
151 lines
4.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2023-07-29 15:00:35 +02:00
2024-02-06 00:47:31 +01:00
2024-06-16 16:52:09 +02:00
local miniclue = require('mini.clue')
triggers = {
-- Leader triggers
{ mode = 'n', keys = '<Leader>' },
{ mode = 'x', keys = '<Leader>' },
-- Built-in completion
{ mode = 'i', keys = '<C-x>' },
-- `g` key
{ mode = 'n', keys = 'g' },
{ mode = 'x', keys = 'g' },
-- Marks
{ mode = 'n', keys = "'" },
{ mode = 'n', keys = '`' },
{ mode = 'x', keys = "'" },
{ mode = 'x', keys = '`' },
-- Registers
{ mode = 'n', keys = '"' },
{ mode = 'x', keys = '"' },
{ mode = 'i', keys = '<C-r>' },
{ mode = 'c', keys = '<C-r>' },
-- Window commands
{ mode = 'n', keys = '<C-w>' },
-- `z` key
{ mode = 'n', keys = 'z' },
{ mode = 'x', keys = 'z' },
clues = {
-- Enhance this by adding descriptions for <Leader> mapping groups
-- Array of opt-in triggers which start custom key query process.
-- **Needs to have something in order to show clues**.
-- Clue window settings
window = {
-- Floating window config
config = {},
-- Delay before showing clue window
delay = 200,
-- Keys to scroll inside the clue window
scroll_down = '<C-d>',
scroll_up = '<C-u>',
2024-02-06 00:47:31 +01:00
-- Add custom surroundings to be used on top of builtin ones. For more
-- information with examples, see `:h MiniSurround.config`.
custom_surroundings = nil,
-- Duration (in ms) of highlight when calling `MiniSurround.highlight()`
highlight_duration = 500,
-- Module mappings. Use `''` (empty string) to disable one.
mappings = {
add = 'sa', -- Add surrounding in Normal and Visual modes
delete = 'sd', -- Delete surrounding
find = 'sf', -- Find surrounding (to the right)
find_left = 'sF', -- Find surrounding (to the left)
highlight = 'sh', -- Highlight surrounding
replace = 'sr', -- Replace surrounding
update_n_lines = 'sn', -- Update `n_lines`
suffix_last = 'l', -- Suffix to search with "prev" method
suffix_next = 'n', -- Suffix to search with "next" method
-- Number of lines within which surrounding is searched
n_lines = 20,
-- Whether to respect selection type:
-- - Place surroundings on separate lines in linewise mode.
-- - Place surroundings on each line in blockwise mode.
respect_selection_type = false,
-- How to search for surrounding (first inside current line, then inside
-- neighborhood). One of 'cover', 'cover_or_next', 'cover_or_prev',
-- 'cover_or_nearest', 'next', 'prev', 'nearest'. For more details,
-- see `:h MiniSurround.config`.
search_method = 'cover',
-- Whether to disable showing non-error feedback
silent = false,
-- Whether to open starter buffer on VimEnter. Not opened if Neovim was
-- started with intent to show something else.
autoopen = true,
-- Whether to evaluate action of single active item
evaluate_single = false,
-- Items to be displayed. Should be an array with the following elements:
-- - Item: table with <action>, <name>, and <section> keys.
-- - Function: should return one of these three categories.
-- - Array: elements of these three types (i.e. item, array, function).
-- If `nil` (default), default items will be used (see |mini.starter|).
items = nil,
-- Header to be displayed before items. Converted to single string via
-- `tostring` (use `\n` to display several lines). If function, it is
-- evaluated first. If `nil` (default), polite greeting will be used.
header = nil,
-- Footer to be displayed after items. Converted to single string via
-- `tostring` (use `\n` to display several lines). If function, it is
-- evaluated first. If `nil` (default), default usage help will be shown.
footer = nil,
-- Array of functions to be applied consecutively to initial content.
-- Each function should take and return content for 'Starter' buffer (see
-- |mini.starter| and |MiniStarter.content| for more details).
content_hooks = nil,
-- Characters to update query. Each character will have special buffer
-- mapping overriding your global ones. Be careful to not add `:` as it
-- allows you to go into command mode.
query_updaters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-.',
-- Whether to disable showing non-error feedback
silent = false,