66 lines
1.8 KiB
66 lines
1.8 KiB
(import-macros {: set!} :hibiscus.vim)
(set! number true) ; enable line number
(set! relativenumber true) ; enable relative line number
(set! undofile true) ; persistent undo
(set! backup false) ; disable backup
(set! autowrite true) ; auto write buffer when it's not focused
(set! ignorecase true) ; case insensitive on search..
(set! list true) ; display listchars
(set! smartindent true) ; smarter indentation
(set! splitright true) ; split right instead of left
(set! splitkeep "screen") ; stabilize split
(set! startofline false) ; don't go to the start of the line when moving to another file
(set! swapfile false) ; disable swapfile
(set! termguicolors true) ; true colours for better experience
(set! wrap false) ; don't wrap lines
(set! backupcopy "yes") ; fix weirdness for stuff that replaces the entire file when hot reloading
(set! smarttab false)
(set! tabstop 4)
(set! softtabstop 4)
(set! shiftwidth 4)
(set! compatible false) ; disable compatibility with old vi
(set! showmatch true) ; show matches while searching for text
(set! hlsearch true) ; highlight text that has been searched
(set! incsearch true) ; incramentally search
(set! shiftwidth 4)
(set! autoindent true)
(set! wildmode "longest,list")
(set! mouse "v")
(set! mouse "a")
(set! clipboard "unnamedplus") ; use system clipboard)
(set! ttyfast true)
(set! cursorline true)
(set! splitbelow true)
(set! autochdir true)
(set! signcolumn "yes:1")
(set! shell "/bin/zsh")
(set! splitright false)
; disable builtin plugins as they are not needed
(local disabled_built_ins [
(each [_ plugin (pairs disabled_built_ins)]
(tset vim.g (.. :loaded_ plugin) 1))