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<img src="pictures/trixy.png" />
# Trtixy is a begginer friendy distro of neovim, that aims to be powerfull while remaining minimal.
## Notable plugins and features include :
- `onedark` and `nightfox` colorschemes
- `zen-mode` with `twilight`
- new, modern ui by `nui` and `noice`
- improved camelCase navigation wit w, b, e etc
- `harpoon` for easier jumping between project files
- pomodoro timer using `nomodoro` ; when pomodoro timer runs out, break starts with `cellular-automation.nvim`
- git integration using `gitsigns` and `neogit`
- debugger interface with `nvim-dap-ui`
- `hlchunk.nvim` used for highlighting current scope
- `veil` as a dashboard and startpage
- `chadtree` for file tree view
- `lsp-zero` as a language server setup, simply briliant
# Installation
$ git clone ~/.config/nvim/
nvim +"Lazy sync"
It should pull Lazy.nvim itself, and also all of the plugins. Run :Mason to install your Language Servers of choice.
# Screenshots
### Dashboard with screensaver falling leaves
### Highlighting current scope
### File tree
### Language Server
### Zen mode, with twilight
### Git integration