu(char *cpuname); static char *get_gpu(char *gpu); static char *get_packages(char *package_count, char sys); void concatenate_and_print(char ascii, char sys, char *os, char *cpu_name, char *gpu); int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ char sys, ascii, *os_name = NULL, *cpu_name = NULL, *gpu = NULL, *os = malloc(BUF_SIZE), *cache_path = malloc(BUF_SIZE * 2); cache_info(cache_path, &cpu_name, &gpu); os = get_sys(&ascii, &sys, os_name); if ( argv[1] != NULL ){ switch ( *(argv[1] + 1) ){ case 'a': case 'x': case 'r': case 'u': case 'd': case 'm': case 'o': case 'v': ascii = *(argv[1] + 1) ; break; default: printf("\n\nArgument not supported\n\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } //This one is in logos.h concatenate_and_print(ascii, sys, os, cpu_name, gpu); free(os_name); free(cpu_name); free(gpu); free(cache_path); return 0; } void read_line(char x){ int c; while (( c = getchar()) != x && c != EOF) { } } // taken from https://github.com/ss7m/paleofetch void truncate_spaces_leading(char *str){ int src = 0, dst = 0; while(*(str + dst) == ' ') dst++; while(*(str + dst) != '\0') { *(str + src) = *(str + dst); if(*(str + (dst++)) == ' ') while(*(str + dst) == ' ') dst++; src++; } *(str + src) = '\0'; } void truncate_spaces_trailing(char *str){ int index, i = -1; i = 0; while(str[i] != '\0'){ if(str[i] != ' ' && str[i] != '\t' && str[i] != '\n'){ index= i; } i++; } str[index + 1] = '\0'; } void cache_info(char *cache_path, char **cpu_name, char **gpu){ snprintf(cache_path, BUF_SIZE * 2, "%s/.local/share/fetchy.cache", getenv("HOME")); FILE *FCache = NULL; if( (FCache = fopen(cache_path, "r")) ){ *cpu_name = malloc(BUF_SIZE * 4); *gpu = malloc(BUF_SIZE * 4); char *line = malloc(BUF_SIZE * 4); fgets(line, BUF_SIZE * 4, FCache); snprintf(*cpu_name, BUF_SIZE * 4, "\x1b[36mCPU\x1b[0m -> %s", strchr(line, ':') +2); truncate_spaces_trailing(*cpu_name); fgets(line, BUF_SIZE * 4, FCache); snprintf(*gpu, BUF_SIZE * 4, "\x1b[36mGPU\x1b[0m -> %s", strchr(line, ':') +2); truncate_spaces_trailing(*gpu); fclose(FCache); free(line); } else { FCache = fopen(cache_path, "w"); if( FCache == NULL ){ printf("\nCan't open cache file.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } fprintf(FCache, "CPU : %s\n", get_cpu(*cpu_name)); fprintf(FCache, "GPU : %s\n", get_gpu(*gpu)); fclose(FCache); printf("\n\aFILE CACHING DONE!! \n\nValues returned : \nCPU -> %s\nGPU -> %s\n\n Caching occurs only once, every subsequent execution will run program normally. Enjoy!\n\n", get_cpu(*cpu_name), get_gpu(*gpu)); free(*cpu_name); free(*gpu); exit(0); } } static int count_files(DIR *package_dir){ struct dirent * entry; int file_count = 0; while ((entry = readdir(package_dir)) != NULL) { if (entry->d_type == DT_DIR) { file_count++; } } closedir(package_dir); return file_count; } static char *get_sys(char *ascii, char *sys, char *os_name){ os_name = malloc(BUF_SIZE); char *name = malloc(BUF_SIZE); FILE *sysName = fopen("/etc/issue", "rt"); if( sysName == NULL ){ printf("\nCan't get os name\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } fscanf(sysName, "%s ", name); fclose(sysName); truncate_spaces_leading(name); if ( !strcmp( name, "Artix") ) { *sys = 'x'; *ascii = 'x'; } if ( !strcmp( name, "Arch") ) { *sys = 'a'; *ascii = 'a'; } if ( !strcmp( name, "Manjaro") ) { *sys = 'm'; *ascii = 'm'; } if ( !strcmp( name, "ArcoLinux") ) { *sys = 'r'; *ascii = 'r'; } if ( !strcmp( name, "Debian")) { *sys = 'd'; *ascii = 'd'; } if ( !strcmp( name, "Ubuntu")) { *sys = 'u'; *ascii = 'u'; } if( *sys == 'r' ) snprintf(os_name, BUF_SIZE, "\x1b[36mOS\x1b[0m -> %s", name); else snprintf(os_name, BUF_SIZE, "\x1b[36mOS\x1b[0m -> %s Linux", name); free(name); return os_name; } static char *get_cpu(char *cpu_name){ char *line = malloc(BUF_SIZE * 4); cpu_name = malloc(BUF_SIZE * 4); FILE *cpu = fopen("/proc/cpuinfo", "rt"); if( cpu == NULL ){ printf("\nCan't get cpu info\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) fgets(line, BUF_SIZE * 4, cpu); snprintf(cpu_name, BUF_SIZE * 4, "%s", strchr(line, ':') +2); truncate_spaces_trailing(cpu_name); fclose(cpu); free(line); return cpu_name; } static char *get_gpu(char *gpu){ gpu = malloc(BUF_SIZE * 3); FILE *gpuName = popen("lspci -v | grep VGA -m 1 | awk -F'[' '{ print $2 }' | awk -F']' '{ print $1 }' ", "r"); fscanf(gpuName, "%[^\n]%s", gpu); truncate_spaces_leading(gpu); truncate_spaces_trailing(gpu); fclose(gpuName); if(strstr(gpu, "VGA")) strcpy(gpu, "CPU's integrated graphics"); return gpu; } static char *get_kernel(char *kern_name){ kern_name = malloc(BUF_SIZE); char *kernel = malloc(BUF_SIZE); FILE *kInfo = fopen("/proc/version", "rt"); if( kInfo == NULL ){ printf("\nCan't get kernel info\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } fscanf(kInfo, "Linux version %s ", kernel); fclose(kInfo); truncate_spaces_leading(kernel); snprintf(kern_name, BUF_SIZE + 5, "\x1b[36mKERN\x1b[0m -> Linux %s", kernel); free(kernel); return kern_name; } static char *get_uptime(char *uptime){ int sec, hr, min; FILE *FUp = fopen("/proc/uptime", "rt"); uptime = malloc(BUF_SIZE); if( FUp == NULL ){ printf("\nCan't get uptime info\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } fscanf(FUp, "%d", &sec); fclose(FUp); hr = (sec/60/60%24); min = (sec/60%60); snprintf(uptime, BUF_SIZE, "\x1b[36mUPT\x1b[0m -> %dh, %dmin", hr, min); return uptime; } static char *get_packages(char *package_count, char sys){ int pkg_count = 0; package_count = malloc(BUF_SIZE); switch (sys){ case 'r': case 'x': case 'a': case 'm': pkg_count = count_files(opendir("/var/lib/pacman/local")); break; case 'd': case 'u': pkg_count = count_files(opendir("/usr/bin")) + count_files(opendir("/sbin")); break; default: printf("\n\n\aUnable to find package list\n\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } snprintf(package_count, BUF_SIZE, "\x1b[36mPKGS\x1b[0m -> %d", pkg_count); return package_count; } static char *get_RAM(char *ram_info){ int bar_percent; float total, free_mem, used, real_percent; ram_info = malloc(BUF_SIZE * 3); char *line = malloc(BUF_SIZE * 3), bar[] = "[----------]"; FILE *RAM = fopen("/proc/meminfo", "rt"); fgets(line, BUF_SIZE * 3, RAM); truncate_spaces_leading(line); sscanf(line, " MemTotal: %f", &total); fgets(line, BUF_SIZE * 3, RAM); fgets(line, BUF_SIZE * 3, RAM); truncate_spaces_leading(line); sscanf(line, " MemAvailable: %f", &free_mem); fclose(RAM); used = total - free_mem; real_percent = (used / total) * 100; bar_percent = (real_percent / 10 + 0.35); for( int i = 1; i <= bar_percent; i++){ bar[i] = '*'; } snprintf(ram_info, BUF_SIZE * 3, "\x1b[36mRAM\x1b[0m -> %.2f GB of %.2f GB, %s -> %.2f %%", used / 1000000, total / 1000000, bar, real_percent); free(line); return ram_info; } #include "logos.h"