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Trtixy is a begginer friendy config for nevim, that aims to be powerfull while remaining minimal, compared to other nvim distributions.

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Notable plugins and features include :

  • onedark and nightfox colorschemes
  • zen-mode with twilight
  • new, modern ui by nui and noice
  • improved camelCase navigation wit w, b, e etc
  • harpoon for easier jumping between project files
  • pomodoro timer using nomodoro ; when pomodoro timer runs out, break starts with cellular-automation.nvim
  • git integration using gitsigns and neogit
  • debugger interface with nvim-dap-ui
  • hlchunk.nvim used for highlighting current scope
  • veil as a dashboard and startpage
  • chadtree for file tree view
  • lsp-zero as a language server setup, simply briliant